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by photodyer
Wed Mar 11, 2015 6:44 pm
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 8831098

Anyone have thoughts on a viable, flash-in-the-pan shell that can run Drown in Sorrow, HDF, Anger, Archfiend of Depravity and enchantment hate? I know that I'm going to be seeing GW Devotion, red-based aggro and Naya Walkers...Jund would be interesting but the mana seems too ridiculous.

Much of this is SB material...the question is whether there is an RBx shell that can run BB and RR as needed.
I don't think you want to go all in on an anti-GW deck. You'll just lose to big creature and control strategies.
No, not at all...sorry if I came across that way in my brevity. I think Drown is in a great place right now, and I'd rather be playing it that getting hit by it. Archfiend was a sideboard consideration that I want to take along for the 2nd day of Standard play (whole separate Swiss, not consecutive), but it's not the key. Black and red removal while maintaining access to Erase/Glare is where I'm trying to go. But maybe I'm just trying to ice skate up a hill...
by photodyer
Wed Mar 11, 2015 6:39 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 8831098

Anyone have thoughts on a viable, flash-in-the-pan shell that can run Drown in Sorrow, HDF, Anger, Archfiend of Depravity and enchantment hate? I know that I'm going to be seeing GW Devotion, red-based aggro and Naya Walkers...Jund would be interesting but the mana seems too ridiculous.

Much of this is SB material...the question is whether there is an RBx shell that can run BB and RR as needed.
by photodyer
Mon Mar 09, 2015 6:49 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 8831098

I'm looking at Anger as well, but I think RRBBw is possibly the answer over RRWWb. Chained is going to lose even more ground now, as enchantment hate is now a mainboard imperative between Mastery, Outpost and Chained (not to mention Courser). I'm suggesting letting go of the current RW shell...again, I have no illusions of making a revelatory take on the meta, but I think this creature-centric push demands decisive removal and finishers. This would of course bring another meta shift in that blue-based control would come in and tempo us right out the door eventually, but it seems a natural way to attack the white/green dominant meta that's developed. Burn as a finishing plan falls through the floor if they are gaining life by the just seems like running up against a brick wall to stay with the same angle when the WGx decks are all now designed to shut it down efficiently and effectively.
by photodyer
Mon Mar 09, 2015 5:52 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 8831098

Val, I'm thinking more black-heavy, capable of playing Drown/BB/HDF/Crux. Again, I'm only theorizing here...that GW deck indeed looks scary as hell.
by photodyer
Mon Mar 09, 2015 5:00 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 8831098

I'm waaayyy out of the loop (and trying to slog back), but the GW deck seems like it would be susceptible to a controlling Mardu build--Thoughtseize to break their curve, spot/chain removal, then drop a dragon that they can't interact with G1. After board they still are left mostly with conditional options for dealing with Stormbreath...a steeper hill to be sure, but reasonable. White is still needed to deal with enchantments...Between Mastery and Outpost that's obvious. Regrettably the mana base to do it would likely be painful to support black-heavy cards...thoughts?
by photodyer
Sun Mar 08, 2015 2:30 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 8831098

Rick Grimes at GP Miami is all over my Facebook feed.
Yes he is!! Todd Anderson has evidently had an utter fanboy moment on Khaos...he's posted pics and evidently had Justin "Rick Grimes" Brad. All while going 6-2 thus far...
by photodyer
Wed Apr 30, 2014 5:19 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 8831098

Thanks for the well-wishes, everyone! It's been a "meh" day just because the day falls in the middle of my work week this year...not much other than work and sleep. However, my lady and her son did pop over this evening with cupcakes before I left the house, which was a nice surprise (engineered by my scheming daughter). All in all, I must say, this is the first time in a while that I really WANTED to celebrate being in this life. Windstrider and the wonderful group of friends that he brought into my life (my lady included) have given me a very new is still no cakewalk, but I now have aspects of it (beyond my kids) that are worth working for.

Cheers, my friends...
by photodyer
Tue Apr 29, 2014 7:12 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 8831098

Thanks guys! Regrettably I'm working and sleeping the day away for the most part, but I think my daughter is plotting something as I ran onto a cake mix box that I think she meant for me to not see...

Got some neat gifts from my friends, including a beer holster for my renfest/steampunk costumery from windstrider. My lady got me all sorts of neat stuff, including a beer mug engraved with LotV and a Utilikilt. Don't know that I have the legs for the kilt like strider does, but the ladies seem to have some ideas for upping my appreciation of the easy access lol.
by photodyer
Mon Apr 28, 2014 9:10 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 8831098

Went 3-0 then ID'd in the last round so we could both cash to 7 packs as I needed to get home to nap before work. Went white, got a decent pull to play it primary, then went black for my second as I had excellent synergy for a life gain/drain deck. I was really, really tempted to try to push into blue as I had some great flyers and spells (2x Cloaked Siren, Aerial Formation,Hubris, Pin to Earth, Crystalline Nautilus) but needs for black were too mana-intensive given all the ability cards and blue didn't go deep enough by itself. I could have used more solid removal for the controllish build (I had Feast of Dreams, Glare of Heresy and Revoke Existence), but the deck was good at
stopping up the board and letting me either get in with flyers or use abilities to kill over time. Nyx-Fleece Ram did serious work...when I got it out on T2, people would just groan. I also had [cards]Grim Guardian[/cards], Doomwake Giant, Rotted Hulk, and Lagonna-Band Trailblazer putting their big butts in the way of aggressive creatures, backed up by Aspect of the Gorgon, Hopeful Eidelon and a foil Eidolon of Countless Battles. 2x Supply-Line Cranes, Dawnbringer Charioteers, Sentry of the Underworld and Decorated Griffin provided evasion, while Underworld Coinsmith and Scholar of Athreos
actively widened the life gap that the Ram and Grim Guardian were passively providing. Akroan Mastiff and Gnarled Scarhide were strong as well...Scarhide played on the other guy's Colossus of Akros while the mastiff was keeping his Charioteer tapped down and a "Grimaced" Coinsmith and flyers ran him over turn after turn was comedy.

Of note, all of the top 8 or so had gone either white or black, though there were a variety of color mixes from there.

No great winnings...I got one of each scry land and Flamespeaker, but not much else. I didn't have time to look over my son's pull and he didn't mention anything in particular, so I'll see if he fared any better for Constructed value.
by photodyer
Tue Apr 22, 2014 11:03 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 8831098

Very true--MotF may not be viable in this Standard, but then, neither was DD in the Standard into which it was released. The card is not, however, inherently unplayable...the question will be whether there is a deck for it that mitigates the drawback. I'm actually more concerned with the fact that Master is an Enchantment Creature than with the drawback as Wx/Xw decks will be as likely to be equipped to deal with him as Bx/Xb decks. It will, again, depend on the meta.
by photodyer
Tue Apr 22, 2014 9:25 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 8831098

Wait, Master of the Feast is supposed to be good? I understand Bloodgift Demon, but what good is a fast clock when it gives your opponent more options?
Trying to label cards "good" or "bad" in a vacuum is on the whole pretty meaningless with the exception of extremes of such. Yes, the card gives your opponents an extra card on your turn which is a nasty drawback, but do you care if you have been stripping their hand and are getting a 5-power flyer out on T3 that they cannot deal with? Cards must be taken in context...if the right deck is playable, the card can be a house as their extra draws mean dick if they can't save them from getting their head kicked in. The meta--as always--is the deciding factor
on whether a card is playable.
by photodyer
Tue Apr 22, 2014 7:45 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 8831098

+1 that TBuzz...of course, I'd buy Waste Not for the art regardless, but it is going to be a fun card.

Happy Birthday, Red Leader!!
by photodyer
Tue Apr 22, 2014 6:04 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 8831098

Well, I now officially have a reason to get my ass in gear and up my lady and I are locked in for the Magic Cruise next March. We backed the kickstarter for Foretold: Rise of a God at the Divinity level to score a room on the cruise while helping out the game designers, so time to get my head firmly back in some Magic. The format since rotation has been rather "blah" to me...which is really strange because I generally love playing black-based control. But Journey looks to be shaking things up a bit, so it be time to get back in the groove.
I thought you were more of a
black-based aggro kind of guy.

Regardless, I have brews on both ends of the spectrum you may be interested in. :)
Ah...variety is the spice of life, Val. I do indeed like Bx aggro, but I like Bx mid and control as well as I don't favor playing blue permission. I was playing BW through most of the latter part of pre-Theros Standard once BR Aggro got locked out, and I flat-out loved it.

Black is looking really appealing right now from the perspective of hand-disruption...having Thoughtseize, Duress and Brain Maggot in the same Standard with undercosted flyers (DD, Master of the Feast), walls and lifegain in BW bears investigation. Given the spell-plucking creatures available as well, it seems like we should be able to construct a seriously rage-inducing deck.
by photodyer
Mon Apr 21, 2014 6:33 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 8831098

Well, I now officially have a reason to get my ass in gear and up my lady and I are locked in for the Magic Cruise next March. We backed the kickstarter for Foretold: Rise of a God at the Divinity level to score a room on the cruise while helping out the game designers, so time to get my head firmly back in some Magic. The format since rotation has been rather "blah" to me...which is really strange because I generally love playing black-based control. But Journey looks to be shaking things up a bit, so it be time to get back in the groove.
by photodyer
Fri Apr 18, 2014 6:35 pm
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 8831098

It seems the only appropriate strategy for Journey PR is "White, please"...The pool is 2-1-2 plus your seeded pack, so white seems the best bet for a primary. Black looks good as well, but it was weaker in the early block thus best to hope for as a strong secondary. All these enchantments and pumps mean that any color with the right cards can be strong synergistically, but white looks to range from good to insane.
by photodyer
Fri Apr 18, 2014 1:55 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 8831098

Reading Dresden. In the middle of book seven, Dead Beat, laughing my ass of again.
Just some dialogue
Thomas: "How bad is it?"
Dresden: "They drafted me."
Bob: "That's bad, all right."
Actual Spoiler
Dresden is a fucking Warden. WTF?

If you can believe it, Dechs, it only gets better.

Also, don't miss reading all the side stories that have come out in various anthologies...they are all character-driven and add depth to the characters involved. Most of them are collected in the published "Side Jobs", but there have been one or more extra since its publication IIRC.
by photodyer
Thu Apr 17, 2014 6:10 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 8831098

Happy to see the functional reprint of O Ring (though I'm sad over the fact that it means my altered full-art O Rings are languishing in a binder), but not happy about the fact that it gives Esper Control another ubiquitious tool. The modular Act of Treason is also pretty long, grindy board stalls that's going to be a devastating card.
by photodyer
Tue Apr 15, 2014 4:02 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 8831098

Yeah NBW...I know...Voice really is the perfect card to be playing in Pod. The deck is insane to begin with, and that card is just VALUE in its role there. I would love to get another 'Crats-style deck going, but I don't know if my heart will be in it without Falkenrath Aristocrat...I fell hard for that card, and played it in pretty much every deck I built while it was in Standard. Still, I love Cartel and very much want to break Atheros (though damn he's starting off as a money sink as well)...I really want a Necromancer-centric Humans build to be viable.
by photodyer
Tue Apr 15, 2014 3:03 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 8831098

FWIW, I haven't played Red Aggro in a tourney since December, and if I'm being honest with myself, that was a midrange deck(MDU's RW midrange deck that JS cashed Nagoya with), so it was actually more like October when I was on Pyro Red.

I think I'm either switching to AIR or some Athero's deck. I really want to Test the Junk Aristocrat deck since I THINK it does powerful things and now has a workable manabase.
Very much with you here, LK, but damn that's going to be an expensive deck...I never bothered picking up Voices as they've stayed high $ despite being absent Standard. That Atheros started at $25 and went up from there is just disgusting...ah well.
by photodyer
Wed Apr 09, 2014 6:46 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 8831098

Ajani is unplayable trash, I wouldn't worry about him.
I know he's not likely to end up in real decks, but that's not going to stop all the GW fanatics at my LGS from shoehorning him into an irritating GW Aggro deck after rotation. I'm not being particularly "deep thinking" at the's just a visceral reaction echoing my hatred of GW Aggro as an archetype.
by photodyer
Wed Apr 09, 2014 6:30 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 8831098

i can't wait to skullcrack in response to Ajani ult and watch my opponent commit suicide
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

by photodyer
Wed Apr 09, 2014 5:32 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 8831098

And Ajani...fuck GW. They are going to be one annoying PITA after rotation if this trend continues. Gain 100 life...seriously? Just give me my Dreadbores and let me build a decent Rakdos deck, please.
by photodyer
Wed Apr 09, 2014 5:29 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 8831098

no equipment is going to compare favorably with them.
[card]umezawa's jitte[/card] and batterskull say "what's up".
Dammit, DS...I meant no NEW equipment, since supposedly the days of absurd colorless equipment are "over". :p Of course there are other OP weapons in our past, but comments from Wizards during Innistrad suggested that we're not likely to see anying on that level from here on.

Unless of course some
genius decides to go back to Mirrodin, in which case you can bet on them trying to go over-the-top of the last debacle.
by photodyer
Wed Apr 09, 2014 4:03 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 8831098

Elements swords were utterly busted, off-the-curve equipment is going to compare favorably with them.

That being said, Godsend--while very pretty--is not likely worth the trouble. Its casting cost ties it strongly to white, it has no protection/evasion, and it is totally chumped by any token generator.
by photodyer
Tue Apr 08, 2014 11:48 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 8831098

Reckoner is such a fun Johnny card...I'm gonna miss it when it rotates. One could possibly build a red midrange deck to shoot the combo, but keeping Reckoner alive and on the board long enough to set it up--eh. Still, Dictate of the Twin Gods is going to be fun in direct-damage decks, if not Standard, then casual for sure. Cast Dictate EOT, untap, then pop Shrine of Burning Rage? Too, too funny.
by photodyer
Tue Apr 08, 2014 7:33 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 8831098

And man, the art is epic on both of those cards. Godsend though...dear gods what an epic Voltron card. Put that on Brimaz and watch the fun, especially with Iroas on the field.
by photodyer
Tue Apr 08, 2014 6:33 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 8831098

Godsend is OP. Too bad ALL of whites good cards are three drops.
Link? Where's it spoiled, LK?
by photodyer
Tue Apr 08, 2014 6:23 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 8831098

Just noticed that the rares revealed thus far are very color-heavy...of the 10 we've seen, 8 require xx in a given color. Could just be spoiler order, but interesting just the same.
by photodyer
Tue Apr 08, 2014 6:12 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 8831098

Yeah, depends on the Izzet support in this set I would imagine. James et al have proven that burn is playable, but that white splash is a key piece of the working deck; I don't know if Izzet can grow the chops in one short set to get will be interesting to see.
by photodyer
Tue Apr 08, 2014 6:01 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 8831098

I agree with you LK that the card in a vacuum is freakin' nuts; I just don't know if it has a viable home right now. I loved Bloodgift Demon, but the various metas held him down to being only fringe-playable. Then again, we've seen only a few cards of the set thus far...Izzet could be up to get some love along with their scryland.

@ Calamity - Don't disagree with you at all...Chandra is indeed harder to keep alive as I said. The fact that Keranos can flat-out kill things or your opponent once he's established on the board in addition to drawing cards is nuts.

Worth noting--SCG brought Keranos out (their feature card) at $25 and it is not really moving...they are banking on being able to drop the price then get more buy-ins at $20 or worst-case $15 rather than doing as they've done with Iroas and others by starting lowish and then bumping the price until it stabilizes. They miss the
initial manic sales, but they are evidently banking on the card being playable.
by photodyer
Tue Apr 08, 2014 5:39 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 8831098

Keranos is slow, but he is designed appropriate to his colors...he offers card advantage and VCA/damage, but with the red "randomness" of relying on the topdeck. It's actually a strong set of effects in combination with a scry-heavy deck design; if you can control your top card before the reveal, then you get to choose drawing an extra card or delivering a bolt nearly every turn. But at 5CMC he doesn't get going until T6, so you would have to be controlling the board in order to put him to use. I want to like him in a Grixis shell given all the low-cost removal and burn, but the lack of a full-on black sweeper by T4 weakens the plan. UWR will therefore be the likely call, with counters, bounce and burn into Verdict, then Keranos to run away with CA. But arguably one could play the same strategy with Chandra and it's not being done (though she's a lot easier to remove than a god at present), so the overall
viability of such a strategy in the current meta is debatable.
by photodyer
Tue Apr 08, 2014 5:17 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 8831098

Yeah boom...and with a starting price tag of $25. Counter-burn?
by photodyer
Tue Apr 08, 2014 4:28 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 8831098

I absolutely LOVE the flavor/design of Squelching Leeches...a true black card. I don't love that it's in the 4 slot, but then it is at uncommon which means it will make for some fun in Limited.
by photodyer
Mon Apr 07, 2014 7:24 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 8831098

Iroas at $30 on ebay...that's just plain stupid. Hopefully SCG will bring him in at a more sensible price point at least for starters.
by photodyer
Mon Apr 07, 2014 7:04 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 8831098

Sigiled Starfish is pretty interesting at common...a 0/3 that they can tap on you EOT to filter their draws.
by photodyer
Mon Apr 07, 2014 7:00 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 8831098


Well. Damn.
Ser-i-ous-ly. And there also the colorless artifact that anthems any color...problem is it's Legendary so who's going to chance having 3 of them in-hand.

But Iroas seems insane...falter for the whole team, and even those that are blocked can't be damaged? Hello, Boros Aggro (at some point,'s new sweeper isn't likely on the Constructed curve, but U/W and Bx Control still pretty much have Aggro out of the game for now).

Interesting that Iroas is the only spoiled card that Starcity doesn't have up for sale...they're obviously waiting for the ebay fervor to level before offering him up.
by photodyer
Wed Apr 02, 2014 10:50 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 8831098

Yep, Daarken is one hell of an artist. I so wish he would attend Spectrum Live...gods know he's been featured in the books often enough. I'll have to get my hands on Pharika to get signed along with Mogis and Erebos...maybe Mohrbacher will even bring the original if it's not yet sold.
by photodyer
Wed Apr 02, 2014 7:38 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 8831098

Art for the (I'm assuming) BG god (Athreos, God of Passage) looks wicked as hell:

by photodyer
Wed Apr 02, 2014 3:29 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 8831098

The opening line of Blood Rites had me laughing: "The building was on fire, and it wasn't my fault."
Okay...serious laughs over the following press release that hit all over today:
March 31, 2014
New York, NY

First, there were novels. Then it became a TV show. Then a comic book. Now, Harry Dresden is going where no urban fantasy book series has gone before. In Spring 2015, THE DRESDEN FILES conquers Broadway.

This new musical takes inspiration from the events of “Dead Beat,” the seventh book in the multiple #1 New York Times bestselling series. Multiple-Tony Award Winning director and costume/puppet designer Julie Taymor (The Lion King,
Titus, Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark) was hand-picked for her experience bringing fantastical creatures to the Broadway stage. Ms. Taymor mused, “I’m so grateful for this opportunity to realize a childhood dream of mine. I pushed Disney to include a zombie T-Rex battle in The Lion King, but they preferred I remain more faithful to the film.”

Author Jim Butcher expressed great enthusiasm for the selection. He remarked, “She made a musical about Spider-Man. That’s awesome. Hey, can this musical be a Spidey crossover? How much dueling snark can you put in a song?” Butcher then proceeded to sing the original 1967 cartoon theme song and “web” the interviewer with Silly String.

Frequent collaborators Marc Shaiman and Scott Wittman (Hairspray, Catch Me If You Can) were tapped to create the music and lyrics, due to an industry reputation for writing “the sassiest lyrics ever.”

The workshop begins April 14th starring Hugh Jackman (Oklahoma, The Boy From Oz) as Harry, Matt Bomer (8, Magic Mike) as Thomas,
Christopher Fitzgerald (Young Frankenstein) as Butters, and Scarlett Johansson (Cat on a Hot Tin Roof) as romantic interest Shiela/Lasciel, with Broadway great Terrence Mann (Cats) reprising his role as the voice of Bob.

“Dead Beat” is slated to open at the Nerderlander Theatre on April 1st, 2015.
by photodyer
Tue Apr 01, 2014 4:04 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 8831098

Congrats on the new position, in balance is a good thing. And congrats again on the GP Top 8's for the is so amazing to hear people around here buzzing about "playing burn" after having seening the "birth" of the current archetype. Well done, good and your team are indeed to be commended.

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