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Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 5:10 am
by Captain Murphy
Who else is enjoying the beta? Its an interesting card game, not incredibly complex but even with a small pool of cards there are some great combos.

I personally really like mage, considering that lots of the neutral minions are great along with good mage spells.

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 5:13 am
by Link
I personally think it beats the shit out of MODO and I've had a good time with it

obvious flaws atm are:

-Legendaries in Arena are pretty demoralizing
-Interactions are definitely not clear like the rules im magic are

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 5:19 am
by Captain Murphy
Arena is the most fun, considering the card number cap is 2 in constructed and makes you have to decide on what is the best card choice

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 6:54 am
by Mcdonalds
I don't really play it much but I like it, the game is fairly straightfoward right now, partially because of the small card pool but that is liable to change with time as cards get added.

Arena is pretty much everything I wish mtgo was, easy to use, quick, and fun, the fact you don't have to play your matches out then and their (draft, play 2 rounds, eat food, come back, play more) is great, my friends who are far more into it tell me it isn't that hard to start breaking even (7-2) which is nice I guess.

Haven't dabled in the constructed environment beyond a couple of matches and just felt bored when I did.

(btw a buddy of mine streams this game quite a bit, check him out

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 7:32 am
by Captain Murphy
The important thing about arena is drafting cards that will always trade up or double trade, and take some of your best class spells. Still, arena is flooded with priest, pally and mage due to the great removal and good creature/spell potential.

My biggest gripe is how nerfed hunter is, my favorite coin ability.

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 6:10 am
by Yarpus
Played for 2 days. (which for me means 5-6 hours). Got 5 wins on Arena (first one is free). I'm currently favoring Warrior, Rogue and Shaman decks and trying to actually put up something reasonable.
This game rocks. Really, really rocks.

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 7:24 am
by Captain Murphy
Happy to hear it! Anyone want to play in a Hearthstone tournament hosted here with trophies as prizes? I promise it will be fun!

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 7:26 am
by Captain Murphy
I'm currently running a Control Shaman, Rogue combo and building a third deck. I loved mage but the nerf killed it. Might end up with a Warlock deck for my third.

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 2:07 pm
by Bhikku
Started playing it yesterday, the ad when i opened diablo 3 bugged me enough to try it out. it's pretty simplistic, but enjoyable. I get my ass handed to me if i try to duel real players though, lol.

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 1:30 am
by Self Medicated
Just downloaded the open beta last night and played for a few hours. It's very enjoyable. I can see myself getting more involved. I'd be interested in a tournament. I just started though, so I'm still figuring out what kind of deck I want to build. Hell, I haven't even unlocked all the avatars yet.

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 5:24 am
by Captain Murphy
Well I'm happy there is some interest, it wont be starting for a while most likely anyway and a lot of the interest is from newer players bar me and checkbox (and probably Saffy)

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 8:12 pm
by Self Medicated
What kind of deck are you running? And, if it's not a bother, can I see any decklists that you think are solid?

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 4:59 am
by Yarpus
I'd reccomend reading this stuff: ... _resource/
Lots of good guides on only-common decks, Arena and noobtraps (dusting!).
Yes, 4/5 for 4 is considered all-star in competitive scene.

Okay, so another day with Hearthstone.
- managed to play 5 arenas. 4x 5 wins, 1x ... 2 wins. My idea about drafting here was bit wrong, there are some cards considered to be great which I've passed. I guess, I gotta learn stuff.
- Mage in Arena is OP. Rogue is awesome as well (played a hell out of it).
- Shaman on Arena is cool if you manage to get as many Fire Elementals as possible (I got literally raped by a guy who played 3 of them in a row).
- Warrior is such a fun deck in constructed. Playing him reminds me RDW with Koth (Weapons have
similiar purpose I guess) and with some crazy combos that let you deal shitload of damage.
- If you are interested in getting yourself into Hearthstone, analogy of classes and archetypes from MTG.

WARRIOR: Koth RDW with combos. I've heard about Weapon Control tho.
ROGUE: UB Tempo with great removal and the best draw in game.
PRIEST: Either Burn or Control. Or both.
MAGE: Counterburn I guess.
WARLOCK: Either Suicide Black or Control with built-in draw engine.
DRUID: Midrange/Ramp.
RANGER: Aggro/Midrange.
SHAMAN: Blitz, Token Midrange (built-in token generator and access to nice anthems/Overrun effects)
PALADIN: White Weenie on fucking steroids.

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 5:30 am
by Captain Murphy
I'd be happy to post some lists, currently the biggest decks are:

Hunter rush (A VERY cheap deck to build, it will most likely get a nerf soon as it just revolves around playing cheap minions with charge and ignoring anything the opponent plays)
Druid control (Kind of like a mono green deck in magic with big late game stuff but great removal in the form of spells and your hero power)
Warlock control (Uses a lot of legendary cards and ends with jaraxxus to win)
Warlock rush (A semi merlock deck with good rushers, was recently nerfed but still strong and cheap to build)
Shaman control (Cheapish to build but you need 2 legendary cards to build it, revolves around spell damage and waiting for a turn 8-10 win with solid windfury creatures)
Preist control (Life gain and big creatures)

Mage is useless now because pyroblast now costs 8 instead of 10 and even though it has good removal all the other top decks beat it.

nPaladin can be strong but usually gets killed by most AOE damage and loses to other archetypes

Rogue is strong but gets smashed by any control deck because it loses too much card advantage with the combo ability.

As for arena there are teir lists but cards like Harvest golem, Chillwind Yeti and sheildmasta are great picks.

I'll quickly write up a post with some lists and also an arena teir list.

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 8:21 pm
by Sir Sapphire the 3rd
I fucking love this game. I would love to play with some people but the only one on my friends list that has it doesn't have time and hates the fact I am better cause of previous TCG experience.

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 2:38 am
by Yarpus
I've heard about Warrior Rush getting more popular and competetive. Do you know any decent lists for that?

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 8:31 am
by Self Medicated
I fucking love this game. I would love to play with some people but the only one on my friends list that has it doesn't have time and hates the fact I am better cause of previous TCG experience.
Agreed. I've been having a blast the last few days. It kings reminds me of when I first started playing MTG back in 1994. If anyone wants to add me to their friends list, my Hearthstone name is SlfMedicated#1279.

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 11:43 am
by Captain Murphy
I've heard about Warrior Rush getting more popular and competetive. Do you know any decent lists for that?
This is a pretty standard list, I'll admit the deck will probably get you to rank 12ish but no better. Almost all good control decks from that point on will beat it, but this deck is still good.
Standard Warrior Rush
1x Grommash Hellscream
1x Leeroy Jenkins
1x The Black Knight
2x Defender of Argus
2x Frothing Berserker
2x Imp Master
1x Wild Pyromancer
2x Acolyte of Pain
1x Amani Berserker
2x Arathi Weaponsmith
2x Cruel Taskmaster
2x Kor'kron Elite
2x Novice Engineer

Ability (5)
2x Inner Rage
2x Cleave
1x Execute

Weapon (4)
1x Gorehowl
1x Arcanite Reaper
2x Fiery War Axe[/spoiler:

Finishers in the form of Leeroy and Hellscream, good removal in the form of Black Knight for when you need to get through taunts.

Argus for good control and extra damage, helps frothing berserker who can be a huge hitter. Impmaster to get some cheap 1/1 removal and it boosts berserker and Acolyte of pains draw.

Thats the general premise of the deck, some good weapons for control and help finish if necessary. There are some nice synergies too.

Let me know what cards you don't have as there are usually some decent swap outs in hearthstone.
I fucking love this game. I would love to play with some people but the only one on my friends list that has it doesn't have time and hates the fact I am better cause of previous TCG experience.
I'll play.

My handle is MeechyDarko#1298 if anyone wants a

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 8:35 pm
by Calamity
Everytime i try playing this game I go play unranked and get destroyed because it seems like other people have way more powerful cards than me and get frustrated and rage quit. I'm also terrible at this game.

What are some good, cheap decks (preferably faster more aggressive ones, more wins=more cards faster)?

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 10:48 pm
by Link
Warrior aggro is RDW

fun and basically free


Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 10:51 pm
by Link
murphy that's not aggro

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 1:16 am
by Yarpus
Everytime i try playing this game I go play unranked and get destroyed because it seems like other people have way more powerful cards than me and get frustrated and rage quit. I'm also terrible at this game.
That's possibly because ladder reset was 2 days ago, so you get to play with the cool cats. Yes, even in budgcaj mode.

Currently I've managed to draft a SICK shaman deck.
4 Fire Elementals, 3 Mana Tide Totem, 2 +2/0 Attack Totems, that Taunt-token spawner and lots of single-target removal. I lack on taunt creatures and aoe, but deck has some sick plays. Already 2-0.

On second game, I was on 1 life against Paladin deck. He was on 30. I've had some nice board position (3 totems, 7/5 guy and 6/6 with Anthem). Do-do-do-double Bloodlust. +6/+6 to everyone GGWPEZPZ.

Thanks for Warrior rush decklist. @Fate, I believe it actually is an aggro deck in world of Hearthstone. With 30 life
and no mana issues you can actually get some kind of high-CMC creatures like Leeroy Jenkins (LEEEEEROOOOOY) or Hellscream. I think I've unlocked most of it already, I don't have legendaries tho. Still it's gonna be fun.

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 2:20 am
by Link
ill post my.list when I get home.

acolyte of.pain is NOT an aggro card for.instance

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 2:38 am
by Yarpus
Card draw is sickly important here, especially on aggro deck - to fuel your plays on later turns. They play 6/7 ogre, you're going for double/triple hasty mothafuckas. I'd say he synergizes well with for example Cruel Taskmaster. I'm not sure if I'd prefer Occult Something tho (4/2 which draws you cards whenever your minion is dying - seems great for those 3 for 1 trades against big stuff or just to screw with aoe spells).

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 3:16 am
by Link
If you're drawing cards you're midrange.

You don't play loot hoarder.... because if you're spending 2 mana you want 3 power on the board

You don't play acolyte of pain because a 1/3 for 3 isn't doing shit to do your main goal:

Kill the opponent fucking dead.

Would you play a card like that in RDW?


Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 5:20 am
by Captain Murphy
You start with 4 cards and draw one a turn, you need some kind of draw otherwise you will burn out against any kind of control. Card advantage is one of the most important things in Hearthstone, 3/5 times I play Acolyte it gets hit by removal because people know how good it is in a deck like this.

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 5:33 am
by Captain Murphy
Everytime i try playing this game I go play unranked and get destroyed because it seems like other people have way more powerful cards than me and get frustrated and rage quit. I'm also terrible at this game.

What are some good, cheap decks (preferably faster more aggressive ones, more wins=more cards faster)?
Hunter rush is pretty standard for a beginner now.
Hunter rush
2x Abusive Sergeant
2x Leper Gnome
2x Timber Wolf
2x Bluegill Warrior
2x Ironbeak Owl
1x Starving Buzzard
2x Arcane Golem
2x Wolfrider
1x Leeroy Jenkins

2x Arcrane Shot
2x Tracking
2x Explosive Trap
2x Misdirection
2x Unleash the Hounds
2x Eaglehorn Bow
2x Kill Command
Ignore every threat your opponent
puts down except for taunts, use all damage spells for the face. Good synergy for one big turn play. Usually around turn 5-7 play Buzzard, Timber wolf and then an unleash the hounds for one turn of big damage and card draw off buzzard. Use your hero ability often and usually if you get the opponent into 6-9 life you have the win with your ability.

The bow is good for removal of opposing creatures, but always remember to play your Explosive traps when the opponent already has a lot of 2 health minions, opponents will know the secrets in this deck. Misdirection is fun if they have only one big creature and they attack, hitting themselves for a lot of damage. It all helps you with the weapon too.

Tracking just to find the combo and Owl for taunts or legendary cards with game winning abilities.

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 6:01 am
by Link
goddamn just lost a game where I drew an abusive sergeant instead of a Southsea deckhand it could've been (I was testing 1 of each) with a warrior opponent on 1 health


Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 6:08 am
by Link
if hunter rush doesn't have acolyte of pain, why should warrior rush?

Here's my take on it

Frothing Berserker (its seriously good and I'm not just saying that cause smash):
2x Southsea Deckhand
2x Leper Gnome
2x Faerie Dragon
2x Knife Juggler
2x Amani Berserker (flex spot with the pirate that gains dmg=to weapon you have, testing)
2x heroic Strike
2x Fiery War Axe
2x Frothing Berserker
2x Warsong Commander (some people prefer harvest golem in this slot because they're addicted to value. I'm addicted to haste)
2x Arathi Weaponsmith
2x Kokron Elite
2x Mortal Strike
2x Nightblade
2x Arcanite Reaper
2x Argent Commander (use Reckless Rocketeers until you get them)

drawing a blank for the last card.... I think I have the most important stuff. Feel free to add whatever power 2-3 drop you want that is dedicated to getting in for damage, also execute is fine if you expect a lot of control

Edit: heroic
strike is the last card scratch everything else

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 6:10 am
by Link
oh I have Raging Worgenx2... because it kills one half of the value golem people liek to play then goes upstairs for 4. I just like it

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 6:20 am
by Captain Murphy
Nightblade is pretty bad

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 6:59 am
by Link
its bad except in a rush deck where all you need it for is the reach.

Nightblade+Mortal strike can get a lot of games hidden behind sunwalkers and shit

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 7:01 am
by Captain Murphy
I'd swap nightblade for yeti, it will survive longer and can trade up 2-1

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 8:10 am
by Yarpus
I do like your Leper Gnomes. Card is clearly underused.
But I still think you don't have enough value.

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 12:08 pm
by Captain Murphy
I do like your Leper Gnomes. Card is clearly underused.
But I still think you don't have enough value.
lol its one of the top used cards in a rush deck, the idea is to at least attack once with it, if it eats removal or a gets hit by a creature you still did 4 damage and a trade. If you play 2 on turn one its insane in the hunter deck, easily 8 damage sometimes as much as 10 or 12 out of 2 cards. Its one of the best turn one plays.

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 6:36 pm
by Self Medicated
So can you play custom matches with friends, like on MTGO?

I sent Captain Murphy a friend request. If anyone wants to send me a request, my battle tag is SlfMedicated#1279.

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 8:55 pm
by Checkbox
I'm Checkbox#1320 if someone wants to add me

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:29 pm
by Link
Rush decks dont give a shit about value you guys are missing the point.

value for rush is cards+mana for efficient damage.

nightblade does more damage then yeti.

Im like 7_0 atm with a few changes

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 4:47 am
by Mcdonalds
This thread made me want to play this game again

KingMcdonald#1846 if anybody wants to play

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 5:26 am
by Captain Murphy
Rush decks dont give a shit about value you guys are missing the point.

value for rush is cards+mana for efficient damage.

nightblade does more damage then yeti.

Im like 7_0 atm with a few changes
Its just that the hunter and warlock rush deck will steamroll a warrior deck without some good plays, those plays also help against control. I'd test out the Yeti because taunt and lifegain through the 3/3 heal guy and preist will offset the 4 damage.