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Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 3:03 am
by photodyer
FWIW, I haven't played Red Aggro in a tourney since December, and if I'm being honest with myself, that was a midrange deck(MDU's RW midrange deck that JS cashed Nagoya with), so it was actually more like October when I was on Pyro Red.

I think I'm either switching to AIR or some Athero's deck. I really want to Test the Junk Aristocrat deck since I THINK it does powerful things and now has a workable manabase.
Very much with you here, LK, but damn that's going to be an expensive deck...I never bothered picking up Voices as they've stayed high $ despite being absent Standard. That Atheros started at $25 and went up from there is just disgusting...ah well.

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 3:19 am
by NerdBoyWonder
FWIW, I haven't played Red Aggro in a tourney since December, and if I'm being honest with myself, that was a midrange deck(MDU's RW midrange deck that JS cashed Nagoya with), so it was actually more like October when I was on Pyro Red.

I think I'm either switching to AIR or some Athero's deck. I really want to Test the Junk Aristocrat deck since I THINK it does powerful things and now has a workable manabase.
Very much with you here, LK, but damn that's going to be an expensive deck...I never bothered picking up Voices as they've stayed high $ despite being absent Standard.
That Atheros started at $25 and went up from there is just disgusting...ah well.
Voices price are the result of Modern. Those things are in every Pod deck.

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 3:31 am
by F.I.A
You guys do remember that we all rocked a 2/2 for 4 CMC double strike at one time, right? Granted it did have undying, but never what the metagame will turn out to be a year from now.

Isn't there a quasi stonewright guy in this block too?
Everflame Eidolon. Granted, it's not as good as good as ol Stonewright in giving your opponent dilemma.

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 4:02 am
by photodyer
Yeah NBW...I know...Voice really is the perfect card to be playing in Pod. The deck is insane to begin with, and that card is just VALUE in its role there. I would love to get another 'Crats-style deck going, but I don't know if my heart will be in it without Falkenrath Aristocrat...I fell hard for that card, and played it in pretty much every deck I built while it was in Standard. Still, I love Cartel and very much want to break Atheros (though damn he's starting off as a money sink as well)...I really want a Necromancer-centric Humans build to be viable.

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 4:19 am
by rcwraspy
Twoo stole it and claimed it as his own tech.
There's literally no other way for him to have come about playing that card.
Kait does derision better, you should find a different niche
This is an entire clan full of increasingly worse red aggro players. I think we're all allowed to be a little derivative of someone else at something.
Why are you even around? Seriously. I can't recall you every contributing anything(to magic related discussion at least) and you seem so salty all the time.
Sally died, this is the most active thread on these forums, and the people in here frequently say things that prompt salty retorts :shrug:

The peanut gallery here takes the most casual of shits on this Travis Woo guy, for allegedly stealing their insultingly obvious ideas, and then they act all offended
when someone questions this behavior. I guess there's just a sense of arrogance there that piques my interest.
I'm not saying it's worth getting upset over as there are only ever a finite number of playable cards in a constructed format, let alone Standard. But you're missing a few steps there, Maverick. When these things happen it's known and the proof is known. Just because the proof isn't rehashed a year + later while making an off-handed nostalgic remark doesn't mean the proof never existed.

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 4:22 am
by rcwraspy
Yeah NBW...I know...Voice really is the perfect card to be playing in Pod. The deck is insane to begin with, and that card is just VALUE in its role there. I would love to get another 'Crats-style deck going, but I don't know if my heart will be in it without Falkenrath Aristocrat...I fell hard for that card, and played it in pretty much every deck I built while it was in Standard. Still, I love Cartel and very much want to break Atheros (though damn he's starting off as a money sink as well)...I really want a Necromancer-centric Humans build to be viable.
I sold off 2 Voices that I opened at GTC pre-releases in order to finish my playset of Wastelands, which have since spiked from the $60 I got them at to around
$100 now. So I'm happy with that. But I'm still going to try to pick up Voices when RTR block rotates. From what I can tell they're pretty much ONLY played in Pod and ONLY in Modern. And in that deck they're typically a 2-of if I'm looking at the right lists. Which tells me that a lot of this demand really is in Standard. There are probably a lot more people at LGSs playing GW than what we see in topX large tournament results. Hopefully a lot of them want to sell them off so I can get a playset relatively cheaply.

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 4:24 am
by NerdBoyWonder
Yeah NBW...I know...Voice really is the perfect card to be playing in Pod. The deck is insane to begin with, and that card is just VALUE in its role there. I would love to get another 'Crats-style deck going, but I don't know if my heart will be in it without Falkenrath Aristocrat...I fell hard for that card, and played it in pretty much every deck I built while it was in Standard. Still, I love Cartel and very much want to break Atheros (though damn he's starting off as a money sink as well)...I really want a Necromancer-centric Humans build to be viable.
Check out the thread in the brewery then! I am really trying to expand my own playstyle and hopping off red a bit. LP already has some strong lists there as
points to move towards. I myself am looking at a Necromancer/Athreos build.

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 4:28 am
by NerdBoyWonder
Yeah NBW...I know...Voice really is the perfect card to be playing in Pod. The deck is insane to begin with, and that card is just VALUE in its role there. I would love to get another 'Crats-style deck going, but I don't know if my heart will be in it without Falkenrath Aristocrat...I fell hard for that card, and played it in pretty much every deck I built while it was in Standard. Still, I love Cartel and very much want to break Atheros (though damn he's starting off as a money sink as well)...I really want a Necromancer-centric Humans build to be viable.
nI sold off 2 Voices that I opened at GTC pre-releases in order to finish my playset of Wastelands, which have since spiked from the $60 I got them at to around $100 now. So I'm happy with that. But I'm still going to try to pick up Voices when RTR block rotates. From what I can tell they're pretty much ONLY played in Pod and ONLY in Modern. And in that deck they're typically a 2-of if I'm looking at the right lists. Which tells me that a lot of this demand really is in Standard. There are probably a lot more people at LGSs playing GW than what we see in topX large tournament results. Hopefully a lot of them want to sell them off so I can get a playset relatively cheaply.
Between my buddy and I we have a playset of Voice and we both are running 2 a piece in our Pod decks. I am on Kiki-Pod and he is on Melira Pod. I like to turn creatures sideways infinitely and he likes to gain life infinitely.

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 5:13 am
by magicdownunder

Its quite funny :D

EDIT: Thanks NerdBoyWonder

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 5:16 am
by NerdBoyWonder
Bigger Ethersworn Canonist!

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 5:19 am
by NerdBoyWonder
[Deleted] can't get the youtube embedding working :tears:
Just remove the S in the https and you should be fine.

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 6:01 am
by DarthStabber
Bigger Ethersworn Canonist!
Ethersworn has 2 power and it's symetry is easier to break. As a 1/4 with an ability that's harder to work around it's usage is night and day different. I do like this new guy for commander though.

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 6:24 am
by Platypus
Now I'm just convinced that someone in R&D just hates Storm in Modern...

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 6:53 am
by DarthStabber
Current thought for block constructed, nothing fancy, just basic RDW trying not to be AIR. I'm not particularly interested in building heavily around heroic, the titan's strengths and warhounds are to support flamespeaker (I am honestly happy with either cards or just a big mess of damage from it), the hoplite is just there as a one drop. Deathbellow raider could be any other 2 drop, but the chance to regen with temples seemed more useful than everflame eidolon.
4 firedrinker satyr
4 satyr hoplite
4 mogis's warhound
4 eidolon of the great revel
4 deathbellow raider
4 prophetic flamespeaker
2 fanatic of mogis

4 titan's strength
4 lightning strike
4 searing blood

4 temple of malice
18 mountain

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 6:56 am
by DarthStabber
Now I'm just convinced that someone in R&D just hates Storm in Modern...
According to his podcast, tumblr, and articles MaRo would be one of said haters. Yeah, I read nearly everything he writes, he's a hard guy to not like.

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 7:01 am
by NerdBoyWonder
Now I'm just convinced that someone in R&D just hates Storm in Modern...
According to his podcast, tublr, and articles MaRo would be one of said haters.
Its the deck that won't die. Maro has been pretty open about his hate for the mechanic. They have 2 storm hate cards in this set too.

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 7:03 am
by Platypus
I haven't listen to any of his podcasts (mostly because I don't really have the opportunity to listen to podcasts) and I hardly read any of the articles on the main site in any detail either.

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 7:04 am
by Platypus
But why should it die? What's so bad about storm, compared to any other combo deck?

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 7:32 am
by NerdBoyWonder
But why should it die? What's so bad about storm, compared to any other combo deck?
They hate the mechanic and the deck. Mechanic wise I believe Maro stated that it was too good at what it does. Deck wise they did not like it because it is uninteractive with the opponent and breaks the turn 4 kill rule WoTC has for modern.

The deck post Seething Song banning is more interactive and is not a one shot kill regularly and usually have to grind out a kill through Empty or multiple Grapeshots. Prior to the banning turn 3 kills were pretty regular while the opponent sat there watching the combo go off. Other combos in modern do not do this and are more creature focused. Splinter Twin is a 2 card combo deck that you can interact with and both forms
of Pod decks involve 2 or 3 pieces. Other combo decks in the format allow some form of interaction or are no where near the consistency storm originally had.

I played Storm prior to the banning because it relatively cheap to build, involved tapping mountains, and it did not involve cards my other two MTG partners had their hand on. I also understand why people and wizards hate it. My MTG group hated the damn thing because they had to race me, disrupt me or else they didn't get to play a game of magic.

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 7:52 am
by Platypus
The banning of Seething Song was probably necessary. The current version is indeed grindy, and while a third turn win is doable, it's not really that hard to disrupt it long enough to get a win. It seems to struggle against blue-based aggro decks, and there's already enough hatecards available. The deck isn't overpowering in the current meta. So why the new anti-cards? Ok, they're probably made with Standard in mind and the anti-storm aspect is probably seen as a bonus.

I guess I'll just have to pester my local metagame with it until people start hating it enough... :)

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 8:25 am
by magicdownunder
If you swap Lightning Bolt for Spite of Mogis wouldn't that solve the problem (thought losing Lightning Bolt doesn't sound very appealing)?

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 8:32 am
by Platypus
I think Flame Slash is probably a better option. Losing LB would be unfortunate but probably necessary. But both these new cards are enchantments, so packing Swan Song, or Annul, is also an option. Or just more Echoing Truths.

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 12:33 pm
by magicdownunder
I think Flame Slash is probably a better option. Losing LB would be unfortunate but probably necessary. But both these new cards are enchantments, so packing Swan Song, or Annul, is also an option. Or just more Echoing Truths.
Ya know I'm looking at these new hate cards - they're not as bad as RoL, I think i'll still willing to fork out the 100 to finish my storm list once I offload my THS boosters.

Except for Pod.... they can now fetch the hate cards....

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 12:50 pm
by Platypus
I'm not really too worried. I'm a bit annoyed though, because UR Storm is pretty much my best Modern option right now.

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 12:56 pm
by Purp
"You have Hexproof"


Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 12:59 pm
by Platypus
Yeah, saw that one as well some time again. I'm not a believer in conspiracies...yet...

Fortunately it dies to pretty much all removal.

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 1:02 pm
by RedNihilist
I think Flame Slash is probably a better option. Losing LB would be unfortunate but probably necessary. But both these new cards are enchantments, so packing Swan Song, or Annul, is also an option. Or just more Echoing Truths.
Ya know I'm looking at these new hate cards - they're not as bad as RoL, I think i'll still willing to fork out the 100 to finish my storm list once I offload my THS boosters.

Except for Pod.... they can now fetch the hate cards....
Well, Melira Pod can interact with Storm via Abrupt Decay / discard, Kiki Pod is quite slow in assembling
the proper hate (or maybe I'm just playing it wrong, duh).

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 1:53 pm
by Dechs Kaison
I abhor Windows 7.

Ok, W7 isn't the problem. The problem is that it's allowed my employer to lock down EVERYTHING. Sure, I shouldn't be able to install League of Legends on a work computer. I understand that. But for the love of Purphoros, let me install Winamp. It's not malicious software that's going to lower my productivity. It has fancy global hot keys and a minimal graphic interface and an easy to manipulate playlist.

I can't even change my screen saver.

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 1:58 pm
by RedNihilist
WINAMP? It's 2014 o'clock, dude.

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 1:59 pm
by Dechs Kaison
Dude, it fucking works.

You don't mess with what works.

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 1:59 pm
by Dechs Kaison
No, but seriously, what do you use?

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 2:16 pm
by Purp
winrar ftw

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 2:19 pm
by Dechs Kaison
WTF? Since when does Winrar play music?

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 2:23 pm
by RedNihilist
I use foobar, but on a machine that doesn't let me install anything I'll just use grooveshark/youtube I guess.

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 2:34 pm
by Dechs Kaison
Yeah, they don't like youtube (blocked) and I'd imagine grooveshark streaming music would be the same deal.

I have the music I want to play on my computer. I can play it with VLC (they provided that software), but I really miss the Winamp interface/hotkeys.

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 3:06 pm
by Midnight_v
This is an entire clan full of increasingly worse red aggro players.
I've been here for a while now, and yeah that happens. IT'S SUPPOSED to fucking happen.
I personally invite people to this page and to this clan weekly and often.

People aren't going to come in on the same level of play. They're not expected too, if there are good to great people in the clan and new people coming, they're generally going to be MORE inexperienced and come looking for ways to improve their game while searching also for comaraderie amongst people sharing in similar experiences.
So I'm not sure why you're being such a bitch about things. . . :eyebrow:

Non of us knows all the answers, so we ask questions. None of us is as great as all of us, and to quote lightning dolt

"All your passive
aggressive bullshit doesn't make you smart, it makes you an asshole." - Lightning Dolt

Ultimately, I can't even be mad about what you're saying its just that ... you're stating a fact about almost ANY group of humans that are doing 1 thing well and a new person shows up wanting to join.
I for one am happy to have people join they may not be as good or hell they maybe better, but we're all looking at the same thing trying to figure it out as a team... I'm going to TRY to grow that team and stay positive! :apirate:

You guys are overall awesome. :hug:

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 3:08 pm
by Platypus
No, but seriously, what do you use?

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 3:30 pm
by Platypus
Looks like we're getting some new stamps later this year: ... azing.html

Probably NSFW...

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 3:34 pm
by hamfactorial
WINAMP? It's 2014 o'clock, dude.
It really whips the llama's ass

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 3:48 pm
by Khaospawn
You guys do remember that we all rocked a 2/2 for 4 CMC double strike at one time, right? Granted it did have undying, but never what the metagame will turn out to be a year from now.

Isn't there a quasi stonewright guy in this block too?
That undying card was really bad though, you Salvation guys were the only ones playing it
So bad he was good. ;-)
Twoo stole it and claimed it as his own tech.
There's literally no other way for him to have come about playing that card.
Kait does derision better, you should find a different niche
This is an entire clan full of increasingly worse red aggro players. I think we're all allowed
to be a little derivative of someone else at something.
Why are you even around? Seriously. I can't recall you every contributing anything(to magic related discussion at least) and you seem so salty all the time.

Ok, I'm probably going to catch a lot of flack for this, but I actually like kait and Maverick. Here are a few reasons why:

- They are not a part of and never will join the Fires of Salvation. Understand that, gentlemen. They'll never divulge as much personal information as we do and they'll be the first to give some harsh, cold truths. The thing is, before anyone can take offense to their statements, remember that before you post, they are going to read it. They are not going anywhere. They are here to stay. But, understand also, they're not going to sugar-coat anything. I respect that. That kind of brutal honesty is hard to come by.

- I find their opinions of us (and Red Mages in general) to be
somewhat amusing. Amusing in that they're usually right, and also because their statements tend to rile us up. The fact that we (as a Clan) sometimes takes offense to these kind of things actually says more about us than it says about them.

- Much of what kait has to say about Magic has some real substance to it. Just because it doesn't follow our line of thinking or hold any emotional attachment that we can relate to doesn't it make it wrong or blasphemous.

- For those that think Maverick is simply a "low-calorie kaitscralt-lite" needs to read more of his posts. He doesn't ramble on like a lot of us do, and yes, he can be just as negative as Madding, but there is some quality in his posts.