Um, walls?

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Um, walls?

Postby Pendulum » Tue Feb 25, 2014 5:34 pm

Ever since Vedalken Shackles was a deck, I've loved me some durdling. There's just something about sitting around, awkwardly glancing around the room, and doing mostly irrelevant things while your opponent tries his best to do things that are also mostly irrelevant that just warms my masochistic heart. Thus, I figure it was only a matter of time until I put together a deck based on Doorkeeper, Maze's End, and a bunch of crappy walls. But enough talk, here's the deck:

[deck]Teenage Maze-win Ninja Durdling[/deck]

I haven't had as much opportunity to playtest this as I would like, but so far the deck is performing... weird. There doesn't seem to be anything like a 'close' game here; either I get stomped by efficient threats before my painfully slow mana base catches up, or I'm so laughably well defended I begin sub-discussions with passersby about funny cat memes we've seen recently while we wait for the inevitable mill-down/land-win/emblem-kraken-beatdown to finish the game. No doubt there will be changes made to the deck once I get going, but I would like some criticism, especially about cards like Kiora and Phenax; as of right now Kiora's in there to help win with [c:
3a96ibl4]Maze's End[/c] and Phenax is a game-winning mill card, but I don't know as I wouldn't like to replace one or the other with a redundant copy of whichever one proves better in the long run.
Thanks for reading. :)

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Postby Jasper » Wed Feb 26, 2014 12:48 am

Sounds fun, but have you considered Fog? Also, if someone destroys one of your Gates, you lose a win condition(Peak Eruption). You may consider adding another Guildgate or 2. Courser of Kruphix isn't a Defender, but it helps the Mazes End plan.

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Postby zenbitz » Wed Feb 26, 2014 1:36 am

peak eruption doesn't destroy gates, likely their saving grace. Seems weird to try to have a mill win con and maze's end. If you dropped the mazes/gates I think it it might be more consistent... but you are still the worst person ever. It would be funny but probably impossible to board into Mazes' end. You could also toss in a colossus of akros.

I think the worst thing ever would be to take the 9/9 krakens and mill you out with Phenax. Just because you can.

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