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Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 2:07 am
by DroppinSuga
Or maybe I should pull a Kaze and go meta. I'll rage quit to make Spam right, which in turn, may turn him to a life of rage quitting

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 2:08 am
by Second Harkius
RIP Kazekirimaru


Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 2:09 am
by Tyrael
But then why do you own them?

I would just sell them and buy something useful with the money
Why would you sell them?

My cards don't hold any monetary value to me because I have no plans on selling any of them. They're collectibles and I'm a collector. Even if I didn't play eternal formats, I'm not selling my cards. :shrug:
Fair enough

I wouldn't want to spend 500+ dollars on a deck to have it just lay around but whatever floats your boat I guess

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 2:13 am
by DroppinSuga
i'm building a pod deck, but I'm cheap so I'm skipping on fetches for now. But with the new fetches being printed, it may be a lot easier

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 2:17 am
by Mcdonalds
Well CDs do have shit audio because it's compressed to shit

listen to a lossless format instead
That's largely due to the way record companies mix the albums not the medium itself, vinyl you cannot do any of the digital mastering tricks they do with CDs because it's an analogue medium and the way it's put on to the vinyl itself

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 2:18 am
by Alex
But then why do you own them?

I would just sell them and buy something useful with the money
Why would you sell them?

My cards don't hold any monetary value to me because I have no plans on selling any of them. They're collectibles and I'm a collector. Even if I didn't play eternal formats, I'm not selling my cards. :shrug:
nFair enough

I wouldn't want to spend 500+ dollars on a deck to have it just lay around but whatever floats your boat I guess :)
What makes you think I spend $500+ on any deck? When you already own any card you'd want to use, decks are free.

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 2:21 am
by DroppinSuga
I wish I had the luxury of owning a shit ton of cards.

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 2:24 am
by BlakLanner
My Legacy deck is a whole $300. I like the format because powerful shit happens. I dislike Modern because it feels like it has all the downsides of Legacy (expense, sideboard card or die) and a seemingly random ban list without anything powerful happening. I still carry and practice with Modern decks as it is a format that I will likely have to play should I get the opportunity to participate in more higher-level tournaments. We all have our preferences.

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 2:26 am
by DroppinSuga
I pretty much love every format of Magic. I'm closing in on finishing my first cube so I'm psyched to draft it

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 2:28 am
by Second Harkius

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 2:31 am
by DroppinSuga

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 2:33 am
by Alex
I wish I had the luxury of owning a shit ton of cards.
When I get broke I never consider selling my Magic cards. Like I said, as far as I'm concerned, they have no monetary value. (Outside of trading, obviously.) Of course, I've never been broke enough to where I needed to do that.

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 2:33 am
by Second Harkius
Users browsing this forum: Alex, BlakLanner, DroppinSuga, Jack, Kaitscralt, King Spam and 0 guests

Good, good, no cowardly guests.

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 2:39 am
by Jack
I'm pretty sure guests are just users too lazy to log back on.

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 2:40 am
by Jack
Spending time with her used to make me happy. Now I buy cards to fill the void in my heart.
This guy is the opposite of red Scrumper; he gets better as he posts more

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 2:51 am
by GoblinWarchief
Legacy was a pretty good format until they decided to ruin everything printing the best creatures ever in blue : delver of secrets and true name nemesis. If the color that features brainstorm and force of will also has access to the best creatures there is no reason not to play blue. In particular true name destroyed other midrange strategies like goblins / maverick that were still playable after all.

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 3:31 am
by magicdownunder
I finished 4-1-2 on my WMCQ with this crazy deck I posted, it work REALLY well. Good combination of removal, interuption, fast clock. However...

had 2 non intentional draws round 2 and 3. Round 2 was playing vs friend playing jund planeswalkers. Game 1 took like 20 minutes, game 2 like 25 minutes. Mega grindy stuff, numerous back and forth from both sides (putrefy spear in combat, charming token to kill courser, tricks on turn/burn, izzet charm on rakdos return, fighting numberous removal spells etc.) We didnt start a 3rd game.

Round 3 playing vs Mono U. Game 1 I lost in 5 minutes, he had weird into specter into 2 masters, I get rid of all masters tokens (with my tokens with spear etc), however he killed me with this specter and then raptor and familiar. Game 2 took
40 minutes. I got really ahead around turn 5, had 3 goats, ajani, brimaz, spear, dictate, attacked him down to 5 life while I had 40. He however dnt condece but started to put 2 masters, hall of triumph (so killing tokens did nothing and I couldnt overload mortars to get rid of weirds). We played draw go for ~10 turns, he attacking with specter me getting life from goats. He go my spells, I got lands. Finally managed to get overloaded mortars with selesnya charm to kill him. We got 5 minutes, I fast shuffled my agro cards (after game counted had 63 cards in md, didnt have time to resideboard). We both muliganed. I had turn 2 YP, turn 3 RtA into stoke, turn 4 2nd YP and burn his blocker. Got him to 2 on last possible terminate round, he had no board, 2 lands, I had brimaz in hand and spear on top (I had 16 outs to kill him last possible turn, missed everything drawing brimaz). He didnt concede...

I then (and before on 1st round) beat: burn (2-0), black green (2-0), blue white sphere control (2-0) and
black white (2-0). I then had 14 points, had to play last round to go to the top 8. (had really good tiebreakers, I was paired up every round. My tierbreakers were around 70%).

I then lost 0-2 vs Planar cleansing blue white control. Game 1 got him to 2 life 3 times (he used charm lifelink on mutavaults twice) and couldnt find anything in 5 draws to kill him (we were both topdecking, I countered his revelations with izzet charm). Game 2 kept 3 rabblemaster, spear of heliod and 3 lands hand. Didnt do a single point of damage, he had 3 last breaths...

I stayed watching top 8 as my friend (the one I had a draw round 2, he then also got 2nd draw around round 5, managed to get onto top 8) was battling same guy with UW control. He cast 4 thoughtseizes turn 1 and 2 both games, and his opponent had everything, couldnt distrupt or punish everything. Something was fishy...

In semifinals he then got rewarded of game loose by drawing
extra cards. On turn 3 on a draw he had 11 cards total. He passed a turn with 8 cards, 7 visible to an opponent, 8th horizontal kept by his thumb. After someone noticed this and said it to a judge, he shuffled everything (lands and hand) together and said cards were probably sticked together.

I am not saying he cheated in my game or in game vs friend in top 8. He is great player, played really well and optimal. However his reaction was really intriguing (he started to look around asking "who is this fucking squealer", so something might have happened before. vs me game 2 he had 3 Goats, 3 Dissolves (4rd was on a bottom with scry), dispel, 2 negates, 2 verdicts, 1 planar cleansing and 3 last breaths with only 1 divination, 1 jace (drawing 2 cards) and 1 revelation for 4...

Deck was working really well, manabase was awsome. I will try to play black with red and white (dont know if 4rd color is needed, however really liked those negates, turn/burns, izzet charms along Keranos and Ephara. Those
cards just give so much options...)
Would you play it again moving forward? The deck seems quite sweet :D

- - - - -

Trying and arguably failing at sprite animations:

Comments (preferably on YouTube) would be welcomed.

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 3:53 am
by Mcdonalds
Legacy was a pretty good format until they decided to ruin everything printing the best creatures ever in blue : delver of secrets and true name nemesis. If the color that features brainstorm and force of will also has access to the best creatures there is no reason not to play blue. In particular true name destroyed other midrange strategies like goblins / maverick that were still playable after all.
Maverick/Goblins had other problems already, Maverick has an abysmal Miracles matchup and struggles against Shardless/Liliana of the veil, and Goblins is stone cold to a Batterskull.

Not to say I disagree with you, but TNN wasn't why those decks died.

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 4:07 am
by LP, of the Fires
Maverick and Goblins may not have been the best decks and both had wholes in them, but they where certainly viable until True Name nemesis was printed.

That is the single card that has most ruined my taste for legacy.

I can't see my self ever playing the format "for fun" at least as it stands now. I'll play ANT vs. BUG delver between rounds at the LGS, but I have zero interest in entering a legacy tourney assuming I never play in an invitational.

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 4:09 am
by LP, of the Fires
Props to Purp on a solid showing at his WMCQ.

Sounds like the control player was cheating, but in general you want to gather info before going on a witch hunt.

From what you're saying though, sounds scummy.

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 4:09 am
by Jack
My view on legacy is that it's fun, but it's way too huge to be a reasonable competitive tournament format, since it's really hard to prepare to beat so many viable decks.

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 4:45 am
by magicdownunder
Props to Purp on a solid showing at his WMCQ.

Sounds like the control player was cheating, but in general you want to gather info before going on a witch hunt.

From what you're saying though, sounds scummy.
You mean pedros right? or did purp play a WMCQ as well?

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 6:39 am
by Alex
I'm pretty sure that's the nature of SnS, and has basically nothing to do with Tom Ross.

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 6:40 am
by Alex
That whole story could have been tl;dr'd to "A guy tried to play a spell that wins the game and his opponent countered it, gg get fucked"

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 7:51 am
by RedNihilist
Played WMCQ.
Went 6-0 over 9 turns, had the best rating of the field.
I just had to win one of the following three games to enter top 8.
Ended 26th with my 6-3.
I'm not even worth being called a scrumper.

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 8:47 am
by Pedros
I finished 4-1-2 on my WMCQ with this crazy deck I posted, it work REALLY well. Good combination of removal, interuption, fast clock. However...

had 2 non intentional draws round 2 and 3. Round 2 was playing vs friend playing jund planeswalkers. Game 1 took like 20 minutes, game 2 like 25 minutes. Mega grindy stuff, numerous back and forth from both sides (putrefy spear in combat, charming token to kill courser, tricks on turn/burn, izzet charm on rakdos return, fighting numberous removal spells etc.) We didnt start a 3rd game.

Round 3 playing vs Mono U. Game 1 I lost in 5 minutes, he had weird into
specter into 2 masters, I get rid of all masters tokens (with my tokens with spear etc), however he killed me with this specter and then raptor and familiar. Game 2 took 40 minutes. I got really ahead around turn 5, had 3 goats, ajani, brimaz, spear, dictate, attacked him down to 5 life while I had 40. He however dnt condece but started to put 2 masters, hall of triumph (so killing tokens did nothing and I couldnt overload mortars to get rid of weirds). We played draw go for ~10 turns, he attacking with specter me getting life from goats. He go my spells, I got lands. Finally managed to get overloaded mortars with selesnya charm to kill him. We got 5 minutes, I fast shuffled my agro cards (after game counted had 63 cards in md, didnt have time to resideboard). We both muliganed. I had turn 2 YP, turn 3 RtA into stoke, turn 4 2nd YP and burn his blocker. Got him to 2 on last possible terminate round, he had no board, 2 lands, I had brimaz in hand and spear on top (I had 16 outs to kill him last possible turn,
missed everything drawing brimaz). He didnt concede...

I then (and before on 1st round) beat: burn (2-0), black green (2-0), blue white sphere control (2-0) and black white (2-0). I then had 14 points, had to play last round to go to the top 8. (had really good tiebreakers, I was paired up every round. My tierbreakers were around 70%).

I then lost 0-2 vs Planar cleansing blue white control. Game 1 got him to 2 life 3 times (he used charm lifelink on mutavaults twice) and couldnt find anything in 5 draws to kill him (we were both topdecking, I countered his revelations with izzet charm). Game 2 kept 3 rabblemaster, spear of heliod and 3 lands hand. Didnt do a single point of damage, he had 3 last breaths...

I stayed watching top 8 as my friend (the one I had a draw round 2, he then also got 2nd draw around round 5, managed to get onto top 8) was battling same guy with UW control. He cast 4 thoughtseizes turn 1 and 2 both
games, and his opponent had everything, couldnt distrupt or punish everything. Something was fishy...

In semifinals he then got rewarded of game loose by drawing extra cards. On turn 3 on a draw he had 11 cards total. He passed a turn with 8 cards, 7 visible to an opponent, 8th horizontal kept by his thumb. After someone noticed this and said it to a judge, he shuffled everything (lands and hand) together and said cards were probably sticked together.

I am not saying he cheated in my game or in game vs friend in top 8. He is great player, played really well and optimal. However his reaction was really intriguing (he started to look around asking "who is this fucking squealer", so something might have happened before. vs me game 2 he had 3 Goats, 3 Dissolves (4rd was on a bottom with scry), dispel, 2 negates, 2 verdicts, 1 planar cleansing and 3 last breaths with only 1 divination, 1 jace (drawing 2 cards) and 1 revelation for 4...

Deck was working really well, manabase was awsome. I will
try to play black with red and white (dont know if 4rd color is needed, however really liked those negates, turn/burns, izzet charms along Keranos and Ephara. Those cards just give so much options...)
Would you play it again moving forward? The deck seems quite sweet :D

- - - - -

Trying and arguably failing at sprite animations:

Comments (preferably on YouTube) would be welcomed.
Probably yes, deck needs some tweeks however.

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 10:31 am
by magicdownunder
Would bringing in Mistcutter Hydra for UW Control help?

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 11:51 am
by Tyrael
Well CDs do have shit audio because it's compressed to shit

listen to a lossless format instead
That's largely due to the way record companies mix the albums not the medium itself, vinyl you cannot do any of the digital mastering tricks they do with CDs because it's an analogue medium and the way it's put on to the vinyl itself
Yeah agreed on that one

brickwalling has been a popular mastering technique these days, I can't say I'm a big fan of it myself

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 12:10 pm
by Pedros
I didnt drew stormbreath those games, so I dont really know. Dragon however was really good (as expected) vs planeswalkers. Kill nissa, and then monstrous kill opponent.

Was impressed with ephara. Drew shit tons of cards. Brimaz/rabblemaster into ephara draws card. Yp trigger on opponernts turn, RtA or selesnya charm draw a card. Draw her 3 times, every time drew her was really good.

Draw Keranos once vs planeswalkers. Forced xenagos to +1, then shot him and killed with 3 1/1 tokens. Otherwise shot him or drew additional cards. Didnt draw him vs control thou.

Didnt draw purphoros a single time, ao I dont know how he wouls be.

Drew Ajani numerous times. He was crazy good. Either giving brimaz /yp/ rabbmaster first strike/lifeling, allowing it to attack without threat of being blocked. Also rabblemaster gives huge amount of life. -2 was also crazy good, making all those yp elementals,, rta , satyrs into huge

Elspeth was drawn like 3 times. Every time it was +1 and ten die from either dreadbore from walkers, banishing light from blackwhite or planar cleansing from blue white. However it was relatively late game, and nunerous answers were already used, so... however those 3 tokens were still awsome because of spear, ajani, etc.

Stoke great as hell. Numerous brimaz/archangel/baron/courser/to the face.
Izzet charm was either spectacular or mediocure. Killed rats, mystics. Countered walkers, revelations, rakdos return. However sometimes I had to use looting (especially when flooded). Really good utility card nevertheless.
Selesnya charm was great. Exiled some demons, killed some coursers and goats. Made tokens as a turn 2 play. Cant complaint.

Spear of Heliod was quite goodm never used ability however. Died from charm/putrefy/planar cleansing, bounced with rift. Sometimes was quite brutal. Bowever overall really good.

Had dictate twice. Both times extraordinary. However woudnt like to have
more than 1 probably.

Turn burn was super good, I got quite nice 241 (especially vs pack rata. Between this and selesnya charms it is easy to make chump attacks and sneak some damage in.

Xenagos awsome, probably should have 3 or even 4.

Overall deckm needa aome sort of evasion (rip lingering souls) and/or more steady source of tokens. Spirit bonds might be quite good, however not enough creatures for it probably. Had problems with master of waves (turned them to get rid of tokens, however they still were pain the ass. Also wouldnt mind some more reach/protection from bile blight - tymareth seems decend here, as well as black for dreadbore, ultimate price, ect. Black also gives pack rats, whih is quite good vs flood.

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 1:04 pm
by GoblinWarchief
Legacy goblins runs maindeck tutorable artifact hate so equipment in general are not extremely problematic. Jitte can beat you sometimes if you don't have answers soon, batterskull is not even a big problem because , apart from destroying it, you can also chump block it for ages.

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 1:57 pm
by Kaitscralt
I'm pretty sure that's the nature of SnS, and has basically nothing to do with Tom Ross.
I believe he was poking at the nature of Legacy / combo, not Tom Ross, who my phone just wanted to call Tom Toss

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 2:07 pm
by Khaospawn
Tom the Boss Toss

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 2:38 pm
by hamfactorial
Tom's the Sauce Boss

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 2:40 pm
by hamfactorial
Whatchu know about Lightning Bolts?

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 3:39 pm
by Lightning_Dolt
Lightning bolts and lightning bolts and lightning bolts and lightning bolts and lightning bolts and lightning bolts and lightning bolts.

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 3:53 pm
by hamfactorial
While you haters trippin' I'm Lightning Bolt flippin'

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 4:12 pm
by rcwraspy
But then why do you own them?

I would just sell them and buy something useful with the money
Why would you sell them?

My cards don't hold any monetary value to me because I have no plans on selling any of them. They're collectibles and I'm a collector. Even if I didn't play eternal formats, I'm not selling my cards. :shrug:
Fair enough

I wouldn't want to spend 500+ dollars on a deck to have it just lay around but whatever floats your boat I guess :)
I guess I'm kinda like Alex here. I buy powerful cards because I want to own them, and can see myself playing them at some point. And because they're most likely to retain value barring reprints, which I'm fine with. The deck building comes later.

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 5:39 pm
by windstrider
Since I'm dense when it comes to complex rules interactions, how would Howl of the Horde interact with Chandra, Pyromaster's ultimate?

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 5:53 pm
by hamfactorial
Howl of the Horde + Chandra's ultimate gives you 4 copies of whatever you flip from her ultimate, or 5 if you attacked that turn.