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RB-Minotaur Tribal

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 8:56 pm
by lorddax
So this is a deck I've had in the tank since September, tweaking it here and there. I had forgotten about it until the 20/20/20 deck was mentioned. Think it might be ready for people to tweak around with so Im posting it here because I don't think it fits in existing RB aggro or Dos Rakis threads.

[deck]Minotaur Tribal[/deck]

22 lands: 20 Red sources, 11 black. Initial brew is at 22 as the 5 drop is ideally a 3 drop. Mutavault can
become a 4/2 attacker or 3/3 with trample that dodges sorcery removal. Turns 1 & 2 for tap lands.

22 creatures: Each creature has a toughness of 3 or more requiring the bigger burn spells. Synergize together as curve is played thru.
Raider - regenerative attacker. Much better when synergized. Regen cost is far too high tho, good cut canidate.
Reckoner - Too much good stuff to not include. Good on its own, Synergizes amazingly. Can live the dream as a 6/4 FS Haste trampler with kickback for RR, hey its a good dream!
Rageblood - Lord effect and trample helps vs token chumping.
Ragemonger - Curve manipulation to free up mana. Makes deck top out at 3CMC on creatures.
Felbinder - Manasink but giant variable. Not sure how good he is without testing. Has decent targets on own side of board to copy for one turn effect. Good cut target
Warcaller - Live draw all creatures and give a sizable attack buff. Worst case is a 4/3 haste for 5

16 spells: Focuses on addressing areas where deck needs some help,
primarily with pulling defenders away or gaining some legs
Mogis - with RB being in almost every card, he can turn on easily; but was mostly included for the double duty of pull a defender vs non token decks or get some reach. Opponent does get the choices, but deck can structure those choices if played correctly.
Purph - Manasink and squeeze extra damage from haste creatures if they don't live. Upside of turning into a heavy hitter.
Doomblade - Defender removal
Magma Jet - Scry + removal
Gild - removal for black or gods. Kind of a catchall removal. Not sure about this one since its at sorcery speed and most times getting godsmacked is opp controlled and favored. Cut candidate.

Sideboard: Focuses on strengthening removal or upping pressure.
Devour flesh - For harder to hit defenders but does require other removal to be used as pinpointed. Mostly for turns 2-4 where opp creature count is low or decks where they stick and ride.
Dreadbore - Xenagos, Domri, Jace, Elspeth. [card]Hero's
Downfall[/card] was here orginally but the BB made the switch, not sure if the speed sacrifice was worth it.
Rak Return- vs control and can be manasink for reach when needed.
Ultimate Price -cheap specific removal. Can be split with MD Blades based on meta.
Hammer -vs control manasink and making dudes into burn.
Skullcleaver - vs Control a pseudo Viashino Firstblade that can benefit from synergy.

Have at it!