Search found 46 matches

by cloudscraper
Sun Dec 07, 2014 9:42 pm
Forum: Aggro
Topic: [Primer] UR Delver
Replies: 947
Views: 254191

This top8d a 120 ppl tournament here in Italy today [deck]4 Delver of Secrets 4 Tarmogoyf 3 Pack Rat 3 Mana Leak 2 Spell Snare 2 Darkblast 4 Treasure Cruise 2 Disfigure 4 Inquisition of Kozilek 2 Thoughtseize 4 Gitaxian Probe 4 Serum Visions 3 Abrupt Decay 4 Polluted Delta 4 Misty Rainforest 2 Verda...
by cloudscraper
Sun Nov 16, 2014 11:36 pm
Forum: Aggro
Topic: [Primer] UR Delver
Replies: 947
Views: 254191

can you edit that post to include your list? Full 75, please.
Sure thing, done!
by cloudscraper
Sun Nov 16, 2014 8:31 pm
Forum: Aggro
Topic: [Primer] UR Delver
Replies: 947
Views: 254191

Today (before losing to Auras), I lost the mirror against the vapor snag - monastery swiftspear - treasure cruise version. I feel like I might have misinterpreted my role in the matchup and/ or mis-sideboarded. Would like to get some feedback. I felt like soft counters like Leak and Pierce were terr...
by cloudscraper
Sun Nov 16, 2014 7:53 pm
Forum: Aggro
Topic: [Primer] UR Delver
Replies: 947
Views: 254191

Lost to Auras for the 3rd tournament in a row. Gaaaaaah :( :( :(
by cloudscraper
Sat Nov 15, 2014 9:35 pm
Forum: Aggro
Topic: [Primer] UR Delver
Replies: 947
Views: 254191

I have killed multiple Loxodon Smiters with Burst Lightning. It's also better against manlands. And it's very good against Resto Angel, which is a huge problem for a list with 0 Vapor Snags.
by cloudscraper
Sat Nov 15, 2014 11:12 am
Forum: Aggro
Topic: [Primer] UR Delver
Replies: 947
Views: 254191

If you're expecting a lot of Burn play some Dragon Claws! My sideboard probably wont suit your meta. Burn is usually around 5% of a tournament here (We tracked around 15 tournaments in the last month). I feel like that's a percentage in the range of "don't care, if I face it i'll try to get lu...
by cloudscraper
Sat Nov 15, 2014 11:05 am
Forum: Aggro
Topic: [Primer] UR Delver
Replies: 947
Views: 254191

Split in the finals of a small local event (3 fetchlands worth of prize) in preparation for the larger event tomorrow (which I'll be attending) with Zem's latest list... the one with Threads, Burn is surprisingly mildly popular here, while UR delver is quite played. Yeah, I know, i'm a fanboy R1 : 4...
by cloudscraper
Wed Nov 12, 2014 10:22 am
Forum: Aggro
Topic: [Primer] UR Delver
Replies: 947
Views: 254191

I really don't know why I've stopped following these forums after this summer's success with Burn. I think that me being stupid is the most likely candidate. I have been hating the "all-air" Cruises for sooooo long, and I've been looking for a way to replace that approach while keeping the...
by cloudscraper
Sat Sep 13, 2014 9:57 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1394464

Played Zem's latest list in my WMCQ (italy) today.

Lost in the top4 to Rabble Burn (Brad Nelson's latest creation, much much tougher than regular burn, Purphoros is insane)
by cloudscraper
Mon Sep 08, 2014 10:36 am
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1394464

Zem, were you happy with 24 lands + 4 jets, or is cutting a land (considering the full playset of jets) a consideration? Not a Mutavault though, a Forge maybe? p.s. I find it hard to rate our creatures against green devotion decks, also cause they are very rarely played here in italy but there's a W...
by cloudscraper
Tue Aug 19, 2014 11:33 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1394464

If UW [sphere UW] was the most played deck (by far) in your area, would you play some version (ANY version) of Burn?
by cloudscraper
Sun Aug 17, 2014 6:30 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1394464

At Italy's first WMCQ, there are 4 UW control in the top8, one Jund Planeswalkers, a BG Devotion, a MonoU and a GW aggro. That seems like the kind of metagame Burn could exploit, i.e. only two specific categories of decks to beat, or mostly Control. Sperling list is awful against control, is there a...
by cloudscraper
Sat Aug 16, 2014 11:09 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1394464

Firedancer is good on turn 3/4/5, not just on turn 2. I've never played less than 4, but it is a good midgame "close the door" kind of card
by cloudscraper
Thu Aug 07, 2014 7:01 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1394464

I've noticed that, apart from realizing that the list is targeted at beating BW Midrange, our community has completely ignored Sperling's approach to the deck. Considering that I'd like to start testing a Burn list for my nearest WMCQ (14 sept.), after a hiatus of 2 or 3 months from the deck, shall ...
by cloudscraper
Sat Jul 19, 2014 8:34 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1394464

Hi guys, back from a big-ISH hiatus.

Are we going to work on the deck for the various WMCQs in the next few months? They should be a pretty huge event for pretty much everyone.
by cloudscraper
Wed Jun 04, 2014 9:25 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1394464

Zem pointed at it in a recent comment... isn't Flamespeaker just a better "topdeck-it-when-i'm-out-of-gas" kind of card, even easier to cast than Brimaz? He seems good if both players' resources have been drained, but I can't test em cause, well, i don't own any *sadface*
by cloudscraper
Sat May 03, 2014 10:51 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1394464

Have you seen how EMBARASSING eidolon of countless garbage was on camera in this round on SCG?
by cloudscraper
Wed Apr 16, 2014 11:06 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1394464

Very nice deck tech with Zem for people starting to pick up the deck. Listening to a few key points in a video record should probably help out... and we might avoid stupid questions.

We should all run the deck tech as our signature XD
by cloudscraper
Sat Apr 12, 2014 11:31 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1394464

Consider that I'm currently playing the Toil/Trouble list with just 4 phoenixes. I don't think Obzedat ATTACKING is the real issue, the combination of INSANE discard (people here in Italy are playing, on average, 4 seize 3 duress and a couple Sin Collectors on average... that easily makes a Desecrat...
by cloudscraper
Sat Apr 12, 2014 10:06 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1394464

Guys, how do you approach the matchup against BW Midrange? it is the only deck in standard I keep having a 50-50 record against. (excluding niche decks) Should we try to prolong the games, 2for1 ourselves to kill Obzedat, try to chains the Demons and burn pack rat ASAP and try to strand their remova...
by cloudscraper
Fri Apr 11, 2014 5:44 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1394464

How would you board against jund monsters with the "creatureless" version with just 4 phoenixes and maindeck t/t? Board is: 4 firedrinker 4 firedancer 2 chandra 2 assemble 1 glare I'd like to keep t/t in, when on the play, if they do not have mystic it seems awesome. On the draw? Firedance...
by cloudscraper
Tue Apr 08, 2014 11:19 am
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1394464

Regarding the "people can't play properly against Toil / Trouble": I've noticed that when they see Blood Crypts they start to think about the card, but they mostly assume it is a sideboard option and play accordingly only post board... In games 2 and 3 they never rev on their turn, but i'v...
by cloudscraper
Sat Apr 05, 2014 11:03 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1394464

Went undeafeated (5-0-1 total) in a local event today with the following list [deck]Deck Creatures 4 Chandra's Phoenix Enchantments 2 Chained to the Rocks Instants 4 Boros Charm 4 Lightning Strike 4 Magma Jet 3 Searing Blood 3 Shock 4 Skullcrack 4 Toil // Trouble 4 Warleader's Helix Lands 3 Blood Cr...
by cloudscraper
Thu Apr 03, 2014 8:36 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1394464

Going back to just 10 white sources with the new list (maindeck Toil/Trouble) seems very risky... it seems like asking for... trouble.

-1 Blood Crypt ; + 1 Boros Guildgate?
by cloudscraper
Wed Apr 02, 2014 12:01 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1394464

So to recap, I want from every pilot a brief discussion on these topics asap: - 4th mutavault vs 1st Temple of Silence - 3rd assemble the legion vs 4th mutavault (sideboard) - wear // tear vs glare of heresy (sideboard) - viashino firstblade vs toil // trouble; value across the meta to justify side...
by cloudscraper
Wed Apr 02, 2014 11:14 am
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1394464

Ah, I see now. I guess you could have kept the shock and make him have it. How many burn outs did you have?
3 boros charm 4 skullcrack 4 helix 4 strikes and magma jet could have been fine too as a redraw engine (sorry been away couple days)
by cloudscraper
Sat Mar 29, 2014 9:24 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1394464

Mono-Black DRAW -4 Shock +2 Chained +1 Assemble +1 Young Pyromancer Mono-Black PLAY -2 Jets -4 Shock +4 Cackler +1 Young Pyromancer +1 Chandra, Pyromaster what do you think about this Zem? Reasoning about a reduced number of chained on the play is that I don't ever want to chain a Pack Rat while i'm...
by cloudscraper
Sat Mar 29, 2014 9:21 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1394464

If you ended with no cards in hand, he had no reason to play differently so you were just dead on board.

He gave me shock as an additional out, even as a fresh new card off the top.

Why use removal on HIS eot, so i can shock and recast phoenix?
by cloudscraper
Sat Mar 29, 2014 8:51 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1394464

Hi guys! Played the deck in a 20ish men tournament today. Perfected the swiss, then lost in the top8 to one of the most decent players in the room. Let me know how would you have handled this situation. My opponent is a very good local player, multiple PTQ top4s, playing straight monoblack devotion ...
by cloudscraper
Thu Mar 27, 2014 10:29 am
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1394464

I've seen suggestions of specific cards to improve a variety of matchups. What can I do if my area is full of BW MIdrange? Shift to Fated Conf to kill Obzedat? Play more than two MM?
by cloudscraper
Wed Mar 26, 2014 11:35 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1394464

I know MJ is I just found it funny. And waiting for the collective "Oh yeah, BE is terribad" Sigh. Should've been here an hour ago Zem. Would've saved me the time ;) I still think you should cut Chandra/the 4 drop for the 2nd Blind Obedience, as the mirror is increasing and it is still a ...
by cloudscraper
Wed Mar 26, 2014 9:42 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1394464

@Elr: In the past 3 tournaments i've only lost to either the mirror (he drew much better - 5 helixes in 3 games, only 2 of them got skullcrack'd) or monoblack/Bw, so i'm sure i'm missing some central piece of STRATEGY about those matchups. Against monoblack, the most important thing to keep in mind ...
by cloudscraper
Wed Mar 26, 2014 9:28 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1394464

Purp, how do you approach monoblack / bw? I have had a lot of success with the man plan while on the play against monoblack, obviously in particular with the 6 one-drops sideboard, hence i'm willing to cut glare of heresy for a Firedrinker, but... I see it MUCH harder to win on the draw. Today I've ...
by cloudscraper
Wed Mar 26, 2014 8:36 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1394464

I keep finding myself colorscrewed with just 10 white sources. Of the last 14 matches played (4 rounds today, 5 rounds last saturday, 5 rounds previous week) i've lost 6 games ENTIRELY due to having no white mana. For example today I lost 2 distinct games against WB Midrange with multiple white burn...
by cloudscraper
Wed Mar 26, 2014 11:28 am
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1394464

Zem, how is the testing of your new sideboard been going? I still feel that if we want 6 one drops we should have 4 firedrinkers 2 cacklers and not the other way around, firedrinker being, in my experience, a good mana sink and trump for blockers, but I might be completely wrong. EDIT: Awaken suffer...
by cloudscraper
Sun Mar 23, 2014 11:43 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1394464

Dan Paine in the house, how ya been buddy? Ayyyy What up James. Been watching your videos and stuff. Great work and congrats on GP Melbourne. Got a big event coming up this weekend and REALLY want to run this deck but sadly, I have no experience with it and it doesn't seem the type of deck that I c...
by cloudscraper
Sun Mar 23, 2014 8:08 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1394464

how are the opinions on 10 vs 11 white sources? I've been screwed multiple times today, wishing i had one more source, even a bad one.
by cloudscraper
Fri Mar 21, 2014 11:22 am
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1394464

Well I needed something now that they are running Blind Obedience, so I ran it in the Firstblade slot
isn't young peezy making their jaces (usually pretty bad) good?
by cloudscraper
Wed Mar 19, 2014 3:27 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1394464

what is your current configuration Zem, and how are you liking it? I feel like Firedancers are basically an autowin vs a huge amount of decks which are a small percentage of the meta. But, summing them up, it's an amount between 10 and 25% of each metagame. I think they are worth their slots. Are yo...
by cloudscraper
Tue Mar 18, 2014 10:51 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1394464

I think you lose faster if you don't have the Chained to the Rocks when they do find a Chandra's Phoenix. The only alternative is Annihilating Fire, but that card seems bad. We are keeping a 4-of in our deck for a 4-of in our opponents' deck... and Searing Blood also has an extremely low amount of ...

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