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by stuffydollfan
Fri Oct 07, 2016 3:03 pm
Forum: Developing
Topic: MDU's Rx Builds
Replies: 281
Views: 202970

MDU's Rx Builds

Looking at new Kaladesh cards and we get quite a bit of good stuff. Sadly, with the low creature count in the deck, we won't be able to take advantage of any of the new vehicles. Though there is some slight potential in going with the energy route. The biggest boon for this deck will be that its wor...
by stuffydollfan
Fri Sep 09, 2016 7:55 am
Forum: Developing
Topic: MDU's Rx Builds
Replies: 281
Views: 202970

MDU's Rx Builds

Haven't been able to play much recently because of a change of schedule at work so most my free time is in off hours of the day. This is also about as far as we can take red at this time I believe, at least until the new set comes out. I don't think I'll be spending much time with playing and develo...
by stuffydollfan
Fri Aug 26, 2016 6:50 am
Forum: Developing
Topic: MDU's Rx Builds
Replies: 281
Views: 202970

MDU's Rx Builds

Hey this list is more like it. I guess Collected Defiance over Exquisite Firecraft? I guess the versatility of Defiance puts it over the raw power of Firecraft? I also like the addition of Geir Reach Sanitarium and am ok with the bump to 23 lands and the additional black mana sources. Having 12 blac...
by stuffydollfan
Mon Aug 22, 2016 7:11 pm
Forum: Developing
Topic: MDU's Rx Builds
Replies: 281
Views: 202970

MDU's Rx Builds

Similar but different. He's running on 25 lands which feels like it's way too much for this deck. If you feel like you need more land you can bump it to 23 but any more than that feels like too many. Guess he had to get rid of Exquisite Firecraft. Don't like the inclusion of Fiery Impulse in the mai...
by stuffydollfan
Sat Aug 20, 2016 5:55 pm
Forum: Developing
Topic: MDU's Rx Builds
Replies: 281
Views: 202970

MDU's Rx Builds

So the latest version of my deck I have completely moved out the Abbots and put in a playset of Alchemist in its place. There are pros and cons to both cards but I think Alchemist has a few more pros and it synergizes better with the deck. Though I actually like Abbot better in the Bant MU but Alche...
by stuffydollfan
Fri Aug 19, 2016 10:44 pm
Forum: Developing
Topic: MDU's Rx Builds
Replies: 281
Views: 202970

MDU's Rx Builds

@LazerBurn, I was seeing more and more of these deck list earlier this week on MTGO. I had a lot of trouble against them, mainly because my deck gives them opportunities to hit back hard. Also because Thunderbreak Regent and Dragons Roar is such a powerful pairing. @dauntless, I cant see the article...
by stuffydollfan
Wed Aug 17, 2016 9:25 pm
Forum: Developing
Topic: MDU's Rx Builds
Replies: 281
Views: 202970

MDU's Rx Builds

The new format has new decks to watch out for but Bant still feels like the king and my deck sadly matches up poorly against it. Though my nut hands do trump theirs so at least we have that. I have been trying the 1cmc sideboard removal suite but sometimes we just cant keep up. I'm not sure how else...
by stuffydollfan
Mon Aug 15, 2016 9:03 am
Forum: Developing
Topic: MDU's Rx Builds
Replies: 281
Views: 202970

MDU's Rx Builds

I haven't competed in a highly competitive event since more than a year ago in a SCG open when rabblemaster was in standard. All things considered I probably should be satisfied with that 9-6 performance but it felt like I could have done better. My last minute SB meddling was the most upsetting to ...
by stuffydollfan
Sun Aug 14, 2016 6:05 am
Forum: Developing
Topic: MDU's Rx Builds
Replies: 281
Views: 202970

MDU's Rx Builds

Just got back from the GP. Had a 6-2 record going into the last round but ended up with three losses. I made some very bad SB change at the last minute and payed for it. Kinda disappointed but I will try to come back tomorrow to salvage the day. I think I was hearing that people with 3 losses had no...
by stuffydollfan
Fri Aug 12, 2016 11:13 pm
Forum: Developing
Topic: MDU's Rx Builds
Replies: 281
Views: 202970

MDU's Rx Builds

Most current and up to date R/B madness decklist [deck]Rakdos Burn Lands: 22 4 Foreboding Ruins 12 Mountain 4 Smoldering Marsh 2 Swamp Creatures: 12 4 Insolent Neonate 4 Abbot of Keral Keep 4 Bedlam Reveler Instant/Sorcery: 26 4 Collective Brutality 4 Incendiary Flow 4 Tormenting Voice 4 Alms of the...
by stuffydollfan
Fri Aug 12, 2016 8:55 pm
Forum: Developing
Topic: MDU's Rx Builds
Replies: 281
Views: 202970

MDU's Rx Builds

One day left before the GP. I forgot to mention but I have switched the 2 Read the Bone for 2 Collected Defiance and the results have been great. The card is so good when you can escalate it 1 or 2 times. And even when you dont escalate it the card isn't bad. A big upgrade to RtB. Anyways, back to s...
by stuffydollfan
Thu Aug 11, 2016 6:30 pm
Forum: Developing
Topic: MDU's Rx Builds
Replies: 281
Views: 202970

MDU's Rx Builds

@magicdownunder, probably because menace is so good right now. That would be my guess. @dauntless, my mtgo user name is el_cucui, feel free to send a friends request. That goes for everybody. Back to the sideboard talk, Yeah I think I should be fine in running 4 Languish since the deck can draw so m...
by stuffydollfan
Wed Aug 10, 2016 5:42 pm
Forum: Developing
Topic: MDU's Rx Builds
Replies: 281
Views: 202970

MDU's Rx Builds

@dauntless Sorry the deck didn't work out as great for you as it has been working for me. Not sure what to say other than maybe I should post my matches just to give people a general idea of what it's capable of? But I think I need a new mic first since the one on my laptop isnt working with OBL Stu...
by stuffydollfan
Wed Aug 10, 2016 6:13 am
Forum: Developing
Topic: MDU's Rx Builds
Replies: 281
Views: 202970

MDU's Rx Builds

Just an update for the R/B madness deck I have. Been playing a lot on MTGO these last few days in preparation for the GP. The main deck as is seems about as good as it's going to feel. But picking the right sideboard is going to be a challenge for me. [deck]4x Galvanic Bombardment 2x Lightning Axe 2...
by stuffydollfan
Mon Aug 08, 2016 7:10 am
Forum: Developing
Topic: MDU's Rx Builds
Replies: 281
Views: 202970

MDU's Rx Builds

Ok been doing a lot of MTGO and some paper playing. This past week we had a Pro Tour that featured a bunch of brand new decks that challenge the Bant and G/W decks for the top tier decks. Which is a big win for us because with the decline of those decks helps us get stronger. I'm not sure if the Por...
by stuffydollfan
Thu Aug 04, 2016 7:23 pm
Forum: Developing
Topic: MDU's Rx Builds
Replies: 281
Views: 202970

MDU's Rx Builds

I am going to look into posting my replays later on. Would it be better if i add audio commentary or is silence ok? @ dauntless: I always find a useful mode with Collective Brutality. Against burn decks and other control decks escalating the card gives you so much advantage since both discard and dr...
by stuffydollfan
Thu Aug 04, 2016 6:59 am
Forum: Developing
Topic: MDU's Rx Builds
Replies: 281
Views: 202970

MDU's Rx Builds

Played a bunch today. Haven't really changed much yet since I haven't run into any bant company decks yet but I am really liking where the deck is at. I will be busy all day for work for the next two days and gone for the weekend so i wont get much playing time till Sunday. Like I said, been winning...
by stuffydollfan
Wed Aug 03, 2016 7:35 am
Forum: Developing
Topic: MDU's Rx Builds
Replies: 281
Views: 202970

MDU's Rx Builds

Here is the latest RB list i'm testing out: [deck] Rakdos Burn Lands: 22 4x Foreboding Ruins 12x Mountain 4x Smoldering Marsh 2x Swamp Creatures: 12 4x Insolent Neonate 4x Abbot of Keral Keep 4x Bedlam Reveler Instant/Sorcery: 26 4x Collective Brutality 4x Incendiary Flow 4x Tormenting Voice 4x Alms...
by stuffydollfan
Wed Jul 27, 2016 5:01 pm
Forum: Developing
Topic: MDU's Rx Builds
Replies: 281
Views: 202970

MDU's Rx Builds

I played with the Thermo-Alchemist in the pre-release and he did manage to leave a good impression on me. While normally I hate most 0/3, the alchemist was able to put in some work. Though I initially thought that he would be too cute for standard, but apparently he seems to be alright. I do like th...
by stuffydollfan
Sat Jul 23, 2016 7:20 pm
Forum: Developing
Topic: MDU's Rx Builds
Replies: 281
Views: 202970

MDU's Rx Builds

Having instant speen burn is so big but I agree. If you want to make space for Collective Defiance, then the place for it would be in the Fiery Temper slot.
by stuffydollfan
Sat Jul 23, 2016 4:45 pm
Forum: Developing
Topic: MDU's Rx Builds
Replies: 281
Views: 202970

MDU's Rx Builds

I was able to get all the new cards i wanted from the new set last night (8x Bedlam Wanderer!!!) And I updated the deck. I played the newest deck I posted on here with some modifications. I removed the Dragons all together from the list because I wanted to test out Collective Brutality and because I...
by stuffydollfan
Fri Jul 22, 2016 12:44 am
Forum: Developing
Topic: MDU's Rx Builds
Replies: 281
Views: 202970

MDU's Rx Builds

Yeah I can see why you might be concerned to run Hanweir Garrison in a meta that can deal with it so effectively. I also expect to to a resurgence of the U/W spirits, and the continued dominance of Bant Company, G/W tokens, and Mono White Weenie. Man I hate white. Feels bad not being a top deck for ...
by stuffydollfan
Thu Jul 21, 2016 11:37 pm
Forum: Developing
Topic: MDU's Rx Builds
Replies: 281
Views: 202970

MDU's Rx Builds

Oh yeah I can see why it wouldn't work as good in that version of the deck. He is definitely missing out on those essential madness enablers. Without them most of the madness spells have to be played at actual retail price instead of getting them at a discount. The problem like we've discovered in t...
by stuffydollfan
Thu Jul 21, 2016 6:30 pm
Forum: Developing
Topic: MDU's Rx Builds
Replies: 281
Views: 202970

MDU's Rx Builds

Anyone remember the deck list Tom was testing out? We had already agreed that you're better off running mono red here if you go creature heavy. I still think you can successfully run a r/b madness deck. I did play in a few pre-release events this past weekend and got to test out some of the new card...
by stuffydollfan
Thu Jul 14, 2016 9:42 pm
Forum: Developing
Topic: MDU's Rx Builds
Replies: 281
Views: 202970

MDU's Rx Builds

I have to wait till the 1st for the online release day for Eldritch Moon. Can't play any paper tournament till the Portland GP in August. I will be taking Rakdos Madness or some sort of variation to that event. That gives me less than 2 weeks of prep time. Hopefully that's enough time to get me into...
by stuffydollfan
Sun Jul 10, 2016 2:05 am
Forum: Developing
Topic: MDU's Rx Builds
Replies: 281
Views: 202970

MDU's Rx Builds

I agree that both bant humans and spirits will probably be the more stronger decks going in the new standard. They got way too many goodies for G/W and anything in those colors should be holding strong i think. White Humans get Thalia, which i'm pretty certain it will see play in almost anything tha...
by stuffydollfan
Sat Jul 09, 2016 1:20 am
Forum: Developing
Topic: MDU's Rx Builds
Replies: 281
Views: 202970

MDU's Rx Builds

Obviously blue is the best color for drawing but i think the madness deck I'm playing does a decent job of drawing and putting instant/sorcery spells in the grave yard. I can easily see this being cast on turn 5 or 4 and later in the game getting him almost always for 2-red. I'm not a big fan of the...
by stuffydollfan
Fri Jul 08, 2016 6:02 am
Forum: Developing
Topic: MDU's Rx Builds
Replies: 281
Views: 202970

MDU's Rx Builds

Here's a quick mock up of an Eldericht Moon Rakdos madness deck I might play. [deck]Rakdos Madness 22 Lands 4 Foreboding Ruins 12 Mountain 4 Smoldering Marsh 2 Swamp 15 Creatures 4 Insolent Neonate 4 Heir of Falkenrath 3 Bedlam Reveler 4 Thunderbreak Regent 23 Instant/Sorcery 1 Titan's Strength 4 To...
by stuffydollfan
Fri Jul 08, 2016 2:27 am
Forum: Developing
Topic: MDU's Rx Builds
Replies: 281
Views: 202970

MDU's Rx Builds

I don't have a specific deck in mind yet since there are a couple of new cards I want to test. New Incinerate is going to be an automatic 4-of but everything else will get tested. In order to make room for incinerate i'm thinking of dropping the Olivia's from the deck or the Ravenous Bloodseeker's. ...
by stuffydollfan
Thu Jul 07, 2016 4:57 pm
Forum: Developing
Topic: MDU's Rx Builds
Replies: 281
Views: 202970

MDU's Rx Builds

Would it have been too much to ask for instant speed burn? I guess i'll take it. Either way this will be a welcomed addition for red that's for sure. Harmless Offering by itself creates a whole bunch of wacky scenarios. And the new mythic dragon seems kinda interesting as well. I'm also a big fan of...
by stuffydollfan
Sat Jul 02, 2016 11:12 pm
Forum: Developing
Topic: MDU's Rx Builds
Replies: 281
Views: 202970

MDU's Rx Builds

While the 1-drops might not be as explosive as they were in previous standard, I do like how all of them still have some use even after the early game. In this deck it does seem like you need a minimum of 8 1-drops since early game damage is usually the best opportunity to get in easy damage. I like...
by stuffydollfan
Wed Jun 29, 2016 9:17 pm
Forum: Developing
Topic: MDU's Rx Builds
Replies: 281
Views: 202970

MDU's Rx Builds

I only asked because the deck looks so slow. I know that speed isn’t part of reds thing this standard, but looking at your main deck list, I had to question how tough it is for you in general to win against the top decks in standard before you side board. Even when red isn’t fast, I would like to th...
by stuffydollfan
Tue Jun 28, 2016 12:08 am
Forum: Developing
Topic: MDU's Rx Builds
Replies: 281
Views: 202970

MDU's Rx Builds

Yeah I guess the new Thalia doesnt help Humans kill at a faster rate but she's very powerful against both control and other creature decks. I could at least see her on the side if not in the MD.

Nice write up. How were your matches before side board?
by stuffydollfan
Sun Jun 26, 2016 6:59 pm
Forum: Developing
Topic: MDU's Rx Builds
Replies: 281
Views: 202970

MDU's Rx Builds

Congrats man!

I can't wait to read your report.
I'll be most interested on to hear about your humans MU. Those bastards get another stupid powerful card in the next set!
by stuffydollfan
Sat Jun 25, 2016 7:01 pm
Forum: Developing
Topic: MDU's Rx Builds
Replies: 281
Views: 202970

MDU's Rx Builds

I think a 2/2 split with Zurgo and Castigator is fine with your land count. Even post board you are going to want a creature on turn 1 and Zurgo helps with that. And Zurgo doesn't completely suck in the late game because of his dash ability lets him dodge sorcery speed removal. with 3/1 castigator/s...
by stuffydollfan
Fri Jun 24, 2016 12:48 am
Forum: Developing
Topic: MDU's Rx Builds
Replies: 281
Views: 202970

MDU's Rx Builds

That human MU is such a nightmare. You definitely want to see removal in that opening hand and just up to draw into it long enough to stabilize. Is that even possible against that deck? Seems like they got gas for days. Maybe I am siding out poorly. And for control I like the wolf. I like pretty muc...
by stuffydollfan
Wed Jun 22, 2016 11:39 pm
Forum: Developing
Topic: MDU's Rx Builds
Replies: 281
Views: 202970

MDU's Rx Builds

Oh yeah thats what i was alluding to on my last post. If I take the R/b deck and go the small route, it's probably better to go on mono red and take full advantage of what the color has to offer. I was just trying to justify sticking to black because of my bias towards the color. With the last build...
by stuffydollfan
Wed Jun 22, 2016 3:56 am
Forum: Developing
Topic: MDU's Rx Builds
Replies: 281
Views: 202970

MDU's Rx Builds

@ MDU: If this deck gets the nut draw against us the its pretty much over no matter what we do. My sideboard is good in hate with Avacyn's Judgement and Self Inflicted Wound the help out. Though Avacyn's Judgement becomes useless after a few turns. I also have few Lightning Axe in the side to help o...
by stuffydollfan
Tue Jun 21, 2016 5:26 am
Forum: Developing
Topic: MDU's Rx Builds
Replies: 281
Views: 202970

MDU's Rx Builds

Small update. I haven't take the deck to any actual events yet but instead been doing more play testing in the tournament room. Been playing around with a couple of modifications to the deck but so far i haven't noticed anything way different with the deck. Currently I'm testing the going small appr...
by stuffydollfan
Thu Jun 16, 2016 7:34 pm
Forum: Developing
Topic: MDU's Rx Builds
Replies: 281
Views: 202970

MDU's Rx Builds

Small update on my development for the rakdos deck, I tried going for the heavier dragon splash but it was an utter mess. It was a small modification to the deck list i had last posted but I guess it made enough of a difference for me to notice. [deck]2 Haven of the Spirit Dragon 4 Foreboding Ruins ...

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