[Primer] PyroRed

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Postby Elricity » Mon Oct 28, 2013 11:37 pm

-4 shock, -2 jet, +3 skullcrack, +2 boros charm, +1 hammer is probably the best call.

I would normally never consider dropping magma jet against normal esper but it's probably better to go under BBV and charm/skullcrack do that more efficiently before the scry becomes as much of a factor. And you don't dilute your phoenix recursion. And all your permanents represent way too much damage to consider dropping.

Edit: Wait, why aren't we siding out chained?

Looking at MDU's build, which is pretty close to standard Walter White:

-2 chained, -4 shock, +2 skullcrack, +2 boros charm, +1 hammer, +1 fanatic. I could see an argument for -1 jet for the other mogis in his SB but that's slowing down.

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Postby LaZerBurn » Tue Oct 29, 2013 12:09 am

I've been looking at post board strategy for AIPyro, the anti MODO variant) against Mono U and G/R rather than just wait for Zem's latest update :) I've come up with the rather radical plan of going more aggro :)

Cards of choice to enable this plan are Seismic Stompand possibly Gore-House Chainwalker. I have even considered Madcap Skills but on reflection I think this may be a bridge too far :)

Here's the theory, yes there is some :)

I think Mono U has a better control game than we do (they do when I
face them anyway) so I'm trying keeping the 1 drops in and rushing them :) GHC (and Skills) helps with the early beats and the Stomp is for if the board becomes stalled out. My first test (without GHC) saw me win G1, lose G2 to a rather impressive 11 land 7 spells flood and lose G3 due to getting stuck on 2 land for 3 turns with the game winning Stomp in hand. This reassured me that this might actually be a workable solution if my mana plays along :)

In theory the same early rush would work against G/R too. Get early beats in, they die or stabilise and you then Stomp through :)

I'm still working on how to get him into the deck but in theory GHC works well with this plan. He is castable off BTE - he knocks out Omenspeaker and trades with Spectre against Mono U
and also takes out Caryatid in the G/R match up. The 2 toughness makes him a little more resilient to early chumps (I'm thinking Elves and Voyaging Satyrs) than FDS, FFS and YP (I know he's not a beater ideally but sometimes needs must) which should help get them low enough on life for a well timed Stomp to take the game. He's good against Mono B and Esper/Control too.

Testing this theory on MTGO is proving a bit tricky (can't find any Mono U or G/R when you want them) but I'll persevere :) I miss playing IRL at times like this, my play test buds and I just used proxy up the decks, run the match up a few dozen times and find out whether a card/s worked right away :)

My other train of thought was running Black for Rakdos Charm. Against the 11 MoW tokens that killed me last game the Charm would have been game winning and G/R like to durdle
about and cast lots of monsters too so this could be fun there :)

Thoughts/praise/abuse/suggestions of good therapists are all welcome :)
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Postby amcfvieira » Tue Oct 29, 2013 12:30 am

Finally today's arrived my third Chandra, Pyromaster and I don't have to borrow it any more :)
In the begin of the month I test intensively in MTGO with Pyrored, Devotion Red and AIR, and my best results were with Pyro about 75% of wins. I like to play devotion too, but I really like Young Pyromancer and all this deck interactions. So I choose this deck to play, in MTGO I current play Pyrored (I didn't had already time to made some trades to get a "comfortable" number of tix to buy the duals and the chained). In paper I current play "Z's Walter White".
I did play in the Gameday and last FNM with the mainboard stock 60 cards "Walter White" (someone can explain the name please?) and with follow sideboards:

[deck]Gameday sideboard:
4 Boros Reckoner
2 Chained to the Rocks
2 Mizzium Mortars
2 Boros Charm
Act of Treason
2 Hammer of Purphoros
1 Wear / Tear[/deck]

Round 1 lost 1-2 against BR Midrange with very bad draws. Something like my opponent at 2 life and I draw 6 mountains in a row or he in last game he drew 3 desecration Demon in a row (both in top decking) and I ultimate the Chandra and don't find any burn with him at 1 life!!! I think this is a winnable match up.
Round 2 win 2-0 against GW agroo/midrange. Think very good match up, he had Courage mainboard but I deal with it nicely with the mainboard Chained and burn.
Round 3 win 2-1 against RG Monsters. It's a Ok match up if we can kill their mana dorks. First game had a explosive start. Second game I can beat a turn 2 Domri. I take out the 1 drops and can't made 4 damage at turn 2. Game 3 I win the middle game.
Round 4 win 2-0 against White Winnie splash Red, it's some kind of heroic mechanic deck and it's very easy to beat with burn.
Round 5 lost 0-2 against Monoblack Devotion. He kick my ass very hard. I try the [card]Wear/
Tear[/card] here but I didn't drew it. I didn't ever close to win :(

So I decide to ad Skullcrack to sideboard to try it against gain life and Monoblack devotion.
[deck]FNM sideboard:
4 Boros Reckoner
2 Chained to the Rocks
2 Mizzium Mortars
2 Boros Charm
2 Act of Treason
3 Skullcrack[/deck]

Round 1 win 2-1 against Monored devotion. Game 1 on play win in to 2x reckoners. [card]Chandra's Phoenix[/card] for the win. Game 2 I had a superb hand but can draw my third land in time. Game 3 I win by a far margin.
Round 2 win 2-0 against Monoblack devotion. Game 1 He don't see any Whip and I kill him quickly. Game 2 I win in the middle game. I see Skullcrack in early game to down him to a very low life, but I flooded a lot in this point and the recover. I win the game after a long game. I'm not all sold to Skullcrack.
Round 3 win 2-1 against RG devotion (Pro
tour List). Game 1 I lose to a Triple Sylvan Caryatid followed by a Domri. Game 2 I side out Shock's to bigger removal and win the game with ease, my opponent bla bla bla bad red deck win to a lot of luck, bla bla bla bad luck. Game 3 I side in again the Shock's to prevent a turn 2 Domri and screw him by killing their mana dorks. Turn 4 I Aot their Arbor Colossus then I chained in the followed turn for the final attack :)
Round 4 win 2-0 against UW control. It's my training mate and I crush him like usually.

I will went in one big event in December with about 150 player's at least and this is beginning of the training for that. In a really open meta I will take a more all around sideboard, or maybe not. For now I don't think even chage any of the 60 mainboard cards (but I follow the discussion to the swap the plain for
Mutavault with big interest). Purphoros is another card that I really can see here if it prove to be good. In sideboard I have 10 cards that will be unchanged (for now I think their have to be in final 75): 4x Boros Reckoner, 2x Chained to the Rocks, 2x Mizzium Mortars, 2x Boros Charm (can consider a third). The 5 spots available can be fill by [cards]Acto of Treason[/cards]; Peack Eruption; Skullcrack; Assemble the Legion; Hammer of Purphoros; Last Breath; [card]Wear / Tear[/card], more mortars or more charms.

I will try to discussion my sideboard options and the cards I swap in the next post with everyone that want to help me.

P.S.-Sorry for the Mountain of text.
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Postby magicdownunder » Tue Oct 29, 2013 12:33 am

MDU, when are the finals? Can we watch?
MOCS Season 11 Preliminary - Standard 11/01/2013 06:00 PM
MOCS Season 11 Preliminary - Standard 11/02/2013 06:00 AM
MOCS Season 11 Preliminary - Standard 11/02/2013 12:00 PM
MOCS Season 11 Preliminary - Standard 11/02/2013 06:00 PM

MOCS Season 11 Finals - Standard 11/09/2013 11:00 AM

The last few MOCS I played went way over 11+ Hours, I'll post it when I'm done. I do Recommend watching Prelims though they're worth it esp. when wizard offer foil $$ lands as prizes.


My list is the Walter White list (about 1 change MD and a few in SB tops), I just call it something else but kept Zem's name in credits.


I think I'll test [card]Purphoros, God of the Forge[/
card] as well, on paper it looks like he drastically improves our bad MUs while being "ok'ish" vs our good MUs I just dislike how he fights for the same spot as Chandra, Pyromaster


You should be able to find my Sideboard Plans in my DE post, use it as reference

Finally today's arrived my third Chandra, Pyromaster and I don't have to borrow it any more :)
In the begin of the month I test intensively in MTGO with Pyrored, Devotion Red and AIR, and my best results were with Pyro about 75% of wins. I like to play devotion too, but I really like Young Pyromancer and all this deck interactions. So I choose this deck to play, in MTGO I current play Pyrored (I didn't had already time to
made some trades to get a "comfortable" number of tix to buy the duals and the chained). In paper I current play "Z's Walter White".
I did play in the Gameday and last FNM with the mainboard stock 60 cards "Walter White" (someone can explain the name please?) and with follow sideboards:

[deck]Gameday sideboard:
4 Boros Reckoner
2 Chained to the Rocks
2 Mizzium Mortars
2 Boros Charm
2 Act of Treason
2 Hammer of Purphoros
1 Wear / Tear[/deck]

Round 1 lost 1-2 against BR Midrange with very bad draws. Something like my opponent at 2 life and I draw 6 mountains in a row or he in last game he drew 3 desecration Demon in a row (both in top decking) and I ultimate the Chandra and don't find any burn with him at 1 life!!! I think this is a winnable match up.
Round 2 win 2-0 against GW agroo/midrange. Think very good match up, he had Courage mainboard but I deal with it nicely with the mainboard Chained and burn.
Round 3 win 2-1 against RG Monsters. It's a Ok match up
if we can kill their mana dorks. First game had a explosive start. Second game I can beat a turn 2 Domri. I take out the 1 drops and can't made 4 damage at turn 2. Game 3 I win the middle game.
Round 4 win 2-0 against White Winnie splash Red, it's some kind of heroic mechanic deck and it's very easy to beat with burn.
Round 5 lost 0-2 against Monoblack Devotion. He kick my ass very hard. I try the [card]Wear/ Tear[/card] here but I didn't drew it. I didn't ever close to win :(

So I decide to ad Skullcrack to sideboard to try it against gain life and Monoblack devotion.
[deck]FNM sideboard:
4 Boros Reckoner
2 Chained to the Rocks
2 Mizzium Mortars
2 Boros Charm
2 Act of Treason
3 Skullcrack[/deck]

Round 1 win 2-1 against Monored devotion. Game 1 on play win in to 2x reckoners. [card]Chandra's Phoenix[/card] for the win. Game 2 I had a superb hand but can draw my third
land in time. Game 3 I win by a far margin.
Round 2 win 2-0 against Monoblack devotion. Game 1 He don't see any Whip and I kill him quickly. Game 2 I win in the middle game. I see Skullcrack in early game to down him to a very low life, but I flooded a lot in this point and the recover. I win the game after a long game. I'm not all sold to Skullcrack.
Round 3 win 2-1 against RG devotion (Pro tour List). Game 1 I lose to a Triple Sylvan Caryatid followed by a Domri. Game 2 I side out Shock's to bigger removal and win the game with ease, my opponent bla bla bla bad red deck win to a lot of luck, bla bla bla bad luck. Game 3 I side in again the Shock's to prevent a turn 2 Domri and screw him by killing their mana dorks. Turn 4 I Aot their Arbor Colossus then I chained in the followed turn for the final attack
Round 4 win 2-0 against UW control. It's my training mate and I crush him like usually.

I will went in one big event in December with about 150 player's at least and this is beginning of the training for that. In a really open meta I will take a more all around sideboard, or maybe not. For now I don't think even chage any of the 60 mainboard cards (but I follow the discussion to the swap the plain for Mutavault with big interest). Purphoros is another card that I really can see here if it prove to be good. In sideboard I have 10 cards that will be unchanged (for now I think their have to be in final 75): 4x Boros Reckoner, 2x Chained to the Rocks, 2x Mizzium Mortars, 2x Boros Charm (can consider a third). The 5 spots available can be fill by [cards]Acto of Treason[/cards]; Peack Eruption; Skullcrack; Assemble the Legion; Hammer of Purphoros; [card:
38fgq4zz]Last Breath[/card]; [card]Wear / Tear[/card], more mortars or more charms.

I will try to discussion my sideboard options and the cards I swap in the next post with everyone that want to help me.

P.S.-Sorry for the Mountain of text.
I think you deserve to lose R1 if your ultimating with Chandra when he is on 1 life, could you post your sideboard plans later? It sounds like you made a few odd choices against the B decks.
Last edited by magicdownunder on Tue Oct 29, 2013 12:50 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Self Medicated » Tue Oct 29, 2013 12:47 am

Run Godless Shrines instead of swamps and get Boros Reckoner in there, IMO. If you wanna' stay on the mono-terror plan, I'd run Dark Betrayal instead of Ultimate Price because it hits Obzedat and Demon for one mana.
I assume you would drop the Spike Jesters?
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Postby amcfvieira » Tue Oct 29, 2013 1:47 am

I think you deserve to lose R1 if your ultimating with Chandra when he is on 1 life, could you post your sideboard plans later? It sounds like you made a few odd choices against the B decks.
That lose is epic, but the guy is really in a mood of luck. In game 3 the had dropped from their hand a [card]Pharika's Cure[/card] and I already know that plus 1 Chandra didn't win me the game.

My sideboard plans are the usual against agroo: - 8x one drop ; + 4x Boros Reckoner, + 2x Chained to the rocks, + 2x Mizzium Mortars
Against Control (UW/Esper): - 3x shock, -2x Chained ; + 2x Boros Charm, + 3 Skullcrack (last time)
Against RG Monsters/Devotion: (on play) - 4x Schock, - 2x creatures (Ash or Cackler) ; + 2x
Chained, + 2x Mortars, + 2x Act of Treason (I keep Firedrinker because it can go in to Caryatid and kill it. My plan A is race);
(on Draw) - 4x Cackler; -2x Burn not Shock!(usual Lightning Strike, I keep Magma Jet to improve my draw in the race and one or another can kill mana dorks but can't kill big creatures) ; + 2x Chained, + 2x Mortars, + 2x Act of Treason
Against Monoblack devotion: - 4x Shock, -1x Magma Jet, - 4x Firedrinker or Ash; + 2x Chained, + 2x Mortars, + 2x Act of Treason, + 3x Skullcrack (I don't really like to remove the 4 creatures because I want to put some pressure in early game, but I don't know if I like cutting all the magma jets. May it's more correct to cut the playset of Magma Jet but I feel they are important to recurring the phoenix)
Last edited by amcfvieira on Tue Oct 29, 2013 3:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Calamity » Tue Oct 29, 2013 2:19 am

The Walter White name comes from the series Breaking Bad, where the main character (Walter White) is a high school chemistry teacher that turns to a life of crime by making extremely pure crystal meth. It's because it's a red deck that isn't what you expect it to be (like how a former high school chemistry teacher builds a meth empire)
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Postby Jack » Tue Oct 29, 2013 2:34 am

The Walter White name comes from the series Breaking Bad, where the main character (Walter White) is a high school chemistry teacher that turns to a life of crime by making extremely pure crystal meth. It's because it's a red deck that isn't what you expect it to be (like how a former high school chemistry teacher builds a meth empire)
It's actually because we used to call it Pyro White (as opposed to Pyro Red) and a forum member (Windstrider, I believe) kept making associations with the name of the protagonist from Breaking Bad whenever he read the name.

...but your explanation sounds cooler.
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Postby InflatablePie » Tue Oct 29, 2013 2:56 am

yeah, I posted something about the not-what-you'd-expect thing being a subtle reference, strider just kept thinking of BrBa when he read 'PyroWhite'.

on this note, I think "Heisenburn" fits better for a RB Pyro list, now that I think about it. Walter White vs Heisenburn. totally calling the RB lists that.
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Postby Helios » Tue Oct 29, 2013 3:09 am

I was mostly going with Walter White being full of rage. He seems like a very red character to me.

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Postby amcfvieira » Tue Oct 29, 2013 3:12 am

I like the explanation and the name "Walter White" it's very nice now that I understand it :)
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Postby Jack » Tue Oct 29, 2013 3:37 am

I was mostly going with Walter White being full of rage. He seems like a very red character to me.
WW would totes be a Mountain mage.
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Postby Helios » Tue Oct 29, 2013 3:42 am

He's the intelligent side of the red spectrum.

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Postby windstrider » Tue Oct 29, 2013 4:33 am

I originally made the comment of wanting to call the deck Walter White for some reason. Someone else (Val? Khaos) seconded it, and the name just took off from there. I liked the name because the show is covered in copious amounts of red flowing through the plot lines. Pie's and Helios's reasoning fits as well.

Edit: Khaos seconded the name.
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Postby windstrider » Tue Oct 29, 2013 5:00 am


I think I'll test Purphoros, God of the Forge as well, on paper it looks like he drastically improves our bad MUs while being "ok'ish" vs our good MUs I just dislike how he fights for the same spot as Chandra, Pyromaster
Good luck with it. I'm not happy that he fights for Chandra's spot either, but I at least want to give him a shot. I'd love to live the dream with Purphoros by recurring two Phoenixes with Chandra's +1, casting them to trigger Purphoros for 4 damage, and then attacking for 10 more after he becomes a creature. :D Even if it only ever happens once, I
will savor the look on my opponent's face.
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Postby zemanjaski » Tue Oct 29, 2013 5:13 am

The ability to give your tokens / weenies pump is very good against control.
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Postby magicdownunder » Tue Oct 29, 2013 7:22 am


I think I'll test Purphoros, God of the Forge as well, on paper it looks like he drastically improves our bad MUs while being "ok'ish" vs our good MUs I just dislike how he fights for the same spot as Chandra, Pyromaster
Good luck with it. I'm not happy that he fights for Chandra's spot either, but I at least want to give him a shot. I'd love to live the dream with Purphoros by recurring two Phoenixes with Chandra's +1, casting them to trigger Purphoros for 4 damage, and then attacking
for 10 more after he becomes a creature. :D Even if it only ever happens once, I will savor the look on my opponent's face.
I just 3-1 Standard Daily Event 6162886 (which I'll post later) I manage to cast him once, the other times I saw him he was either sent to the bottom or stayed in my hand.

The game where I did cast him, he "felt" better then Chandra (I say felt because her "draw a card ability" is really strong) I'm not disgusted with him yet so I'll keep at him ;-).
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Postby zemanjaski » Tue Oct 29, 2013 11:18 am

Currently 6-1 tonight, beating:
- MBC x 3
- Naya Control x 1
- Esper x 1
- RDW x 1

And losing to Mono Blue 1-2 in close games. Looking into some different technology options as we speak (still on Mono Red). I was speaking to MDU and we were finding that the problem matchups were GR and Mono U, so I want to find some cards that are strong there. MDU is trialing Purphoros and I think that with MonoU have no removal, it may be possible to actually get him active, given how often each side just ends up staring at the other. His pump and triggers might be very powerful as well.
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Postby Platypus » Tue Oct 29, 2013 11:42 am

I haven't played against Mono Blue Devotion, so I might be wrong here. Master of Waves is the biggest problem for the mono red variant, right? Flamecast Wheel and even Rod of Ruin are artifacts that can remove him. But both of those are probably too limited to consider seriously.
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Postby zemanjaski » Tue Oct 29, 2013 12:07 pm

Cute, will look into those.
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Postby magicdownunder » Tue Oct 29, 2013 1:22 pm

I haven't played against Mono Blue Devotion, so I might be wrong here. Master of Waves is the biggest problem for the mono red variant, right? Flamecast Wheel and even Rod of Ruin are artifacts that can remove him. But both of those are probably too limited to consider seriously.
If they triggered [card]Chandra's Phoenix[/card] I would add them without question, since they don't you might as well run Ratchet Bomb.


You've mention before that you believe GR to be a good MU (assuming this includes Mihara version) what are you doing to make this winnable? I'm semi-comfortable against MonoBlue now but the CA from [card:
zlmtbc1z]Garruk Caller of Beasts[/card], the 8 removal spells, 0/3 hexproof walls and [card]Nylea's Disciple[/card] is just too much for me - I'm at the point where my only game-plan is to pray that the shuffler fails them.

EDIT: here is a link to Todd Anderson's list: Gr Deck

EDIT: This is not Todd list
Last edited by magicdownunder on Tue Oct 29, 2013 2:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Zooligan » Tue Oct 29, 2013 2:08 pm

I originally made the comment of wanting to call the deck Walter White for some reason. Someone else (Val? Khaos) seconded it, and the name just took off from there.
I wonder, is Walter White enough of a thing now to have its (his?) own thread instead of being woven into the PyroRed thread?

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Postby LaZerBurn » Tue Oct 29, 2013 2:11 pm

I'm at the point where my only game-plan is to pray that the shuffler fails them.
Thanks for sharing that MDU, it's heartening to know I'm not the only one who thinks that about certain match ups (U Dev is currently the bane of my life) :)
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Postby magicdownunder » Tue Oct 29, 2013 2:15 pm


I think I'll test Purphoros, God of the Forge as well, on paper it looks like he drastically improves our bad MUs while being "ok'ish" vs our good MUs I just dislike how he fights for the same spot as Chandra, Pyromaster
Good luck with it. I'm not happy that he fights for Chandra's spot either, but I at least want to give
him a shot. I'd love to live the dream with Purphoros by recurring two Phoenixes with Chandra's +1, casting them to trigger Purphoros for 4 damage, and then attacking for 10 more after he becomes a creature. :D Even if it only ever happens once, I will savor the look on my opponent's face.
I just 3-1 Standard Daily Event 6162886 (which I'll post later) I manage to cast him once, the other times I saw him he was either sent to the bottom or stayed in my hand.

The game where I did cast him, he "felt" better then Chandra (I say felt because her "draw a card ability" is really strong) I'm not disgusted with him yet so I'll keep at him ;-).
Here is the (3-1) I promised its from Standard Daily Event 6162886 - these are not the most impressive videos you'll ever watch since its more
like a display of cripple magic:

Here is the list:

[deck]Australian Winter BBQ[/deck]

G1: MonoRed Devotion
G2: MonoBlue Devotion
G3: MonoBlack Devotion
G4: [url=http://www.
youtube.com/watch?v=lpApkUO4Dt8]Black-Green Rock[/url]

New technology Explanation:
Z's original PyroWhite list was designed to take on the meta's top decks such as MonoBlack and UW/x Control, Chained to the Rocks was meant to provides that extra clutch against MonoBlue and GR.

However from testing I found that MonoBlue was still difficult due to its raw CA from 3 different sources and its abundance of creatures which have 3 or more toughness, thus I added the Fanatic of Mogis to provide that extra gas which has proven to be effective from my testing (though your required to already be in a strong position).

GR has been a nightmare with its earlier version containing 4x [card]Nylea's Disciple[/card] combined with CA from both walkers it was 25% or lower MU now that the "Pros" are readjusting the list again to deal with MonoBlack and
Esper it has become slightly more favorable MU (30%) the devotion plan is harder to pull of here due to 8+ removals and huge life-gain effects, our creatures tend to be weak against walls so squeezing early is hard - with 3-4 giants swinging in the air doesn't work very well and with trample from the God being a 1-sided effect we can't abuse Threaten (since they just block with 0/3 wall).

Drastic steps need to be taken to improve the MU or we'll just need to bet of not pairing with them, for now I figure we need a way to deal 3 damage to squeeze in early damage from more creatures then just Firedrinker Satyr thus I'm now trying Purphoros, God of the Forge for his pump effect to get damage in (but is he too little too late?) testing will need to continued. (if anyone has MODO and can build a Gr list please PM me)

EDIT: Somehow manage to get another 3-1 with the same list (had an awful start) I blame Z for chatting with me (it wasn't because I was being greedy on my plays of course not...... :sneaky: )
Last edited by magicdownunder on Tue Oct 29, 2013 2:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Lightning_Dolt » Tue Oct 29, 2013 2:24 pm

I originally made the comment of wanting to call the deck Walter White for some reason. Someone else (Val? Khaos) seconded it, and the name just took off from there.
I wonder, is Walter White enough of a thing now to have its (his?) own thread instead of being woven into the PyroRed thread?
I think so. Can anyone post the current 75? I haven't been following the thread, but I may want to give it a test drive.

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Postby windstrider » Tue Oct 29, 2013 2:31 pm

Johnny — There are several different versions, but the core remains mostly the same. Sideboards are, as ever, highly dependent on personal preference and local meta.

[deck]Walter White[/deck]

The big change in mine is the addition of Purphoros. If that's not your style, then replace him with a third Chandra. My sideboard is geared more towards Aggro and Mono U. Skullcrack is noticeably absent.
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Postby Lightning_Dolt » Tue Oct 29, 2013 2:42 pm

Johnny — There are several different versions, but the core remains mostly the same. Sideboards are, as ever, highly dependent on personal preference and local meta.

[deck]Walter White[/deck]

The big change in mine is the addition of Purphoros. If that's not your
style, then replace him with a third Chandra. My sideboard is geared more towards Aggro and Mono U. Skullcrack is noticeably absent.
Cheers. Purphorous is not my style lol. How's he been for you? When I played with him, he did nothing, ever. The deck looks really good to me. It's almost the same as Big Boros - Dragons + YP$.

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Postby windstrider » Tue Oct 29, 2013 2:53 pm

Johnny — I have yet to cast Purphoros, so I haven't gotten a chance to see him in action. Magicdownunder is testing him as well. Adding a Dragon in his place is also an option for more reach.

Magicdownunder — How has the list performed with only 8 white sources? I realize we don't need a lot of white mana, but that few sources just feels fragile.
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Postby magicdownunder » Tue Oct 29, 2013 3:08 pm

Johnny — I have yet to cast Purphoros, so I haven't gotten a chance to see him in action. Magicdownunder is testing him as well. Adding a Dragon in his place is also an option for more reach.

Magicdownunder — How has the list performed with only 8 white sources? I realize we don't need a lot of white mana, but that few sources just feels fragile.
Dragon doesn't cut it against GR, 8 white sources is fine since we're running Chandra and Magma Jet - I haven't had a game where I desperately needed to hit one yet.

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Postby Zooligan » Tue Oct 29, 2013 3:12 pm

Dragon doesn't cut it against GR, 8 white sources is fine since we're running Chandra and Magma Jet - I haven't had a game where I desperately needed to hit one yet.
How about [card]Pyromancer's Gauntlet[/card] in place of the god? Same cost as a dragon, makes all your burn and Chandra's +1 hit harder. Turns Chandra's +1 into a Lightning Strike on a creature and player, and turns Mizzium Mortars into a 6-damage creacha-killa! And it's hard(-ish) to remove.
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Postby Lightning_Dolt » Tue Oct 29, 2013 3:23 pm

Johnny — I have yet to cast Purphoros, so I haven't gotten a chance to see him in action. Magicdownunder is testing him as well. Adding a Dragon in his place is also an option for more reach.

Magicdownunder — How has the list performed with only 8 white sources? I realize we don't need a lot of white mana, but that few sources just feels fragile.
Dragon doesn't cut it against GR, 8 white sources is fine since we're running Chandra and Magma Jet - I haven't had a game where I desperately needed to hit one yet.
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Postby notap123 » Tue Oct 29, 2013 3:31 pm

Drastic steps need to be taken to improve the MU or we'll just need to bet of not pairing with them, for now I figure we need a way to deal 3 damage to squeeze in early damage from more creatures then just Firedrinker Satyr thus I'm now trying Purphoros, God of the Forge for his pump effect to get damage in (but is he too little too late?) testing will need to continued. (if anyone has MODO and can build a Gr list please PM me)
Would taking an AiR approach work? I don't know how you would work one of the pumps into the R/W variant but it would be easy enough to cut FFS in monored. Bringing in Weapon Surge ontop of 12 burn spells only feeds YP more and shifts the early game, still one for one trades but you have the potential of keeping board presence. I've even considered a one of Pyrewild shaman in the main for a mana sink
of sorts, plays into the theme a bit.

Apparently I suck at editing a quote, this is in reference to MDU's post

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Postby Purp » Tue Oct 29, 2013 3:47 pm

MDU, whats your oppinion on Act of Treason vs Traitorous Instict? In my experience I am usually casting threaten effect past turn 6, and by this point, getting in 2 plus damage can be pretty relevant,

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Postby LaZerBurn » Tue Oct 29, 2013 3:50 pm

@ MDU - the last turn of G2 against U Devo was a joy to behold :D
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Postby windstrider » Tue Oct 29, 2013 4:10 pm

Johnny — I have yet to cast Purphoros, so I haven't gotten a chance to see him in action. Magicdownunder is testing him as well. Adding a Dragon in his place is also an option for more reach.

Magicdownunder — How has the list performed with only 8 white sources? I realize we don't need a lot of white mana, but that few sources just feels fragile.
Dragon doesn't cut it against GR, 8 white sources is
fine since we're running Chandra and Magma Jet - I haven't had a game where I desperately needed to hit one yet.
Against the Colossus?
Not necessarily against the Collosus, but as a general suggestion. If nothing else, you could suicide it against the Collosus and then Shock it to kill it before it becomes monstrous.

As I've not fought against this deck yet, what are the biggest problems in the match? More insight can help to tailor solutions.
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Postby Purp » Tue Oct 29, 2013 4:12 pm

As I've not fought against this deck yet, what are the biggest problems in the match? More insight can help to tailor solutions.
They literally puke out a wall of x/2 and x/3s. Scavenging
ooze can get out of hand easily. It becomes very stand offish

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Postby LaZerBurn » Tue Oct 29, 2013 4:15 pm

@ Purp - TI got the nod over AoT in the early discussions in the thread. The anti MODO variant runs AoT as it only has 22 land.
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Postby Elricity » Tue Oct 29, 2013 4:40 pm

For me, Pyromancer's Gauntlet ends the game typically if unanswered in about 2-3 turns and as stated, it's hard to remove. However, I run 24 lands. Is 2-3 4's and a 5 really a good idea on the typical 23 land build?

On a more important note, I think the primer needs another paragraph near the top going into more detail on how to use YP in general. The matchup guide does effectively detail how not to squander it for each matchup but it's buried amongst a lot of other good information. It's the one piece I repeatedly see red mages misuse and it's probably because it plays so opposite of RDW.
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Postby Zooligan » Tue Oct 29, 2013 4:44 pm

Is 2-3 4's and a 5 really a good idea on the typical 23 land build?
Seeing as it's (the 5) a 1-of in a build with 4x scry 2 cards and 4x scry 1 cards, I think it's *probably* ok.

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Postby Elricity » Tue Oct 29, 2013 5:14 pm

Probably. It's only useless against mono red. It might be too slow for mono blue.

If we had a meta that clearly called for Flames of the Firebrand, then Gauntlet would definitely be a solid addition.

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