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Oh God the lawlz

Postby Pendulum » Thu Jan 16, 2014 5:35 pm

Earlier today, in the Badvertisements thread, UA Lives wrote:
I keep getting a banner ad in Chinese with provocative cartoon girls. One has bouncing breasts and some "white goo" on her fingers. Pretty gross. Another one has some cartoon girl presenting her exposed panties in a suggestive manner.
Now, that's lulzy enough, but sweet Jiminy Cricket the more you think about it the more lulz you can find!
1. UA, it's standard procedure for the staff to ask for screen shots of your problem. Please

2. What, exactly, do you think Curse is going to be able to do about this? "Hey advertisers, I know we recently dropped a bunch of you 'cuz we're switching over to a new site and it was a major headache for everyone especially when we arbitrarily pushed that date back, but
could you stop posting porn on our site? Oh, yeah, going and fucking myself is a valid option too. Thank you for your time."

3. Isn't it just hilariously convenient that this popped up 2 days after the announced transition date, and 1 day after that date was amended? It's almost like someone knew that this would be a good time to play around with the ads.

4. These same ads are going live on the beta pretty soon (my guess would be, oh I dunno, Jan. 21st), and these are that are going to come up during the grand opening.. although come to think of it, I can see an advantage to splatting hentai pr0n everywhere if you're looking to draw in those MTGS neckbeards who are on the fence about whether they should stay or not. "Master Beta" indeed.

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Postby rezombad » Thu Jan 16, 2014 6:40 pm

it's targeted at the 13-24 year old neckbearded, basement dwelling demographic. those ads are a feature, not a bug.
You post on dtr? Cool? Honestly, I don't know who posts there and who doesn't.
I actually read that site quite a bit but its mostly because a lot of the people I used to interact with on MTGS are over there.
It should be a privilege to post here

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Postby Kaitscralt » Fri Jan 17, 2014 4:02 am

Standard hobos who play budget garbage should be looked upon with suspicion.

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Postby Manders » Fri Jan 17, 2014 12:43 pm

Wal-Mart pushes-carts guy
His job title is "Cart Pusher".

Just thought you'd like to know. :D
Don't hate me 'cause I'm cuter than you are! - :mh:

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Postby Pendulum » Fri Jan 17, 2014 6:32 pm

Welcome back, Manders. :)
At least around here, the cart pushers aren't busy enough to just push the carts, so they have a number of duties outside of their, ahem, vocational title. That, and spending all day outside in Minnesota pushing heavy stacks of carts around for minimum wage is probably lethal, so they like switch it up or whatever.

Spoiler RSS not up to date
I've been mostly leaving this one alone, as rubeerubin's comments have been heee-larious so far and I don't want to steal the guy's thunder, but then there's this gem:
Earlier today, dear ol' Sene wrote:
The RSS feed is up and running again.
Except it's, you know, NOT. I've been trying to turn this over in my head, because I checked on three different computers and ran it
through like half a dozen times, but it's just not fuckin' there, Sene. Maybe it has something to do with your vaulted permissions sets, or maybe Ned from the Geek Squad is starting to snap and he's lashing out by feeding you misinformation (and you didn't feel it important enough to follow through), but whatever the case, no, the RSS feed is not up and running for all users. Another great job, guys! :thumbsup:

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Postby Pendulum » Tue Jan 21, 2014 9:42 pm

Oh, hay, Dutch253 is back!
'm getting redirected on my home computer now as well. Its sending me to this address:
As well as 2 different users in the Badvertisements thread posting four different screenshots! I... feel the need to filter these screenshots through Roflbot so they have to deal with the virus instead of, you know, us.
These are simple redirects, and barely worth mentioning, except for the serendipity of them happening so close together on what was supposed to be Transition Day. Sadly, Curse didn't feel the need to listen the... several... times I offered them advice, held back, and now we get to see what happens what happens when a bunch of advertisers who don't give a shit and leave their scripts untended meets with a website who doesn't give a shit and leaves their scripts untended. No doubt in a few days the site's going to be spewing virii all over the place, turning what was supposed to be a happy occasion into an inadvertent Transmission Day instead. Good job, guys. :no:

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Postby Corruption Watch » Tue Jan 21, 2014 10:35 pm

Transmission Day

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Postby Pendulum » Thu Jan 23, 2014 6:39 am

This morning, kingpin, wrote:

Over the last week or so, Bullguard has started blocking some of your forum pages as malicious, categorising it as a malware distribution point.. Just thought I would let you know.
Consider this my official response: ...which, if you don't mind the aside, is a kick ass song. Sure, sure, it's pretentious as hell, and I have no idea how Michael Stipe got a 4-minute video of a shirtless boy essentially playing around in a rape shack into the mainstream without raising some red flags, but fuck it, the song kicks ass.

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Postby Corruption Watch » Thu Jan 23, 2014 6:47 am

Calling it now, the first staff response will be "Can you provide us with screen shots?"

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Postby Pendulum » Thu Jan 23, 2014 10:26 pm

view spoilers in chronological order

Yesterday, Sam I am, who I feel sorry for because they will for all perpetuity be forced to have a silly Suessian avatar, wrote:
I frequently go to the Spoilers page to catch up on spoiled cards that I haven't seen.

When spoilers are first spoiled, I have no problem identifying the ones that I haven't seen yet. IT's simply the ones more recent than the last one I've looked at.

But there are only 12 elements under the "Latest Changes" header, so this gets difficult when there are more than 12 changes made in a day(like there were today).

Is there a way that I can look at the spoilers in chronological order, so that I don't have to sort through all the old ones when trying to read the most recent ones?
and we have a response from Sene only 20 hours later!
The MTG Salvation Twitter
has all the cards in chronological order.
This comment was so straight and to the point that it gave me one of those 'holy shit!' moments you come across every so often; it made me realize that this whole "answering the question" thing is all wrong, and instead I should have been making snide, passive-aggressive non sequitars that don't really answer the question (hint: it's "no" ) but push the user towards another website so users can stop asking questions on-site and the staff can get back to doing staff stuff, whatever that may be.
I've always tried to pay people back when they give me new knowledge, so I've decided to provide to Sene here a list of other statements he can use to be snarky, condescending, and terse towards the userbase while at the same time getting them the hell off of Sally, allowing him to use his valuable time more usefully; just copy and paste, Sene. No thanks necessary.

For technical issues
Can you tell
me more about the issue? has the largest collection of cat pictures on the whole internet!

Can you provide a screenshot? is the home to Cyanide and Happiness, known for their hilarious and raunchy humor (warning NSFW).

You should try turning your device off and then on again, and after it reboots try for funny GIFS and videos!

Looks like it's on your end from here, I can't reproduce the problem. Go to for the internet's largest community of professionals on every issue from computer errors to building a nuclear submarine!

It doesn't seem like that's working for you, have you tried asking your question on

Come to think of it, I have a golden opportunity to streamline the entire process. What can I say, I'm helpy!
For other issues

The staff reserves the right to enforce the rules as they see fit. has no such policy.

Keep in mind we're a bunch of volunteers,trying
our best. For some reason we haven't figured out how to do that yet though so maybe you'd have better luck over at

There are multiple sides to this issue, and we need to keep an open mind even though in the end we'll just go with whatever I think is right. Try for a better understanding of the issue.

It sounds like you'd be a better fit over at

We need to take a look at the bigger picture here. Speaking of pictures do you have an account at

It seems like you're angry, have you tried blowing off some steam at

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Postby Pendulum » Thu Jan 23, 2014 10:29 pm

Oh, shit, I forgot to include, where you can see Xen acting like Xen from before he even came to Sally!

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Postby Kaitscralt » Thu Jan 23, 2014 10:45 pm

the horror
Standard hobos who play budget garbage should be looked upon with suspicion.

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Postby Kaitscralt » Thu Jan 23, 2014 10:46 pm

Standard hobos who play budget garbage should be looked upon with suspicion.

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Postby Corruption Watch » Sun Jan 26, 2014 1:46 am

Originally posted by NGW on MTGS
Not sure if anyone else does this, but I typically go to my profile and then the "Find all posts by NGW" link in order to keep track of threads I have posted in and jump right to where I last was in the conversation. However, a lot of the time nowadays it doesn't show a good portion of the posts I've made recently. For example, I just posted a message, clicked on my username, went to my profile, to my posts doesn't show up. The most recent post there is from..ok, so I went to go check the last post there again and this time my most recent post is there, but the last post before that is from 3:30pm yesterday, and I know I posted more in between those times.

Edit: Another example, this thread did not show up in my list.
Originally posted by Sene on MTGS
Yeah, the search is slightly bugged right now. We're not sure what causes it, but since it'
s only 9 days until the launch of the new site, it will probably not be fixed either.
Thankyou for investing you valuable time in crafting this helpful reply Sene!

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Postby Kaitscralt » Sun Jan 26, 2014 2:03 pm

Hey, it's only slightly bugged

Just like Baguys grandma is only slightly dead
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Postby Pendulum » Sun Jan 26, 2014 11:26 pm


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Postby Pendulum » Sun Jan 26, 2014 11:49 pm

Unless the Curse tech support is really as hopeless as I've been saying, there's like a 99.99% chance that Sene is just lying here: the settings that control the Search User function (as in the above), the ISP cookies (as in this thread), and the smart ads (as in the Candy Crush saga) are known as the EVAL settings (short for Evaluative); these settings are built into the root software and are so important to a forum's ability to function they are virtually the same regardless of which forum software you're using, be it VBulletin or Facebook. They are pretty much the reason that switching to a different forum is even possible; unexplained problems, even "slight" ones, would have to be found and fixed before transition, otherwise they're
risking not one but two servers. Therefore, there are only a few possibilities as to what is really happening:
1. Sene is lying. This seems the most likely, as I don't really see a reason the Curse guys wouldn't just make a wall of text exposition post in the Admin Lounge telling the admins at least what the hell is wrong with their website... it makes sense that what Sene means here is that he's "not sure what causes it."
2. Curse is getting so burnt out on Sally's community and lackluster performance that they're willing to pull the trigger Russian-roulette style, and either everything works out okay or it crashes the system and they don't care which ends up happening. I don't usually like to stereotype, but I gotta admit this one seems likely too, there's a certain poetic justice in Bibi the French guy just throwing his hands up in surrender.
3. My tongue-in-cheek joke about the tech crew being Ned from the Geek Squad who they
force to do free labor for them on his lunch breaks is waaaay closer to the truth than I thought possible.

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Postby Corruption Watch » Mon Jan 27, 2014 3:14 am

Originally posted by bobomb on MTGS
My trade thread isn't showing up in the search engine.

Any ideas?

Originally posted by Galspanic on MTGS
If you look at some of the other threads here you'll see that it's not a new or unique problem and that the techs are aware of it.
While this reply is simply dripping with care and compassion, what Sheriff Gals actually meant to say was "the techs are aware of it and will be doing fuck all to fix it because NEW SITE."

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Postby Pendulum » Mon Jan 27, 2014 4:34 am

A serious reminder:

If you haven't ordered your popcorn for the coming apocalypse transition, time is quickly running out. Why not try Garrett's Chicago mix, or their spicy cheese mix, or their Canadian Maple Mix? Then again, why not try several? Average shipping time is 3-5 days, so hurry!

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Postby Kazekirimaru » Mon Jan 27, 2014 4:39 am

I don't see Canadian maple mix =(

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Postby imopen2 » Mon Jan 27, 2014 4:43 am

If I don't make an account for this new site that they are transitioning to, will my old accounts be lost? Post count, PMs, etc?
Kijin Zabuza: My pokemon cards bring the boys to the yard
Kijin Zabuza: And they're like, "Oh **** he has cards"
TwinBGenerationX: damn right
TwinBGenerationX: I wanna trade cards I could trade you, BUT NOT MY CHARIZARD!

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Postby Corruption Watch » Mon Jan 27, 2014 5:26 am

Nope, you've already had an account created for you, using your existing profile info and email address, without anyone asking whether you wanted one or not. All your existing information (topics, posts, profile info) will be ported too. And presumably current MTGS "you can never, ever, ever have you account deleted, ever" policy will still apply, so you'll be stuck with it.

MTGS: looking out for you whether you like it or not.

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Postby imopen2 » Mon Jan 27, 2014 7:00 am

I wonder if the gutter will port
Kijin Zabuza: My pokemon cards bring the boys to the yard
Kijin Zabuza: And they're like, "Oh **** he has cards"
TwinBGenerationX: damn right
TwinBGenerationX: I wanna trade cards I could trade you, BUT NOT MY CHARIZARD!

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Postby Kaitscralt » Mon Jan 27, 2014 12:33 pm

And now you'll get spam emails from Curse
Standard hobos who play budget garbage should be looked upon with suspicion.

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Postby Pendulum » Mon Jan 27, 2014 11:51 pm

I hate to interrupt the chatter concerning the lulzpocalypse, but sorry guys I still have a job to do here.

Whats with all the tracking?
Early this morning, Vergage wrote:
I've been on a lot of sites in my time, but none with as much tracked information as what Ghostery has found with this site.

I understand that advertising and revenue is key to keeping this site active, especially with the amount of users, but come on, this amount of stuff is insane!
I instantly love you, Vergage.

Our dear Feyd responsed:
Everything that Curse specifically adds in is for analytics. Google, scorecard, imr, etc. They give handy tools for the server admins. (ie: Traffic, load, ratings, etc.)
The rest all come in from the ad network. :/
Wait... what? &
quot;The rest all come [sic] in from the ad network ineffective emoticon case closed"? I don't know what else I expected, but that doesn't even attempt to answer the question... again. The guy is clearly asking why they need all this shit, and here's a free pro tip for ya, if they know what Ghostery is, they probably know what an analytic is.

A plaintive plea from Pendulum

Hey, Feyd, man, could you do everyone a favor? Could you stop posting in Tech Support? I know this seems like a lot to ask, but bear with me.
See, it's apparently some kind of foreign concept to you, but the people who post there tend to post there tend to seek what are called "answers" to their questions, and you don't seem to be able to provide those for them. Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting you turn in your title or anything, I'm sure you're an effective member of the administration... in fact, that's kind of the problem.
See, when you post your skarky non-answers to
those people, the rest of the staff just kind of figures you've got it "taken care of." They see that you've "helped" a user, and hell they've got better things to do like going back to one of the millions of off-topic discussions going on on the site to comb over for infractable offences, and frankly the staff-forward thing the staff has going on means that even if they do realize you specialize in being a prick who only gives the bare minimum effort to moderating the forum, they're not going to step on your toes. What this means, though, is that unlike the tryharding we can expect from Sene, or Gals' patented brand of really, really, really trying to care despite what he pretends is the weight of the fucking world, users are left with you, giving answers like this, and even casual observers know that what you're giving is less helpful than a gaping chest wound.
Please just stop posting. It's for the
good of the site. And really, when you think about it, I'm just suggesting you should take it easy. I'm sure Mrs. Ruin would love it if you surprised her with a fancy dinner, maybe doing the dishes without her asking, maybe surprise her with some new sensual techniques (the rest of the staff could be a great resource for suggestions there). Give it a try, I'm sure that with a little time you'll figure out I'm looking out for you when I suggest you never, ever, ever post in the forum you're supposed to be fucking moderating ever, ever again.

Your neighborhood good samaritan,

@Vergage: yeah, Curse be cray-cray when it comes to analytics, using bots to do their dirty work saves on labor I guess. You're familiar with Ghostage so I'll assume you know how to take care of what you need taken care of.

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Oh, come on!

Postby Pendulum » Wed Jan 29, 2014 10:45 pm

Earlier today, user trainwrecka posted in the Tapatalk thread. He, um, he's in favor of it.
4 days until Transition Day, btw.
4. Days.


Dear Annie pokes her his head in here to give us an ardent plea, gets its own tiny, tiny announcement at the top of the page and everything:
Malware on Signature Image Hosting Site
We have identified as serving a Javascript redirector malware instead of the images. This site is used by a number of MTGS members to host signature images, most popularly those with images from Spiderboy's avatar shop. We are removing the links from signatures as they're reported and identified, and will be adding the link to the censor shortly to prevent further spread of the malware.

Please use the Staff Inbox to report signatures containing these links so that we can remove the links
and notify members as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Holy fuckballs. Fair warning, which to be fair I should have remembered, it's really, really important that you aren't drinking a beverage while browsing MTGS, I almost snorted Jack Daniel's fine Southern-style bourbon milk out of my nose!
There is no end to the hilarity inherent to this statement.

1. First and foremost: waaaaat? You guys didn't know about this? Jesus Christ on a bike, I'm just browsing from a shitty laptop computer I bought (with cash) at a pawn shop for $100 and using Linux, and I honestly thought that the reminder on the right bar was just noting the nullware (malware that has been nullified): I never for a second thought that you guys with all your fancy computational equipment didn't know about this for the months I've been doing this! I think at one point I even reported it to Josh's server, 'cuz every
once in a while I do remember that underneath the layers of spray paint my hat's still white. I guess that's what you get for being "thre notzi mod", Annie: sorry that being a dick to people means that they're going to laugh at your hamfisted attempts to run a website instead of being helpful and telling you about the malware.
2. Second, "will be adding the link to the censor shortly"? Waaaat? There's only two reasons why I can think that you haven't done so, you know, already: 1. Ned from the Geek Squad wasn't sure how to do so, and needs to spend some time Googling to figure out what he needs to do; 2. you've somehow reached the point where not hurting the feelings of neckbeards on the internet is more important than protecting your userbase from virus-spewing malware redirects. Either way, are you fucking kidding me!?
3. Third, using the Staff Inbox? THE STAFF INBOX? You've... got to be kidding. So, rather than giving us a direct report
feature to tell, oh I dunno, Bibi, that molester guy, or Ned from the Geek Squad, you want me to report it to you, Feyd, and I guess Senori? Who will then.... report it to Bibi, that molester guy, or Ned from the Geek Squad? Yeah, that's efficient. Tell me, how does it feel to blatantly have your superiors make up busy-work for you to do to feel validated?
4. You... you want us to report offending sigs/avvys, but don't tell us how to do that? Thereby guaranteeing that you'll be wading through a pile of useless false positives instead of spending the 3 minutes in your announcement to tell us what qualifies as a malicious redirect, what tools and steps we should take to figure out if the possibly offensive sig/avvy fits the proverbial bill, etc.? Like I said before, it's the opposite of difficult, my computer does it automatically. Sure, I could help you out here, tell my readership at least what to look for, but we both
know it's lulzier if I don't.
5. Pretty appropriate that you're wearing that Red Shirt in your avvy there, Annie. Did you have to draw straws to see which middle-man was going to get thrown to the dogs make this announcement, or did you volunteer to become the worthless mouthpiece? Pro tip: you suck at it.
6. "Javascript redirector malware" isn't a thing. I get that maybe you don't want to use the phrase "cross site scripting attack," thanks to Google the words carry a connotation that might cause the average 12-year-old to panic, but could you at least come up with a variant that maeks reel sense, pl0x?
7. Here's a complete list of the offending sigs: ... om&start=0
You're seriously telling me you don't know how to Google "inurl:forums. [img]"?
[By the way, I in no way condone using one of those sigs and the ability to wrap image tags as a form of malicious trolling, even though it'd be totes easy]

Ugh, I think I could go on like this, but I won't, so I'll just close with:
He's in Scherz, Texas. Get him.

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Postby Corruption Watch » Wed Jan 29, 2014 11:32 pm

Everyone's favourite MTGS "tech" replied to the Tapatalk query with this:
Originally posted by Feyd_Ruin on MTGS
Still on backburner until new forums.
Then we'll need to get everything adjusted to the new system.

After we've settled in, we'll make sure Curse knows that this is a highly sought after addition.

Out-fucking-standing, you'll "make sure Curse knows that this is a highly sought after addition." After nearly two and a half years of this issue being ignored, I totally have faith that it'll be sorted out ASAP after the move.

Oh, but wait, clever Feyd has included not one but two conditions to his guarantee - it'll need to be after they "get everything adjusted to the new system" (whatever that means), and after they'
ve "settled in." Both of which will probably never happen if Pendy's predictions about The Move are even remotely accurate.

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Postby Kazekirimaru » Thu Jan 30, 2014 12:15 am

I'm enjoying this Pendy + CW double feature.

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Postby Pendulum » Thu Jan 30, 2014 3:37 am

Both of which will probably never happen if Pendy's predictions about The Move are even remotely accurate.
I mean, I could be completely wrong; there's every possibility that the users of MTGS just won't ever pull their heads out of their asses long enough to realize that they're essentially retrograding to 2002 software, or that searching spoilers even from a *gasp* tablet is pretty easy on Facebook, the mothership, or as Sene suggested, Twitter. It's entirely possible that they're just that stupid. Personally, I consider myself an optimist.

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Postby Pendulum » Thu Jan 30, 2014 3:48 am

1000 views! :toot: Thanks, guys!

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Postby Pendulum » Sun Feb 02, 2014 1:22 pm

Here we go, guys. Taking all bets!
Will Punxsutawney Phil (the 4th) see his shadow? Will this godforsaken neverending killstorm of a winter have an early end this year, or are we all destined to relive the horror again and again and again?
Who will win the big skin of the pig throwing contest this year? The state where pot is super legal, or the state where it's just not illegal? Who will beat the spread? Who will have an angry emo meltdown in front of the cameras? Which team's cheerleaders will nip out the best in this cold?
Will Budweiser make me cry again this year with its over-the-top emotional string pulling?
Will Sally transition to a newer and brighter future? Will the beta crash as soon as they get real traffic, or will they pull a Microsoft and crash the system as soon as they go live? Who survives the lulzpocalyse, and who gets their brains eaten?
Will I run out of popcorn?

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Postby Kazekirimaru » Sun Feb 02, 2014 6:20 pm

4:1 on the last being "no!"

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Postby imopen2 » Mon Feb 03, 2014 2:22 am

1000 views, 12 reads
Kijin Zabuza: My pokemon cards bring the boys to the yard
Kijin Zabuza: And they're like, "Oh **** he has cards"
TwinBGenerationX: damn right
TwinBGenerationX: I wanna trade cards I could trade you, BUT NOT MY CHARIZARD!

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Postby Pendulum » Mon Feb 03, 2014 3:46 pm

1000 views, 12 reads
That's not entirely true, I'm sure people read what Watchy and Kaze wrote. ^_^

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Postby Pendulum » Mon Feb 03, 2014 3:46 pm

Also that picture of a fat squirrel Kait posted.

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Postby Neo Metal Sonic » Mon Feb 03, 2014 5:23 pm

CAn't wait for the transition guys!


January 22
As you may be aware, Terraria Online - amongst a handful of other Curse sites - suffered a widespread hacking attack this afternoon. In short:

- Thread titles were changed to a link to a mediafire URL that contained a malicious virus

- Staff accounts were locked out and all other users - guest and member alike - were granted moderator powers

- We have no reason to believe that any user information (passwords, emails, etc.) were compromised in any way

Curse has worked diligently over the past hour to restore TO to its pre-attack state and to secure the site from this and further attacks. The method of entry has been identified and closed off.

We highly recommend that you scan your computer thoroughly and immediately if you were on TO this afternoon - especially if you clicked on any thread with that mediafire link.

addition, we would suggest the following:

- Change your password immediately and be on the lookout for any suspicious activity

- If you had your account wrongfully banned during the attack, please contact TO staff for resolution. We would ask that people remain patient as we work diligently to make everything as it should be.

We will also be reverting titles changed during the attack - and we would ask users to report any of these they run across to help in this effort.

We want to thank each of you for your patience and understanding during this unfortunate episode

The Staff of Terraria Online and the Developers of Terraria
Oh Curse :wub:

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Postby Kaitscralt » Mon Feb 03, 2014 5:36 pm

Curse so stronk
Standard hobos who play budget garbage should be looked upon with suspicion.

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Postby Stardust » Mon Feb 03, 2014 6:01 pm

"Staff accounts were locked out and all other users - guest and member alike - were granted moderator powers"

Viruses suck, but this is hilarious!

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Neo Metal Sonic
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Postby Neo Metal Sonic » Mon Feb 03, 2014 6:05 pm

JUst look at this. ... ion.98959/

Can't wait to see what's gonna happen in Salvation!

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Neo Metal Sonic
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Postby Neo Metal Sonic » Mon Feb 03, 2014 6:08 pm

P.s. In fact I like TerrariaOnline - I'm just poking fun at Curse.

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