Naya Hexproof aka Rage Tears

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Postby RedNihilist » Wed May 07, 2014 12:02 pm

Thanks, I was just curious to see the list after reading ... nnati.html :D

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Postby TBuzzsaw » Fri May 09, 2014 7:46 am

3-0-1 getting 2nd tonight with 32 people.

[deck]Creatures (16)
4 Witchstalker
4 Voice of Resurgence
4 Bassara Tower Archer
4 Gladecover Scout

Spells (22)
2 Ajani, Caller of the Pride
1 Holy Mantle
4 Unflinching Courage
4 Madcap Skills
4 Ethereal Armor
4 Boros Charm
3 Selesnya Charm

Lands (22)
4 Temple Garden
4 Sacred Foundry
4 Stomping Ground
4 Temple of Plenty
1 Temple of Abandon
3 Mana Confluence
2 Forest

3 Gift of Orzhova
2 Fiendslayer Paladin
2 Anger of the Gods
2 Banishing Light
2 Deicide
2 Chained to the Rocks
2 Mending Touch[/deck]

My meta has turned into heavy White Weenies and Junk Midrange.

Favorite play of the night: I have three Voices on the field with one more in my hand. Scout is on the field with EA. Swinging in with all four is lethal. And what's my opponent playing? Maze's End. He fogged me five times in a row giving me a buttload of Elemental tokens and
praying for a D-Sphere or Verdict. Eventually he ran out of fogs and I swung in for over 100.

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Postby magicdownunder » Fri May 09, 2014 8:20 am

LOLS - thoughts on Holy Mantle vs Gift of Orzhova MD? Also did you face Bx Devotion or Control?

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Postby TBuzzsaw » Fri May 09, 2014 8:45 am

Holy Mantle saved me one game, but I do feel that Gift does better than Holy Mantle.

I played against Bx Devotion last week and I find the matchup is favorable as they don't have an opening hand of Duresses and Thoughtseizes. Devour Flesh is easy to play against since against them I like to play all my creatures before buffing them up with auras.

I'm 3-0 against control. As long as you have Scout or Archer, two auras, and a Boros Charm/Mending Touch within the first four turns then you win. American Control is the easiest of them all.

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Postby magicdownunder » Fri May 09, 2014 9:02 am

That is rather interesting, Bx and Control were the major factor that held Hexproof back (since the deck makes short work of aggro and midrange) are you saying they're favorable now?

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Postby TBuzzsaw » Fri May 09, 2014 9:19 am

I tested out over 30 games against Esper and American with some friends. The overall result was 22-8. My losses were due to not getting my one or two drop in or they happen to have a handful of counters.

With Bx, Archer makes things so much easier since it comes down before Lifebane does. Again, as long as you have two creatures out at a given time you should be safe from Devour Flesh.

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Postby TBuzzsaw » Mon May 12, 2014 12:49 am

Late report for FNM but I went 4-2 without making into top 8 due to really bad tiebreakers. Some notes:

- Won against Esper, Burn, Mono Black, and American Control.
- My two losses were against Junk Midrange and UW Control.
- Against Junk I was drawing all my creatures and not enough enchantments. He had G Charms and Decays waiting for them. In fact, my Gift of Orzhova I used to replace Holy Mantle was ADed. I'm considering putting the Holy Mantle back in.
- My loss to UW Control was my own fault. He's primarily a Esper player, but switched to UW without me knowing. I thought he was mana screwed during our game and when I was swinging in for 16 in the first game, I got hit by a mainboard Celestial Flare. Second game he got stuck with four lands but managed to have a hand full of counters.
- Mono Black was interesting. My initial plan of keeping two+ creature hands paid off. He had Devour Flesh in his hand both games
but I had three creatures both times. Once the coast was clear I started loaded up on enchantments by turn 4/5. In game two he turn one Thoughtseize and groaned when he saw I kept a hand of two lands, two Scouts, an Archer, a Voice, and a MCS.

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Postby magicdownunder » Mon May 12, 2014 1:02 am

Yeah I'll imagine Decays and G Gharm would be brutal from GBx decks...... I'm glad your beating Bx Devotion (that MU still scares me as hexproof), you mention that control was favorable earlier - do you still think that is the case when UW control is being played?

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Postby TBuzzsaw » Mon May 12, 2014 3:08 am

I do think UW control is harder than the other control variants since they have Celestial Flare in the main, and that card scares me more than Devour Flesh, Verdict, or enchantment hate. They also run more counters in place of removal that Esper would have.

I think my only hope is pray they don't have many counters in their hand and attack with two creatures each time, but having to worry about CF every time I attack is bothersome.

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Postby TBuzzsaw » Sun May 25, 2014 6:47 am

I won Game Day with this list:

[deck]Creatures (16)
3 Ghor-Clan Rampager
3 Witchstalker
3 Voice of Resurgence
4 Bassara Tower Archer
4 Gladecover Scout

Spells (22)
2 Ajani, Caller of the Pride
4 Unflinching Courage
4 Madcap Skills
4 Ethereal Armor
4 Boros Charm
3 Selesnya Charm

Lands (22)
4 Temple Garden
4 Sacred Foundry
4 Stomping Ground
4 Temple of Plenty
1 Temple of Abandon
4 Mana Confluence
1 Forest

3 Mistcutter Hydra
2 Gift of Orzhova
2 Fiendslayer Paladin
2 Anger of the Gods
2 Banishing Light
2 Chained to the Rocks
2 Ajani's Presence[/deck]


- With so much enchantment hate, I felt Rampager would be the way to go. That way I wouldn't be worried about Abrupt Decay, Golgari Charm, or Deicide hitting a crucial enchantment while swinging. I can bloodrush and save myself. He also makes awkward board states better if you're stuck with more creatures vs Voltron.
Witchstalker comes out a little late for my tastes, so he's getting cut down to three.
- Sometimes I wished Voice was hexproof when he's my creature out on the field and knowing my opponent runs removal. That's why he got cut to three also.
- Anger does better than I thought. He's just amazing when my opponent wants to vomit out their creatures in RDW or WW. My creatures actually tend to get big enough to avoid it.
- Mistcutter makes the control matchup even easier too. Sometimes you can go balls out with your creatures/auras to deal as much damage as you can to bait a Verdict, only to play Mistcutter the next turn for 4+.
- Celestrial Flare still scares me in the heavy white matchups, which has actually lessened recently. To fight against CF and DF I was thinking about adding Aegis of the Gods in the sideboard, but (1) there's no room and (2) decks with those cards tend to run removal. Maybe it's worth it if it forces them to lose tempo by one turn?

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Postby TBuzzsaw » Fri May 30, 2014 7:13 am

Currently 12-0 with the list. It's scary that I haven't ran into mana problems or some kind of screw yet.

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Postby magicdownunder » Fri May 30, 2014 8:11 am

Currently 12-0 with the list. It's scary that I haven't ran into mana problems or some kind of screw yet.
Well done :smileup: So you've dealt with the control problem?

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Postby TBuzzsaw » Fri May 30, 2014 8:57 am

I've polished the deck enough that I have my Godhands more often and easier than theirs. It's still a chance game and gambling with Celestial Flares, Verdicts, and Devour Flesh, but I've been coming out on top 2-1 in most cases, so I'd say odds have been in my favor as long as I play smart. I've also learned never to side out my Boros Charms since they protect my enchantments.

I've noticed Banishing Light is the weakest card in my sideboard. The decks I want to side it in has removal for it (Junk and Golgari, Dredge). Dredge actually comes off harder than I want it too be and is becoming popular, so may be Rest in Peace to screw with them, or perhaps Harness By Force. I'm leaning towards Harness since it has wider applications.

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Postby TBuzzsaw » Sat May 31, 2014 8:52 am

6-0 winning first at FNM. Seriously I don't know if it's just really consistent or a huge lucky streak.

I beat 5 color control, Boros Burn, Boros aggro, Junk Midrange, Esper Midrange, and Dredge. The changes I made to the deck were the two Banishing Lights for Harness by Force in the sideboard, although I never got to use it.

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Postby magicdownunder » Sat May 31, 2014 9:40 am

I'm impressed, I really don't think Harness is what this deck want though - at least with BL you can save your own enchantments every now and again

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Postby TBuzzsaw » Sat May 31, 2014 9:46 am

Just doing some tests with Harness. Sometimes with Dredge a big fat bestowed fatty stands in the way of victory and I just want to swipe it to win. Tbh I may just go back to BL.

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Postby TBuzzsaw » Fri Jun 06, 2014 8:40 am

So I finally lost with the deck to Junk due to mana flood both games. I don't fault the deck for it since flooding is just part of Magic no matter what deck you're playing. I still went 3-1 beating WW, MUD, and Jund.

Now I'm trying out Deicide in the sb in place of Harness. I'm also contemplating on adding the 3rd and 4th Chain.

If anyone is reading this, I really wish someone would try my newest list out and give me some feedback. The deck has been ridiculously good to me.

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Postby magicdownunder » Fri Jun 06, 2014 9:11 am

Harness was always an extremely odd choice for Hexproof, thus I recommend Chains 1-2 (it buffs your Ethereal Armor and thins out enchantment hate).

Always good to hear positive results.

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Postby TBuzzsaw » Sat Jun 14, 2014 8:46 am

I beat the SCG state champ tonight. Too bad it went downhill after that.

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