Outlast Soldiers

Threads from Standard formats since passed.

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Outlast Soldiers

Postby poppa_f » Thu Oct 09, 2014 9:20 am

Had an idea for a deck, not sure if it's competitive, interested to hear what you guys think.

Basically the idea is to abuse Pre-eminent Captain and Outlast. I noticed that virtually all the good outlast guys are soldiers. If the meta is going to be heavy with G/x ramp decks that are a bit light on removal, then this deck might be explosive enough to just blow them away before they get going properly.

The nut draw is basically T1 mystic/ T2 captain / T3 Ascendency, Swing, flash in the Sentinel. Basically dump guys on to the battlefield as quickly as possible, and make blocking virtually impossible as all your guys are flying or
first-strike (or can be given those at instant speed via Abzan Charm).

The Ascendency gives you nice protection against sweepers, although you are pretty screwed against anger of the gods, but you have 4 thoughtseizes to bring in post-board against AotG decks.

It's possible Obelisk of Urd should be involved somehow (also protects against AotG), but the lack of 1 drops / tokens makes it less enticing than for the lower curve / all-in soldiers deck. The other card I'm considering is Anafenza, replacing Brimaz.

[deck]Outlast Soldiers[/deck]

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