[Primer] Gruul Ragehammer (Old INN-RTR Standard)

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Postby Link » Sun Jul 28, 2013 5:34 pm

Topdeck Ex. 1s in a game with Deadbridge in the GY must be some pretty awesome late game though...

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Postby Valdarith » Sun Jul 28, 2013 7:03 pm

The eight dork list is better IMO. I was only running the other list until I could get the M14 cards for the other deck on MODO.
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Postby Link » Sun Jul 28, 2013 7:20 pm

Event Write-up

R1 vs: B/W Humans
I made a very greedy attack, not used to playing defense. I swung in with a tusker and played a predator ooze on D, hoping to discourage future attacks from him. He had the tragic slip though of course, and I took a shit ton of damage when I cuold've eaten a guy with tusker. He got out double necromancer, and ended up swinging for exactly lethal when I could've been much healther and him having one less body once I had built up my board state.

Flashed in Yeva's were obviously great here.

-2 Silverhearts
+2 Armed//Dangerous

Wanted to keep things mostly the same on the play. Ended up smashing his face in quite nicely. He brought in ratchet bombs for my dorks which was odd. I ended up swinging with a yeva, and flashing in a silverheart soulbound when he declared no blocks and tried to race. Was nice.

4 Domri (logic was to keep red consistent)
+2 Blastphemous Acts
+2 Silverhearts again

G3: He swung with a 3/3 champion into my tusker, I couldnt declare a block fast enough. He then had a Cartel and a Skirsdag with 1 card left in his hand? Was a very weird choice. I rancord a geist, he slipped in response (had predator ooze in hand), I played out another geist and bashed for 5. He drew and scooped (was on tilt I guess).

R2 vs. Bant Hexproof
This guy just had really strong hands both games. G1 was mentioned above where I tried to stabilize at 1 life. All he had left was 2 rancors and a voice elemental to put them on, and I had 7 toughness on Defense and a domri at 1 counter. He topdecks one of his outs (flying).

-4 Silverhearts (mistake!)
+4 Fog
-2 Domri
+2 Blast acts

It came down to arace. I had 2 fogs, but not enough tos wing back for lethal. I was just bashing him with a rancord geist and arbor elf. after the 2nd fog, he had simic charm to bounce my geist,
and he stabilzied from 2 health/

I say taking out silverhearts was a mistake ebcause I drew a Yeva on the last turn. If that was a silverheart, it would've represented much more immediate damage than Yeva.

In the future -4 Yeva
+4 Fog
-2 Domri
+2 Blast acts.

Also Fog and voice have a shitty interaction. He was also able to stabilize because his build a bear that game was a voice, and every time I fogged he got a 3/3 blocker to stop me racing him.

R3 vs. R/g Aggro
G1: This guy had MB mark of mutiny and armed/dangerous. Yeva was good, but not good enough. I tried to stabilize at 1 health by flashing in arbor elves to block his reckoner, but I was dead to reckoner eventually. (And he topdecked a 2nd mark, when my only play was to block reckoner and flash in a new yeva to sac it)

-2 Rancor (You can kill them with anything once you stabilize, ideally wolf run)
-4 Strangleroot (maybe a mistake, dont like how lines up against pillar of flame, reckoner, or flinthoof)
n+4 Fog
+2 Scavenging Ooze

G2 is foggy. Oh yeah, he just tried to race me. I flashed in a Yeva to block his hellrider and had lethal on the swingback.

G3 He got a 5/5 noble online. He wasted some GCRs pumping through for damage (he GCR'd a 1/1 noble over 1/1 elf!), and ran out of cards quickly. Scavenging Ooze came online and ate those cards, and he eventually blocked IT with the 5/5 noble. I had a fog the whole time too so I was sitting pretty.

2-1 now, fighting my way up.

R4 vs. Jund Midrange
I had no idea what he was playing, but I wont the diceroll and had a 2 elf hand with t2 domri and not much else.

T2 Domri gets there.

I play out 3 dorks and go "here comes bonfire lol"

He plays out olivia. I rancor a dork, swing, pit fight it. 2 coutners on domri.
Draw a tusker or something, just eventually get there with domri, rancors, and beasts.

-4 Domri
+4 Burning Earth

-1 Silverheart
+1 Akroma's memorial (cuz why not)

He has a no
green hand. I have ramp into Predator Ooze and Burning earth. Aka gg.

R5 vs. Junk Rites
Im not going to report this match. This guy didnt know trample damage went through if you blinked a tusk awaya. He also had cloudshifts, not a single mulch or salvage, and tried to arbor elf to untap a woodland cemetery for a obzedat. he thung swung with his avacayns pilgrim and arbor elf into my mana dorks, so I promptly killed his 3rd white source. I had a flash in Yeva soulbound to sivlerheart combo that I didn't even need to use because it was just bad.

R6 vs. Jund
Did this write-up above. I played the match-up poorly and sided wrong. Silverhearts are very slow on the draw against Jund, and also bad vs. their remoal suite in general.

I think moving forward:

-2 Blast Acts
+2 Bonfires

-2 Armed/Dangerous
+2 Plummet

Probably take out my akroma's for a garruk relentless or something against the Bloodartists decks.

Plummets might be
bad, but I really want more outs against Olivia. I feels like literally the only way I lose to Jund with the burning earth package. Silverhearts survive Thragtusk beats, but rancor'd geists, and predator oozes are just as good.

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Postby Valdarith » Sun Jul 28, 2013 11:12 pm

There's nothing wrong with Plummet in the side. Deals with Olivia, Resto Angel (not as threatening vs this deck though), and potentially Blood Baron if things get dicey.

I'm not sure if taking out Silverheart vs Jund is a good idea though. He isn't necessarily slow because he grants the bonus immediately and is a high quality creature. The last thing you want to do is dilute your card quality vs Jund. In fact I'm not sure I'd side out Silverheart in any matchup, especially if you're playing Yeva. Flash bond is just so good.
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Postby Link » Sun Jul 28, 2013 11:45 pm

yeah that's what I was thinking, that I never want to board out Silverheart.

But, like I just died to a T3 Olivia.

What should I have boarded out on the draw vs. Jund in G3?

All my early dudes are good, rancor is good, I want to play Domri, I need to cut 4 things for Burning Earth. 2 more things for plummet if I DO go that route

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Postby Link » Sun Jul 28, 2013 11:51 pm

My first instinct is to cut the Yeva's actually, and 2 silverhearts.

This keeps my curve stable.

What is Yeva doing for me against Jund? If they have quality removal (aka not dreadbore), the flash is meaningless. I mean I might randomly pick off a greedy huntmaster swing, but if I have a board precense early, when are his huntmasters even swinging really?

Lets do it terms of game plan which is: Beat em down early with rancors n shit. Finish em with burning earth. Kill olivias with plummet and domri.

Yeva Silverheart are extra "finishers". Yeva and Burning earth are the same place on the curve. If they DO resolve an olivia, silverheart is going to do shit to anything anymore if they have mana (they always have fucking mana).

I don't want to cut:

4 Strangleroot Geist
4 Tusker (3/3 for 2 is 3/3 for 2. If yuo ramp into 5/3 with rancor on T2 to answer farseek, you can start dunking them)
8 Elves
4 Domris (out for olivia, can force them to spend mana to answer him if burning earth is in play)
4 predator ooze (still wins, how many jund runs 4x tragic slips anyway?)

I really want to make this deck viable. I just played some more R/g with burning earth side and its just as powerful as I wouldve imagined, but I still want to make this resillient powerful, flexible deck work as well.

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Postby Valdarith » Mon Jul 29, 2013 2:19 am

It may actually be correct to run more removal. Domri is your only source of maindeck removal and you may want more than Plummet. Pit Fight seems more flexible to bring in against Jund and aggro.
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Postby Platypus » Mon Jul 29, 2013 11:06 am

Any thoughts on dusting of Hound of Griselbrand? Ramping into it and Rancor, or Silverheart the next turn, and gives some more removal protection against the removal heavy Jund decks? Or is the double red mana too awkward?
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Postby Link » Mon Jul 29, 2013 8:51 pm

Pit fights way better than Ulvenwald now that you mention it. Can be used in response to bloodrush for good things... Where to make room?
Thinking about it, Garruk Relentless is just probably better than either option by far.


Garruk kills Olivia when she comes down (as long as you have at least one elf to match their farseek, or on time if they dont have farseek), and doesn't require you to haev a resolved creature (pit fight).

makes the deck look a little "gruul superfriends" but its worth trying?

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Postby Valdarith » Mon Jul 29, 2013 9:42 pm

Pit fights way better than Ulvenwald now that you mention it. Can be used in response to bloodrush for good things... Where to make room?
Thinking about it, Garruk Relentless is just probably better than either option by far.


Garruk kills Olivia when she comes down (as long as you have at least one elf to match their farseek, or on time if they dont have farseek), and doesn't require you to haev a resolved creature (pit fight).

makes the deck look a little "gruul superfriends" but its worth trying?
Garruk may or may not be better. He's certainly preferable vs aggro, but Pit Fight is superior in
midrange matchups where we'll be worrying about Olivia and other nasties. You could suicide one of your guys to Olivia when she is big, then follow with Garruk and fight, but Pit Fight is excellent with Wolfir Silverheart, Yeva, and Deadbridge Goliath (if you're running him) in our deck.
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Postby Link » Mon Jul 29, 2013 11:58 pm

I just envision horror games of my Pit fight being responded with a doom blade or something. I'd probably just run more plummets first (olivia is THAT much of an issue. And plummet is the green doomblade answer ;D)

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Postby Link » Mon Jul 29, 2013 11:58 pm

like -2 garruk, +1 fog +1 plummet to the list above

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Postby Link » Wed Jul 31, 2013 10:04 pm

I hadn't tested Naya before, but its a pretty hard MU pre-board. If you don't see your silverhearts its tough, and even if you do selesnya charm takes care of him and scavenging oozes

Resto angels, huntmasters and hellkites are pretty good against us. Thinking of going the fog route here? plummets for hellkites? Maybe this is a situation where deadbridge goliath would shine XD

Edit 1: Predator ooze is still good. I suppose we have more exile targets than they run seles charms, but you have to be aggressive with your mulligans

Edit 2: Burning earth is no good. Bonfires and patience seem to be the way to go. Reckoners with unflinching courage are still ridiculous T_T

As an aside I'm also thinking about Zealous Conscripts over plummet. Much more proactive game plan? Beat them down with Angels and their own olivia, since its a race
anyway. Might be too top heavy not sure.

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Postby Valdarith » Thu Aug 01, 2013 12:24 am

I like Conscripts a lot more than Plummet. The cards you'll be casting Plummet on come down on turns four through six anyway so it only makes sense to bring Conscripts in instead. I'd probably put a KWR im the side to bring in since you'll have six five drops.
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Postby Link » Thu Aug 01, 2013 6:02 am

yeah 6 5 drops on 22 land is preeeeeetty ambitious.

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Postby Link » Fri Aug 02, 2013 3:07 am

I got steamrolled by Naya. I barely squeaked a win G2 on the play because she didn't have double white to cast two seles charms a turn or smiter+charm.

G3 she got out T4 unclinfinching courage after I mulled to an awkward double rootbound crag hand T_T. I saw both zealous conscripts and some fogs but I just couldn't dent her life total.

Then I played R/b Zombies (Feat. lifebane zombie!!)

Response to lifebane zombie: Flash out Yeva. Laugh manically.

I did end up getting beat down by lone aristocrat (which turned into 2) without being able to find a domri to kill her and I had run out of gas due ot doom blades and tragic slips et al.

G2 I actually didn't side much. I took out 1 rancor for 1 scavenging ooze, because I wanted to be as threat dense as possible and to make him play defense as zombies (the key to beating them).

G3 I boarded out tuskers for plummets and bonfires, figuring that tuskers would be
redundant as a ground stall creature and I'd rather have strangleroots to keep up with him and board out ground stall dudes for plummets taht kill hellkites and shit. I was able to get a T2 ooze out with domri afterwards and he couldn't keep up.

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Postby Link » Fri Aug 02, 2013 4:18 pm

I think deadbridge goliath over Yeva because of the way they line up against Loxodon smiter and Voice is the way to go if you expect a naya heavy metagame.

Its not that prevalent atm though. Lifebane Zombie is the real problem and Yeva is perfect

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Postby Link » Sat Aug 03, 2013 6:39 am

Didn't play Naya, got first with 5-0. Was FNM, but I did play the best players in the room with serious decks R2, R3, and R5. Anyway:

R1 vs. Naya Slivers
Ok shit I DIDI play Naya, just not traditional Naya. He got a scary amount of shit on line. Door of destinies with double strikers and unflinching courage was no joke. I stabilized at 1 life after a topdecked Bonescythe Sliver, because he made several poor attacks, but the deck did impress me. G2 wasn't close because he kept a bad hand and I beat him with Tuskers. It was technically a bad MU, but he just didn't seem to play very well.

R2 vs. U/w Control
This guy is good. I got pretty lucky with a T2 Domri G1 and G23though.

I took out 2 silverhearts for 2 zealous conscripts. His only win conditions were resto angel beat downs (thank god no 4/4 angel post engine), so I just wanted more shit with haste.

G2 I durdled around with a 2 silverheart hand. I just got out
tempod, azo charm and snap azo charmed like 6 times. Had no early beats, got my elves verdicted early with silverhearts stranded in my hand, and his deck just got ahead and stayed there.

but then G3

holy shit. I almost LOST after resolving a Domri Ultimate G3. Yeah. I was playing too loose and overextended into a verdict because I had domri on 7. I forced him to verdict his own resto so it was allright, but he went from 5 life to 20 with sphinx's while I bricked on land for like 6 turns (had a and domri out who wasn't drawing me anything either. WHERE CHANDRA). I drew a couple creature (ZC, predator ooze, I think) that got syncopates snap syncopates etc. Finally I resolved a Yeva. He Encroaching wasted my KWR, but I had another one in hand. I didn't play it out to fuck up his math.

He ended up misplaying, but I can't say it was a misplay without perfect knowledge. he had an aetherling out and a resto angel in hand. he verdicted all my shit, d-sphered domri, and had 4 mana left for the resto. It
wasn't enough to stop my double rancord topdecked silverheart, because he couldn't pump the aetherling toughness. He said he should've dealt with the 2nd domri earlier, but the pressure that emblem had on the game was huge. He had to race as fast as possible before I drew frigging creatures, so he ignored it.

Definitely glad to get that MU out of the way. Much rather play UWr any goddamn day with my Burning Earths.

R3 vs. UWr
Oh hey UWr! This guy. He's a really good player, but I swear I've played the same game of magic against him these past 3 weeks on this deck. G1: I always ultimate a T2 Domri. Like, it just happens, and I win. THIS week he scooped BEFORE I ultimated him, so we changed things up!

-4 Silverhearts
+4 Burning Earth

I wanted BE to my win con over silverheart. I just wanted all my early shit and then BE as my finisher. G2 happened the same as the week I beat him before. He pillard my elf, so I t2 stranglerooted, and then had to Turn THREE my Domri. He didn't have syncopate,
and I started doin it up. I had a predator ooze and some things out, drew some things that got azo charmed with domri, then flipped over a burning earth. He immediately scooped just like G2 last time >___>b

Feels good mang.

R4 vs. R/g Aggro
G1: Scavenging Ooze shows up like a boss. Madcap skills your noble? Yeah I'll double block. Ooze comes in to clean house. Didn't have to deal with Reckoner at all this set which was pretty nice. Ended up beating him down with a rancor'd predator ooze bound to silverheart I think once his gas had run out.

-4 Rancors
+2 Garruk Relentless
+2 Scavenging Ooze
I didn't side in fogs, I think I only like it for bant hexproof honestly. I rather just control the board state instead of trying to race. Honestly though, I just had no idea waht I DIDNT want in my deck for fogs. Silverheart is slow? But he stabilizes my shit like a swagtusk. Yeva to block hellrider? yes pls.

I settled on Rancors, but then I wanted other things in there over those cards.

nG2: I kept a pretty slow and dorky hand. I just got run over by flinthoof boars.I could've stabilized at low but didn't have enough blockers since I had to tap my elf for the 4th mana for Yeva (missed a drop).

G3: I got uh. Let's just say he laid out 4 burning tree emissaries T2. But I wasn't even mad. I had done T1 Dork, T2 Dork+Tusker, aka the dream opener. If ehwas on the play I would've been demolished for sure. I played out two strangleroots that game even though he had spears and pillars, I was eventually able to stabilize the board at 12 life. He had a blast act in hand...

Let's just say he didn't draw the Reckoner and I was able to kill him with value after he blast acted his own emissaries (to kill my sillverheart yeva combo or something)

R5 vs. Big Red.
G1: Predator Ooze vs. Mono R. Enough said? IF he had 1=drops that were valuable it'd be a decent match-up, but if he doesn't curve out reckoner into hellkite theres shitall he can do against Ooze. He mulled and played an ash
zealot into my tusker, so I rancor'd it up and went to town.

-4 Silverhearts
+2 Zealous Conscripts
+2 Garruk Relentless

G2: He sided in VS. He had no idea what I was playing (I think he figured kiblers list with weird shit or something). He flooded out hard and didn't see a reckoner, so I cleaned him up pretty easily. Taking out silverhearts might be odd, but I didn't want him to be playing super controlly and have mortars and shit so that silverheart would just be naked. I just wanted to go to racing town and steal a hellkite to finish him or something. Garruk is in there to clog up the ground, fight reckoners, or w/e.

So yeah. I feel like I have decent games against MOST control decks (esper would probably fuck up my shit hard, but no ones playing Snap+Doom blade thankyou netdecks!), with B/g Rock and Naya being definitely the worst match-ups. I don't even fear Bant Hexproof all that much anymore, so I'm considering taking fog out or shaving some number. Maybe run just 2 for more

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Postby Link » Sat Aug 03, 2013 6:41 am

Any thoughts on dusting of Hound of Griselbrand? Ramping into it and Rancor, or Silverheart the next turn, and gives some more removal protection against the removal heavy Jund decks? Or is the double red mana too awkward?
Missed this earlier. I still haven't lived the dream of Hound into Silverheart, and I'd be the first to cram him in here, but double red is impossible with 8 red sources.

I could shove him in here, but I'd lose predator ooze and have to play borderlands or awkward Kibler mana =/

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Postby Link » Sat Aug 03, 2013 6:50 am

If I didn't love Burning earth and the SB options the splash gave me, I'd seriously consider dropping the Domris, going with Saito's original list and going -3 Giant growths, +3 revenge of the hunted.

I just love to beat down and that's how I won a lot of games.

But uh, Domri won me all of my control match-ups so I probably won't be doing that any time soon.

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Postby Link » Tue Aug 06, 2013 4:53 am

I did a lot of experimenting with this build today.

Tried out:

Rampagers instead of Yeva's.

Borderland Ranger's +23rd land + 3rd scavenging ooze over tusker (with 2 KWR)

and finally:

No KWR, no Borderland, 2 gruul guildgates.

I like the final build the best. Feels the most clean and dedicated. Borderland rangers were really good at bridging to Silverhearts n shit, but I just don't think that's where I wanted to be at.

I figure I can go two ways:

More of a "midrange" build with scavenging ooze and borderland, aka value cards (with nice little synergies like borderland ranger AFTER you +1 domri and see a land) and chumping with borderland and scavenging him, eventually closing a game out quickly with KWR after you stabilize the board with Domri n shit.


More of a "beatdown" build with as much pwoer as possible (Kalonian Tusker), removing threats along the way with Domri and
using Rampager as my finisher to push through damage.

Boy did I miss rampager. Wolf run really wasn't for me. It made a LOT of draws awkard for a most pumping for +2/0 late game? (worst case scenario is your mana dorks die and you BARELY curve out into 5 on time.)

Sorry Yeva, I guess you're 30 cents for a reason. You definitely have a place for me in the MonoG list with mutavaults though don't worry baby.

30 Creatures
4 Elvish Mystic
4 Arbor Elf
4 Kalonian tusker
4 Strangleroot Geist
4 Predator Ooze
4 Ghor-Clan Rampager
4 Wolfir Silverheart
2 Scavenging Ooze

4 Domri Rade
4 Rancor

22 Land
4 Stomping Ground
4 Rootbound Crag
2 Gruul Guildgate
12 Forest

SB still needs work. I'm actually cutting burning earth (?!?!?? how thats the reason to splash red!?), because control lists are adapting to it by going 2 color, and Lifebane Jund lists don't fold to it at all anymore. I've lost too many games with a resolved burning earth because I sided out threats for
them and there's ZERO burn in this deck. Plus with Domri I feel like I have plenty of good cards against UWr anyway.


I might add a KWr to the SB instead of the vorapede just because when Jund kills my dorks and I can't find a 3rd or 4th land it really hurts. Idk though. Definitely want fog because it feels like the only out against Naya's unflinching courage (along with ZC).

Testing pit fights, will get back to you all

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Postby Link » Tue Aug 06, 2013 5:03 am

though I must say Raphael Levy's take on the deck isn't bad. Elvish Archdruid showing to be a lot more respectable than I thought.

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Postby Valdarith » Tue Aug 06, 2013 5:04 pm

though I must say Raphael Levy's take on the deck isn't bad. Elvish Archdruid showing to be a lot more respectable than I thought.
Yes but it's a completely different deck than what you're going after. Decks with Archdruid are just playing Elfball.
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Postby Link » Tue Aug 06, 2013 5:45 pm

He wasn't using it to ramp into behemoth or even kalonian hydras* though. It just made his elves not as derpy AND not die to bonfire for 1, had a pretty sexy synergy with mutavault, and allowed for more T3 Silverhearts (and you can't tell me you don't love you some t3 silverhearts)

I was considering swapping Tusker for him. It would make 2 land no elf hands pretty unplayable though.

Last edited by Link on Tue Aug 06, 2013 6:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Link » Tue Aug 06, 2013 6:04 pm

she also pumps Yeva.

I'd probably run something like this:

29 Creatures
4x Elvish Mystic
4x Arbor Elf
4x Strangleroot Geist
4x Elvish Archdruid
4x Predator Ooze
3x Yeva, Nature's Herald
4x Wolfir Silverheart
2x Scavenging Ooze

8 Non-creatures
4x Rancor
4x Garruk Relentless

23 Land
19x Forest
4x Mutavault[/deck]

Cutting the young wolf revenge of the hunted package, as well as the druid's familiar.
Last edited by Link on Tue Aug 06, 2013 6:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby RDW » Tue Aug 06, 2013 6:13 pm

What about something like this?

4 Elvish Mystic
4 Arbor Elf
4 Strangleroot Geist
4 Kalonian Tusker
4 Wolfir Avenger
4 Ghor-Clan Rampager
4 Huntmaster of the Fells
3 Thundermaw Hellkite

Spells and Planeswalkers
3 Domri Rade
3 Bonfire of the Damned

4 Stomping Ground
4 Rootbound Crag
3 Mountain
1 Kessig Wolf Run
11 Forest

1 Bonfire of the Damned
3 Burning Earth
2 Zealous Conscripts
1 Ground Seal
4 Pillar of Flame
1 Kessig Wolf Run
1 Thundermaw Hellkite
2 Mizzium Mortars[/deck]

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Postby Link » Tue Aug 06, 2013 8:06 pm

I'd try to fit scavenging ooze in there somewhere. Looks like it plays defense pretty well until hellkite time, but I'm not sure how consistent double red would be on 11 sources without Borderland Ranger

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Postby RDW » Tue Aug 06, 2013 11:43 pm

I could probably add a mountain in lieu of a forest. 18 sources is probably fine... The G/r Aggro decks with swords ran 16-17 for Strangleroot Geist.

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Postby Link » Thu Aug 08, 2013 3:34 am

Rampager is definitely worth the splash. The interactions with predator ooze and scavenging ooze are pretty awesome too.

I went with a 2/2 split of kalonian tusker and arch druid to see how they fared.

Both had great moments where they shined. The lord of arch druid allowed me to push lethal with 2 elves out one game, whereas the efficiency of Tusker allowed me to but lethal on board (wears rancor well as well). I also played a tusker to fight with a thrag against jund which I cant do with druid. Olivia still won them the game after he rakdos' returned my other Domris away and stabilized at literally 1 health (my own fault I hadn't been swinging in with a elf for a few turns. Chumping with wolf tokens from huntmaster also bought him SHIT TON of draw steps. Maybe KWR goes back into main T_T

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Postby Link » Sat Aug 10, 2013 5:26 am

I went back to 4 tuskers and I'm not looking back.

I lost to a Kibler G/r deck where if my arch druids had been tuskers I would've stabilized easy. Getting one archdruid FotF with a dork and the second one pillard makes you REALLY miss a 2 mana 3/3.

I then went on to playtest against the B/W humans deck. Not only did I finally draw a bonfire in that match-up, 5/3 tuskers beat their fucking face in on the play.

I also pit fought some stuff. It was pretty good because no ones gonna play around that.

This deck is still too soft to jund to play competitively. I mean it has tools to beat jund, but card for card the MU is just pretty poor. Sometimes it feels like all they need to see is tragic or olivia.

Needs more testing for sure, but its more shaky a MU than I'd like to be at right now and there isn't too much SB tech I can think of it to be better there. I'm trying Ruric Thar+2 KWR in the side, but he's
iffy. I usually just want to stay as low curve and beat down as possible which means not really taking any cards out.

I definitely dropped Burning Earths from the SB though. Jund has adapted to beat it and control can be beaten with just regular rancor beat downs and domri.

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Postby Link » Tue Sep 10, 2013 2:25 am

Definitely going to be updating this once Theros is more spoiled.

Here's where I'm at with brew. The red splash right now is really only for Domri, Mortars, and Clan Defiance. I think Xenagos is for a different sort of shell, I'm not convinced that he and domri can fit. And I just love me some Domri. Xenagos definitely SB tech potential (like Chandra is right now)

28 Creatures
4 Gyre Sage
4 Elvish Mystic
4 Sylvan Caryatid
4 Deadbridge Goliath
4 Burning-Tree Emissary
4 Scavenging Ooze
4 Kalonian Hydra

23 Lands
4 Stomping Ground
13 Forest
2 Mountain
4 Temple of Abandon

4 PW
4 Domri Rade

5 Removal
2 Clan Defiance
3 Mizzium Mortars

Kalonian over Stormbreath: better synergy with scavenging ooze, polukranos, and gyre sage. Less reliance on hitting double Red. Can cut down on mountain count.

Stormbreath obviously better against control, good against GW which looks to be a big
contender as well.

I don't know if Battledriver is worth the stretch. I can see him+Xenagos doing WORK together. Him+KHydra already proven to be awesome.

Why bother with Polukranos? I think Deadbridge is better. That way if your fatty dies, you get to make one of your weak scrubs better. Nice synergy with Gyre sage too

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Postby Aodh » Tue Sep 10, 2013 5:43 pm

With so many mana sources, don't we want things bigger than Kalonian Hydra? Not sure if we have many X-spells at our disposal, but this deck seems like it can make a monstrous (haha, no pun intended) amount of mana.

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Postby Link » Tue Sep 10, 2013 6:10 pm

I was just thinking about that last night... if we're gonna play R/g ramp why not RAMP RAMP

I'm talking DEEP

Sylvan Primordial

Gruul Ragebeast

Worldspine Wurm

Yeah baby Yeah

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Postby Link » Tue Sep 10, 2013 6:13 pm

Cutting down on 2 Gyre sage and 1 Mortars for 2 Sylvan Primordials and 1 Ragebeast?

Maybe some Ruric? >___>

-2 Gyre Sage
-1 MizziuM Mortars
-2 Scavenging Ooze

+2 Sylvan Primordial
+1 Gruul Ragebeast
+2 Ruric Thar

28 Creatures
4 Elvish Mystic
2 Gyre Sage
4 Sylvan Caryatid
4 Deadbridge Goliath
3 Scavenging Ooze
4 Kalonian Hydra
2 Sylvan Primordial
2 Ruric Thar, the Unbowed
1 Gruul Ragebeast
2 Skarrg Guildmage

24 Lands
4 Stomping Ground
11 Forest
5 Mountain
4 Temple of Abandon

4 PW
4 Domri Rade

4 Removal
1 Clan Defiance
3 Mizzium Mortars
Last edited by Link on Tue Sep 10, 2013 9:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Aodh » Tue Sep 10, 2013 7:11 pm

More Savageborn Hydras and Gyre Sages; less BTE.

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Postby Link » Tue Sep 10, 2013 7:24 pm

shes mostly there to get red, but with the new catalyid maybe unnecessary

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Postby Link » Tue Sep 10, 2013 7:30 pm

Not too sold on savageborn, but then I remembered: Why the hell isnt SKARRG GUILDMAGE in here?

Now that we have fatties, give them trample. Make lands into 4/4s! Can your hammer do that!?

I'm reasonably pleased with this version. Only changes I would make is ground assault somewhere if the meta is more about things with greater than 4 toughness (because mortars will b e everywhere)

Aka for killing the shit out of things like Trostani and Advent of the Wurm

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Postby Aodh » Tue Sep 10, 2013 7:37 pm

As far as removal's concerned, this deck only loses to big fliers and Kalonian Hydra. All of those threats die to Mizzium Mortars, so just go 24 land, 4 Domri Rade, 4 Mizzum Mortars, and 28 creatures. I'd go:

12 dorks
3 ooze
4 Goliath
1 ragebeast
2 thar
5 hydras
1 primordial

IDK, haha.

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Postby Link » Tue Sep 10, 2013 8:12 pm

Clan Defiance is just sort of an experiment. I like the idea of it as a 1 of, it kills them and their fliers and a dude on the ground so its nice value. Plus with heavy green hitting triple Red seems very hard with no more arbor elf.

I still feel like cutting Gyre sages before Guildmage for some more mortars. I never liked drawing them in multiples, and I'm convinced guild mage is a really solid card against control and ground stalls alike.

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Postby Pyreheart Bezerra » Tue Sep 10, 2013 9:23 pm

damn, dude. you ARE going deep. I like ragebeast and I want him to work, but when a top deck a carytid or bte or gyre sage after i play him, im sad panda.

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