[Primer] Gruul Ragehammer (Old INN-RTR Standard)

Threads from Standard formats since passed.

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Postby Yarpus » Thu Sep 26, 2013 12:30 am

Ruric often cocblocks other decks. So as long as you can reliably cast him, I call it worth!

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Postby Link » Sat Sep 28, 2013 5:35 am


I got to superfriends people

I got to armageddon someone stuck on 3 lands

I got to T4 ruric thar with Xenagos

I got my Satyrs verdicted

I got too Boon Satyr my Boon Satyr

I got to boon satyr goddamn anything because holy shit Boon satyr



(I did not get to peak eruption a chained to the rocks, but theres time baby theres time)

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Postby Link » Sat Sep 28, 2013 6:07 am

the jank I ended up running:


R1: Played agaisnt Nuwen because I forgot to put our anmes on the sheet so we were auto-paired... I said at least we get this match out of the way and never have to worry about getting paired later, then she promptly 2-0s me with Dos rakis.

I brought in mortars and ground assaults and witchstalkers for ZTD, Ruric Thar, and
something else. She Madcap skill'd a Thrill Kill and ate my face.

*shrug* I helped make her deck beat the metagame and I knew others would be palying my deck (one guy was playing it and managed to actually have all the right shit for it, ripped STRAIGHT off SCGs decklist with the stormbreath dragons and bullshit.

R2: White Weenies.

So I saw Chandra G1, he saw 3 precinct captains and an imposing soverign. Yeah I crushed him with 4/4s.

Brought in Mortars and ground assaults, I took out Ruric because banisher priest and hydra i think and maybe some ramp. Taking out ramp and things to ramp into made my deck pretty consistently low curve midrange and that was fine because I have 3 cards total that cast 5+ and I really like that. Might never shell out for stormbreath (even though I got $60 store credit np ;D)

-3 ZTD
-3 5 cmc+ drops

+5 removal spells.
+1 witchstalker

was really solid even though I hadnt practiced SBing.

I kept a 5 land+scavenging ooze hand and got run over by a
Pantheon into Imposing Sovereign into Pantheon+brave

yeah ok.

G3 I kept a more solid hand, stabilized the board with ember swallower, had mizzium mortars in hand with mana to overload it, but instead I got for the ember swalloer monstroust because his board was just Precinct captain and a token.

He had 3 lands out.
Extend hand? (one of my lands kept was the shrine. I had about 6 devotion out ;D)

R3: U/W control

This guys a really solid player so I don't remember much of the details because we play fast. My deck has SO much play against control from the R/g sligh lists Im used to running and even more-so than Kiblers Gruul. I put pressure on him with BTE and ZTD, he has to tap out for something (I think g1 he tapped out for azo charm on his turn because he missed his 4th land drop). I play a Domri.
Then I play a Xenagos.

Then I win. I don't care how much he sphinxs for or whatever, I pretty much just win from there.

-1 Clan Defiance (my reasoning was I can't outburn sphinx's
with it, so why bother?)
-1 Kalonian Hydra (lol azo charm)
-1 Polukranos, World-Eater

+1 Destructive Revelry
+1 WitchStalker
+1 Skarrg Guildmage

This game he taps out for D sphere for Domri and I have another domri in hand. I ALMOST had enough to Xenagos +1 Domri, but I just Xenagos'd instead.

He verdicted Satyrs because he had to.

I played another Domri.

I had two planeswalkers, I don't give a shit what he had. I +1 domri and see a destructive revelry in case he ever finds another d-sphere.

I +1 Xenagos (at the same time my friend was comparing Chandra to him and saying she was strictly better in Gruul all the time) and play Ruric Thar on 4 lands and say "can chandra do that?"

He verdicts a bunch of shit but takes 6.

I make a Satyr. I boon Satyr it, extend hand?


R4: G/W Midrange

Uh-oh. Oh wait, I curve Xenagos into Chandra and destroy him. I basically just hit him with a BTE and have the 0/3 plant on defense for voices, get a
bunch of cards, kill him with ZTD. Play Ruric Thar, he selescharms him ("sure") I flash in a boon satyr on a hardcast rampager that game I think, and kill him with Chandra +1 pings and ZTD( Adds up SON)

-4 BTE
-3 Domri Rade

+3 Destructive Revelry
+3 mizzium mortars
+2 Ground Assault

Did I mention I really fucking hate Unflinching Courage?

Yeah G2 he goes Cat into Unflinching courage into unflinching courage. I lose, but I guess I kept a no-mortars hand.

G3 I keep a slow hand with mortars, mortars his first thing. then I play a rampager.
He passes with 4 mana up.

I don't swing cause lol? I play Ember swallower

He flashes in advent, duh, and swings at me with advent. I snap offer the trade, he kills swallower and plays loxodon.

I swing with my rampager, he accepts the trade. FLASH IN BOON SATYR NO TRADE SON.

He apparently had pithing needle in hand (lawl). He plays Archangel.

I Clan Defiance for 5 that bitch, swing for 8, youre at 3? cool.

He plays a Voice
and doesnt unflinching courage it, then he just dies cause 8/6 trampler.

He sided out Selescharms me so I'm pretty sure it went a lot easier than it should (thank you obscure meta!), but I definitely liked my "kill all the shit he plays forever" plan with backup revelrys to answer the courage.

Superfriends hard to beat. People think Xenagos is weak in midrange, but you either +1 and unload your hand faster than them or just build a better board precense (satyrs can block for EITHER PW you have out!)

am very pleased with the deck.

Are stormbreaths necessary? Call me still an aggro player, but I liked having the lower curve.

The main changes I'm considering:
-2 Ember swallower
+1 Polis +1 Polukranos,
-4 BTE +4 Kalonian Tusker
-3 ZTD +3 Sylvan Caryatid

and go more green. Since Im not running mortars main, it seems legit. gives me a better threat at 2 mana to pressure control into verdicted, removes the double red, lets me play more Polis crusher (

What I lose: T2 BTE into Domri. Zhur-taa druid as a card. Ember swallower as a card (much better against blood baron which people were playing, and also loxodon smiters et al)

Is it worth it? it might be for my lower curve list. I like Tusker as a card since it fights cats n shit which is important and is a decent clock against control (whereas T2 lone BTE is just bad) If you have stormbreath then you just cut the BTEs for stormbreath and add plants for ZTD and go to town.

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Postby Link » Sat Sep 28, 2013 5:18 pm

gonna take the time to start up a new primer for this

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