Not a Izzet primer but its -Prime Izzet-

Threads from Standard formats since passed.

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Not a Izzet primer but its -Prime Izzet-

Postby IzzetBelovedMage » Mon Oct 07, 2013 7:17 pm

Hey everyone! This is definitly not a primer or any of the sort to give you information on building your decks. Instead its an opportunity for me to post my current deck, and steal all that awesome wonderful years and years of knowledge you have attained and give me advice =p lol. In all seriousness I am really happy about my current build, and cant wait to test it out. Currently my LGS has sealed tournaments at FNM and standard b.y.o decks on mondays so i have to wait till next monday to finally test it out. However i win 70% of the time against my friends.

[deck] Izzet Smash[/deck]

I really really enjoy the synergy of YP with Purphoros even though i have read about alot of people not liking it. I also have hidden strings which allows me to untap 2 mana, attach and hopefully cast again, but allows me to chain some 1x spells, or even better allows me to use all my mana and then untap 2 to save for essence scatter/negate if need be. Depending on whom i am playing. Any thoughts and suggestions would be deeply appreciated. Thanks!

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Postby Yarpus » Mon Oct 07, 2013 9:27 pm

- Purphoros is awkward.
- Chandra screws your counterspells.
- Hidden Stirring is bad, consider the other card that taps creature and keeps it tapped.
- Molten Birth, again, is just bad.

Also, consider moving this thread to 'Developing'.

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Postby lorddax » Fri Oct 11, 2013 8:02 pm

I think theres the beginnings of a deck here with YP and Nivmagus Elemental and cipher on a repeatable source. Almost a YP Counterburn deck
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Postby lorddax » Fri Oct 11, 2013 8:32 pm

[deck]10 Island
10 Mountain
4 Steam Vents

4 Nivmagus Elemental
4 Young Pyromancer
4 Nivix Cyclops
1 Meletis Charlatan
2 Elite Arcanist

3 Essence Scatter
4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
4 Negate
3 Steam Augury

3 Hidden Strings

Very rough, very ugly. Deck was constructed from looking for way to get elemental counters for free, which copies of spells count as.
Might want -1 Charlatan +1 Arcanist for sticking more spells on sticks. Casting magma jet for UU seems fun :P
Augury to help with lack of good draw, could add a draw card or cut cyclops for triton and then heroic copy magus feed.

Thinking for more resliency:
-1 Charlatan 1 Arcanist -4 Nivix Cyclops +4 Triton Fortune Hunter -1 Lightning Strike -1 Negate +2 Shock -1 Land +1 Arcanist
Would give you super efficent Shock Arcanist
to really feed elemental or just shock for 4 a turn with strings untapping arcanist and a land.
Some men just want to watch the planes burn. . .and most of them are here.
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