Br Heroic/Aggro whatever

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Br Heroic/Aggro whatever

Postby Jasper » Mon Feb 10, 2014 12:34 pm

I've been thinking about this combination for a while now, and I'm just putting this here to collect my thoughts, and maybe get some other opinions.

The creatures:

Agent of the Fates The core. Hit him with spells, watch them sacrifice stuff.
Thrill-Kill Assassin Auto 4-of. Unleash when dropped early, use as a good blocker when dropped later. Survives Doom Blade, Drown in Sorrow when unleashed.
Blood Scrivener Since we aim to just dump our hand constantly, this seems like a good tool for CA.
Tormented Hero Unsure about this, but it's a turn-1 2/1 body with a heroic trigger.
Desecration Demon Unsure. Could be curve-topper. Also continues the theme of them sacrificing stuff.
[card]Rakdos Cackler[/card:
45nljysn] Auto 4-of. Turn 1 2/2, and easy to cast.
Akroan Crusader May be better off ditching him, but those tokens sure are handy.
Xathrid Necromancer Decent amount of humans, but not sure.
Tymaret, the Murder King Reach. Way to make use of top-decked one-drops.
Festering Newt I'm joking. I had a dream about a newt with Madcap Skills on it cleaving face.
Spike Jester 3/1 and haste. His downside is that he is unreliable to cast on turn 2.

The pump:
Deviant Glee Oh boy. Drop this on TKA or AotF and watch them try to chump it with a 1/1 as you trample over their corpse.
Madcap Skills Damage, evasion, heroic trigger. Yes please.
Dying Wish Unsure, maybe good in sideboard when they board in removal. You want to kill my pumped up
dude? Sure, take 5, wait let me Titans Strength so you take 8.
Coordinated Assault First. Strike. Deathtouch. Need I say more? Oh yeah, trigger 2 heroics while we're at it for a measly [mana]r[/mana].
Dragon Mantle Unsure. On one hand, it's a cheap heroic trigger that draws a card. On the other hand, we can't use the fire-breathing very well.
Nighthowler This goes with AotF's heroic trigger. May be useful as a curve topper. Seems like an efficient bestow.

The hate:
I don't think I need to list all the hate and burn that [mana]b[/mana][mana]r[/mana] has to offer, but here's a taste anyway. Doom Blade, Ultimate Price, Dreadbore, Heroes Downfall, Dark Betrayal, Shock, Magma Jet, Lightning Strike, Elecktrickery, Skullcrack, Peak Eruption. Hell, block with your own Agent of the Fates and shock it like
a crazy bastard to make them lose 2 creatures instead of 1.

I see a lot of synergy here. My only fear is that the mana-base might be rough. We want to run mostly black, with a splash for red pump spells and hate. I'm going to guess that 4 Blood Crypt's and 4 Mountains should be sufficent, while running 10-14 Swamps. This plays like the Tom Ross Sligh deck, except we can actually win after turn 5. It should stomp creature decks. One thing is for sure, it's going to be cheap, fun, and fast.

I'll be trying to put together an actual list after I test some things on Cockatrice tomorrow. If there are any worthy cards that I missed, I'd be glad to see them.

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Postby Jasper » Wed Feb 12, 2014 9:20 am

Why did I type Rb instead of Br? Oh well.

Herald of Torment Seems like a wonderful fit. Solid body at 3, great bestow at 5.
Pain Seer Might be nice to pan seer someone a bit to end the game faster.

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