Hunted Artist

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Hunted Artist

Postby Blackhound » Fri Mar 21, 2014 2:14 am

Work in progress, remember the Hunted cycle from Ravinca (below the curve mana cost creatures with the drawback that your opponent gets creature tokens) plan is to give your opponent a whole bunch of creature tokens, then blow them up with a Ratchet bomb allowing your creatures to stomp face. With a Blood Artist in play your opponent also loses life.

Here is the base so far,suggestions welcome

4 Hunted Dragon
4 Hunted Horror
4 Hunted Lammasu
4 Hunted Phantasm
4 Hunted Troll
4 Blood Artist
4 Ratchet Bomb

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Postby Toddington » Fri Mar 21, 2014 2:38 am

Forbidden Orchard is THE perfect land.

Engineered Explosives, redundancy on Ratchet Bomb, also pretty good on a 5 colour mana base.

Probably will want Birds of Paradise / other 5 colour fixer creatures.

Beast Within fits the theme too.

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Postby Stardust » Fri Mar 21, 2014 5:55 pm

You should drop white (the Lammasu is pretty weak) and maybe another colour. Your manabase is going to be really rough, needing [mana]BB[/mana] on turn two, [mana]1uu[/mana] on turn three and [mana]2GG[/mana] on turn four. 4 Reflecting Pools (along with the Orchards already suggested) should help.

Powder Keg seems better than Explosives if you want redundancy (since you're going to play no colourless lands, it'll be tough to make Explosives work). Even better might be something like Starstorm so you can justify playing Repercussion (but maybe I just love that card too much). I agree with Toddington that you should play Birds and Beast Within.

There are a few other decent card choices here too. Deathbringer Thoctar
, Vesuvan Shapeshifter (use Morph to avoid the EtB ability), Falkenrath Noble... A few different directions you could take the deck. Is this multiplayer or 1v1? I suspect a deck like this would perform best in multiplayer where giving you opponent creatures can end up hurting your other opponent more than it does you.

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Postby Pendulum » Mon Mar 24, 2014 3:45 pm

Forced March, Pernicious Deed, and/or Gaze of Granite are all additional options for killing off their free dudes, with the benefit of hitting their other dudes as well. Pestilence would alternatively give you many of the same options.
This would be a fun deck to use Gideon, Champion of Justice in to guarantor his +1. Temporal Adept, Jace, the Mind Sculptor, Fiend Hunter, Banisher Priest, and a buttload of others would help you get rid of their tokens as well. Or put in Propaganda and other can't-attack enchantments to keep their army of guys at bay. As Dusty said, there's lot of ways to take this.. back when the set came out me and all my
kitchen table friends spent countless hours just building around these guys.

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Postby ( G_R ) » Thu Mar 27, 2014 6:25 pm

As a super-fan of hunted creatures and having built many decks around them, I love this approach. The Lammasu is alright for me, and I find the dragon to be the hardest to cast.

Try Blood Seeker too. ^_^
That explains why people keep coming over for chicken nuggets

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Postby hamfactorial » Thu Mar 27, 2014 8:04 pm

I played a guy with a Hunted deck online. He ran Forbidden Orchard and a bunch of maindeck Rakdos Charms for the lulz.

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Postby Stardust » Thu Mar 27, 2014 8:17 pm

Lots of fun things you can do, for sure. My brother played a joke deck in Standard using Leyline of Singularity. Pretty funny, and though the deck was unreliable, it certainly won enough to piss everyone off.

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Postby Blackhound » Sun Mar 30, 2014 1:54 pm

Great suggestions, how about.

4 Forbidden Orchard + 20 other lands.

4 Hunted Phantasm
4 Hunted Troll
4 Phantasmal Image
4 Renegade Doppelganger
4 Blood Seeker
4 Blood Artist

4 Illness in the Ranks
4 Rachet Bomb
4 Beast Within

That cuts it down to 3 colours, with Ilness in the Ranks out the tokens from Hunted Phantasm, Hunted Troll and Forbidden Orchard die instantly.

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Postby Stardust » Mon Mar 31, 2014 9:13 pm

Is this 1v1 or multiplayer?

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Postby Blackhound » Mon Apr 14, 2014 11:16 pm

just 1v1 the new G/B God can give them a token as well,prob no room for it tho.

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Postby Blackhound » Sun Jan 04, 2015 2:24 pm

Manifest gets round ETB, therefore if you turn Hunted Phantasm face up your opponent does not get the creature tokens.

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Postby Stardust » Wed Jan 07, 2015 11:07 pm

If you want to go that route you should probably put a few Phyrexian Dreadnoughts in your deck.

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