Welcome to the VS System forum! This is the place to discuss one of the best Trading Card Games ever made - VS System.
What is VS System?
The Vs. System (pronounced Versus system) Trading Card Game (TCG) is based upon characters and storylines from Marvel, DC Comics and Hellboy universes. Produced by Upperdeck Entertainment, this game is full of strategy and depth. You can build a deck featuring your favorite superheroes (and/or villains) from either universe (or both!). The game can be as easy or complex as you like. The open-ended nature of deck construction mean that you can build the most intricate combo-decks or simple, straight forward combat decks. This game really has everything.
Sounds fun! How do I play?
You can
find a flash tutorial of how to play the game here.
You can find the basic rulebook here.
You can play online with every card using a program called LackeyCCG. You can download the program here. After downloading and opening the program, go to the "Preferences" tab, then the "Plugins" tab (in the program itself). On that page, you can find a drop-down list of all the various CCGs you can play with LackeyCCG; find VS System, and click "Install/Update this Plugin". Now you are equipped to play VS System!
For more information on how to use LackeyCCG, you can find a tutorial here.
What else is going on in this
I am using this subforum as sort of a "launching pad" for a series of IRL tournaments I hope to be running. With that, I will be posting various articles, tournament reports and decklists from the time when this game was in print (as my tournament series will start with just the first set of cards, Marvel Origins, rather than just diving into the entire card pool at once). I would love to run online tournaments if enough people were interested!
We have card tags now!
[vscard*]A Child Named Valeria[/vscard*]
(without the *) makes:
[vscard]A Child Named Valeria[/vscard]
[vsdeck*]1 A Child Named Valeria
1 Entangle[/vsdeck*]
(without the *) makes:
[vsdeck]1 A Child Named Valeria
1 Entangle[/vsdeck]
Here is a list of resources you may find useful:
Here are a few guidelines you should keep in mind when posting:As stated above, you can find the VS System basic rulebook [url=https://docs.google.com/file/d/
The VS System Comprehensive Rulebook can be found here.
The Official Card Reference for VS System can be found here.
The VS System Comprehensive Rulebook can be found here.
The Official Card Reference for VS System can be found here.
Card Sets
Below is a list of the official sets that Upper Deck Entertainment (UDE) released:
Expansion Sets (Released in Booster Packs [24 packs/box]):
Marvel Origins - April 2004 (MOR)
DC Origins - July 2004 (DOR)
Web of Spider-Man - September 2004 (MSM)
Superman, Man of Steel - November 2004 (DSM)
Marvel Knights - February 2005 (MMK)
Green Lantern Corps - May 2005 (DGL)
The Avengers - August 2005 (MAV)
Justice League of America - November
2005 (DJL)
X-Men - February 2006 (MXM)
Infinite Crisis - April 2006 (DCR)
Heralds of Galactus - September 2006 (MHG)
Legion of Super-Heroes - December 2006 (DLS)
Marvel Team-Up - February 2007 (MTU)
World's Finest - July 2007 (DWF)
Marvel Legends - August 2007 (MVL)
DC Comics Legends - December 2007 (DCL)
Marvel Universe - June 2008 (MUN)
Marvel Evolution - November 2008 (MEV)
Starter/Special Sets (The first three starters contained cards from the most recent expansion sets, the last 3 starters contained all original cards; The Essential Collection is a two-deck introduction of Hellboy into VS; The Coming of Galactus is a 1-vs-many variant):
X-Men vs. Brotherhood Starter - April 2004 (MOR)
Spider-Man vs. Doc Ock Starter - June 2004 (MSM)
Batman vs. The Joker Starter - July 2004 (DOR)
Batman Starter - June 2005 (DBM&#
Fantastic Four Starter - June 2005 (MFF)
X-Men Starter - February 2006 (MXS)
Hellboy Essential Collection - February 2007 (EHB)
Giant Size VS: The Coming of Galactus - November 2007 (MCG)
Exclusive/Promotional Sets These sets were very small and were released promotionally:
Age of Apocalypse (MAA)
Marvel Exclusives (MEX)
DC Exclusives (DCX)
Marvel Equipment (MEQ)
Marvel Ultimates (MUL)
Expansion Sets (Released in Booster Packs [24 packs/box]):
Marvel Origins - April 2004 (MOR)
DC Origins - July 2004 (DOR)
Web of Spider-Man - September 2004 (MSM)
Superman, Man of Steel - November 2004 (DSM)
Marvel Knights - February 2005 (MMK)
Green Lantern Corps - May 2005 (DGL)
The Avengers - August 2005 (MAV)
Justice League of America - November
2005 (DJL)
X-Men - February 2006 (MXM)
Infinite Crisis - April 2006 (DCR)
Heralds of Galactus - September 2006 (MHG)
Legion of Super-Heroes - December 2006 (DLS)
Marvel Team-Up - February 2007 (MTU)
World's Finest - July 2007 (DWF)
Marvel Legends - August 2007 (MVL)
DC Comics Legends - December 2007 (DCL)
Marvel Universe - June 2008 (MUN)
Marvel Evolution - November 2008 (MEV)
Starter/Special Sets (The first three starters contained cards from the most recent expansion sets, the last 3 starters contained all original cards; The Essential Collection is a two-deck introduction of Hellboy into VS; The Coming of Galactus is a 1-vs-many variant):
X-Men vs. Brotherhood Starter - April 2004 (MOR)
Spider-Man vs. Doc Ock Starter - June 2004 (MSM)
Batman vs. The Joker Starter - July 2004 (DOR)
Batman Starter - June 2005 (DBM&#
Fantastic Four Starter - June 2005 (MFF)
X-Men Starter - February 2006 (MXS)
Hellboy Essential Collection - February 2007 (EHB)
Giant Size VS: The Coming of Galactus - November 2007 (MCG)
Exclusive/Promotional Sets These sets were very small and were released promotionally:
Age of Apocalypse (MAA)
Marvel Exclusives (MEX)
DC Exclusives (DCX)
Marvel Equipment (MEQ)
Marvel Ultimates (MUL)
Deck Types
In other CCG's, the basic deck types are usually Aggro, Control, Combo, or Midrange. These descriptors (or combinations of them) usually cover just about every deck in the game, competitive or casual. The basic deck types in VS include: Curve, Stall, Off-Curve, Combo, Equipment and Beatdown.
Curve - These decks want to drop the highest cost character possible every turn (a 2-drop on turn 2, a 3-
drop on turn 3, etc). The word "curve" comes from the term "curving out", which means you play character every turn, and each character costs 1 more than the one you played before it. Curve decks win the game through combat - by playing characters every turn, they hope to win combats because of effective creatures, but also keep multiple characters in play to gain a board advantage over your opponents. Common Enemy and Teen Titans Go are examples of Curve decks with other control or combo (respectively) aspects. Curve Sentinels is an example of a traditional curve deck.
Stall - Stall decks are similar to curve decks in that they want to play the highest cost character possible every turn. However, they don't want to attack with their characters, but instead want to prevent either player from attacking whenever possible to extend the game. Stall decks aim to win the game in turn 8, 9 or 10 with some large character that costs 8, 9 or 10 (
such as Onslaught, En Sabah Nur or Imperiex, The Beginning and the End). X-Stall is an example of a stall deck.
Off-Curve - These decks are designed to play multiple characters every turn possible, which usually results in lots of 1, 2 and 3 drops. Cards like The New Brotherhood can give your characters bonuses so they can compete with the characters that Curve and Stall decks are playing every turn. Team Attacking can also be a strong aspect of these decks. There is a swarm version of the New Brotherhood that could be considered an Off-Curve deck.
Combo - Combo decks come in two varieties; Alternate win-condition decks, and decks that rely on a powerful interaction between 2 or 3 specific cards. Alternate win-condition cards are designed around specific cards like Rigged Elections or Xavier's Dream to maximize those cards' efficiency and allow them to win you the game without even needing to attack. An example of the other kind of combo
deck is Big Brotherhood; this deck relies on the interaction between Avalon Space Station and Lost City to create absurdly powerful characters, and functions as a sub-par curve deck without these pieces. Another example is Four Freedoms, that uses A Child Named Valeria to keep its characters alive until it can get Four Freedoms Plaza in play to search out any card in the deck.
Equipment - Equipment decks, unsurprisingly, rely on equipment to gain an advantage over their opponents. The decks can come in many forms (Curve or Off-Curve), and usually run ways to not only find your equipment (Tech Upgrade), but also can run ways to make your equipment cost less (Mr. Fantastic, Stretch). FF Equip is an example of an Equipment deck, utilizing the equipment Fantasticar.
Aggro - This archetype is exactly what the name suggests - aggressive. This deck wants to deal as much damage as possible as quickly as it can. Cards that thrive in this
archetype are high ATK, low DEF characters like Sabretooth, Feral Rage, and locations like Savage Land, that sacrifice DEF for a very effective ATK pump. An example of an Aggro deck is The New Brotherhood (either build).
Curve - These decks want to drop the highest cost character possible every turn (a 2-drop on turn 2, a 3-
drop on turn 3, etc). The word "curve" comes from the term "curving out", which means you play character every turn, and each character costs 1 more than the one you played before it. Curve decks win the game through combat - by playing characters every turn, they hope to win combats because of effective creatures, but also keep multiple characters in play to gain a board advantage over your opponents. Common Enemy and Teen Titans Go are examples of Curve decks with other control or combo (respectively) aspects. Curve Sentinels is an example of a traditional curve deck.
Stall - Stall decks are similar to curve decks in that they want to play the highest cost character possible every turn. However, they don't want to attack with their characters, but instead want to prevent either player from attacking whenever possible to extend the game. Stall decks aim to win the game in turn 8, 9 or 10 with some large character that costs 8, 9 or 10 (
such as Onslaught, En Sabah Nur or Imperiex, The Beginning and the End). X-Stall is an example of a stall deck.
Off-Curve - These decks are designed to play multiple characters every turn possible, which usually results in lots of 1, 2 and 3 drops. Cards like The New Brotherhood can give your characters bonuses so they can compete with the characters that Curve and Stall decks are playing every turn. Team Attacking can also be a strong aspect of these decks. There is a swarm version of the New Brotherhood that could be considered an Off-Curve deck.
Combo - Combo decks come in two varieties; Alternate win-condition decks, and decks that rely on a powerful interaction between 2 or 3 specific cards. Alternate win-condition cards are designed around specific cards like Rigged Elections or Xavier's Dream to maximize those cards' efficiency and allow them to win you the game without even needing to attack. An example of the other kind of combo
deck is Big Brotherhood; this deck relies on the interaction between Avalon Space Station and Lost City to create absurdly powerful characters, and functions as a sub-par curve deck without these pieces. Another example is Four Freedoms, that uses A Child Named Valeria to keep its characters alive until it can get Four Freedoms Plaza in play to search out any card in the deck.
Equipment - Equipment decks, unsurprisingly, rely on equipment to gain an advantage over their opponents. The decks can come in many forms (Curve or Off-Curve), and usually run ways to not only find your equipment (Tech Upgrade), but also can run ways to make your equipment cost less (Mr. Fantastic, Stretch). FF Equip is an example of an Equipment deck, utilizing the equipment Fantasticar.
Aggro - This archetype is exactly what the name suggests - aggressive. This deck wants to deal as much damage as possible as quickly as it can. Cards that thrive in this
archetype are high ATK, low DEF characters like Sabretooth, Feral Rage, and locations like Savage Land, that sacrifice DEF for a very effective ATK pump. An example of an Aggro deck is The New Brotherhood (either build).
Tournament Formats
Golden Age (All card sets, starter sets, promotional sets are legal)
Marvel Origins
DC Origins
Web of Spider-Man
Superman, Man of Steel
Marvel Knights
Green Lantern Corps
The Avengers
Justice League of America
The X-Men
Infinite Crisis
Heralds of Galactus
Legion of Super-Heroes
Marvel Team-Up
World’s Finest
Marvel Legends
DC Legends
Marvel Universe
Marvel Evolution
Starter Sets
Promotional Sets
Silver Age (The last eight sets released are legal)
Heralds of Galactus
Legion of Super-Heroes
Marvel Team-Up
World’s Finest
Marvel Legends
DC Legends
Marvel Universe
Marvel Evolution
b]Modern Age[/b] (The last four sets released are legal)
Marvel Legends
DC Legends
Marvel Universe
Marvel Evolution
Either Silver Age or Modern Age can be adjusted to reflect a different time in VS History. For example, Modern Age (Infinite Crisis) allows only:
The Avengers
Justice League of America
The X-Men
Infinite Crisis
Also, either format can be modified to only include Marvel or DC Sets. For example, Marvel Modern Age (Marvel Team-Up) allows only:
The Avengers
The X-Men
Heralds of Galactus
Marvel Team-Up
Random Punks (Any Golden Age set is legal, but no rare cards are allowed)
Bring Your Own Set (All cards in your deck must be from the same set)
Bring Your Own Team (Any
Golden Age set is legal, you choose one team affiliation, and every card in your deck must refer to that team specifically)
Banned List - Unlike in other CCGs, VS System utilizes one banned list for every format:
Antarctic Research Base
Detective Chimp, Bobo T. Chimpanzee
Dr. Light, Master of Holograms
Fiddler, Isaac Bowin
Frankie Raye <> Nova, Optimistic Youth
Go Down Fighting
Gone But Not Forgotten
Justice League of Arkham
Nenora, Skrull Usurper
Talia, LexCorp CEO
Valeria Von Doom, Heir to Latveria
Marvel Origins
DC Origins
Web of Spider-Man
Superman, Man of Steel
Marvel Knights
Green Lantern Corps
The Avengers
Justice League of America
The X-Men
Infinite Crisis
Heralds of Galactus
Legion of Super-Heroes
Marvel Team-Up
World’s Finest
Marvel Legends
DC Legends
Marvel Universe
Marvel Evolution
Starter Sets
Promotional Sets
Silver Age (The last eight sets released are legal)
Heralds of Galactus
Legion of Super-Heroes
Marvel Team-Up
World’s Finest
Marvel Legends
DC Legends
Marvel Universe
Marvel Evolution
b]Modern Age[/b] (The last four sets released are legal)
Marvel Legends
DC Legends
Marvel Universe
Marvel Evolution
Either Silver Age or Modern Age can be adjusted to reflect a different time in VS History. For example, Modern Age (Infinite Crisis) allows only:
The Avengers
Justice League of America
The X-Men
Infinite Crisis
Also, either format can be modified to only include Marvel or DC Sets. For example, Marvel Modern Age (Marvel Team-Up) allows only:
The Avengers
The X-Men
Heralds of Galactus
Marvel Team-Up
Random Punks (Any Golden Age set is legal, but no rare cards are allowed)
Bring Your Own Set (All cards in your deck must be from the same set)
Bring Your Own Team (Any
Golden Age set is legal, you choose one team affiliation, and every card in your deck must refer to that team specifically)
Banned List - Unlike in other CCGs, VS System utilizes one banned list for every format:
Antarctic Research Base
Detective Chimp, Bobo T. Chimpanzee
Dr. Light, Master of Holograms
Fiddler, Isaac Bowin
Frankie Raye <> Nova, Optimistic Youth
Go Down Fighting
Gone But Not Forgotten
Justice League of Arkham
Nenora, Skrull Usurper
Talia, LexCorp CEO
Valeria Von Doom, Heir to Latveria
Errata List
This is a list of every VS card that was given some sort of errata (functional or otherwise) in chronological order of when the cards were released.
Betrayal (MOR-177R)
Plot Twist, 2
Target player stuns a non-stunned character he controls if he controls two or more affiliated characters, unless all affiliated characters he controls share at least one affiliation.
nBlob, Fred Dukes (MVL-053C, MOR-077C)
Character, 4, Brotherhood, 6/9
[Brotherhood] characters in your support row can't be attacked while Blob is visible in your front row.
Boris, Personal Servant of Dr. Doom (MVL-201R, MOR-107R)
Character, 1, Doom, 1/1
[Activate], Put Boris on the bottom of your deck >>> Search your deck for a plot twist card, reveal it, and put it into your hand. Use only if you control Dr. Doom.
Foiled (MOR-191R)
Plot Twist, 1
Play only from your resource row and only during the combat phase. <p> If Foiled is in your resource row, KO target ongoing plot twist and KO Foiled.
Invisible Woman, The Invisible Girl (MOR-050U)
Character, 1, Fantastic Four, 1/1
When Invisible Woman enters play, put an invisibility counter on her. <p> Whenever Invisible Woman defends, you may remove an invisibility counter from her. If you do, remove all attackers from this attack.
Ka-Boom! (MOR-196R)
Plot Twist, 2
Play only
from your resource row and only during the combat phase. <p> If Ka-Boom! is in your resource row, KO target location and KO Ka-Boom!.
Rama-Tut, Pharaoh from the 30th Century (MOR-116R)
Character, 2, Doom, 2/2
When Rama-Tut enters play, if you recruited him and you control Dr. Doom, you may return target plot twist card from your KO'd pile to your hand.
Thing, Heavy Hitter (MVL-180R, MOR-063R)
Character, 5, Fantastic Four, 11/11
Loyalty (Recruit Thing only if you control a character that shares an affiliation with him.)
Underground Sentinel Base (MOR-155R)
Location, 5
Activate >>> You may reveal a face-down Army character card with the printed Sentinel affiliation from your resource row and move it face up to your front or support row. Use only during your recruit step.
Beast Boy, Garfield Logan (DCL-064R, DOR-035R)
Character, 3, Teen Titans, 3/3, Flight
Whenever Beast Boy attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on him. <p> Whenever
Beast Boy defends, put a +1/+1 counter on him for each attacker.
Cassie Sandsmark <> Wonder Girl, Zeus's Chosen (DOR-036C)
Character, 5, Teen Titans, 9/9, Flight
Cassie Sandsmark can't be stunned by a character with cost 6 or greater. <p> Cassie Sandsmark can't be stunned by attackers while defending against one or more characters with cost 6 or greater. (Apply breakthrough as normal.)
Clocktower (DOR-027C)
Location, 1
Exhaust a support row Gotham Knights character you control >>> Look at the top card of your deck. You may put it on the bottom of your deck. <p> Activate >>> Replace a face-down resource you control.
Mammoth, Baran Flinders (DOR-123R)
Character, 3, Fearsome Five, 8/8
To recruit, reveal a Fearsome Five character card from your hand. <p> When Mammoth enters play, KO a resource you control, and when Mammoth next enters a KO'd pile from play, put the top card of your deck face down into your
resource row. <p> Whenever Mammoth becomes stunned, KO him.
Clone Saga (MSM-146U)
Plot Twist, 2
Play only if you control a Spider-Friends character. <p> Ongoing: Affiliated characters you control, as well as affiliated cards in your deck, hand, and KO'd pile gain the Spider-Friends affiliation. (This is in addition to other affiliations.)
Daily Bugle (MSM-010U)
Location, 2
When you flip Daily Bugle, choose a character name. <p> Whenever a character an opponent controls with the chosen name becomes stunned by one or more Spider-Friends characters you control, you may turn a face-up resource you control face down.
Forced Allegiance (MSM-151U)
Plot Twist, 2
To play, choose an affiliation among characters you control. <p> Ongoing: Affiliated characters you control lose all affiliations and gain the chosen affiliation.
Mary Jane Watson, MJ (MSM-045R)
Character, 1, Spider-Friends, 1/1
Protected Spider-Friends defenders you
control have reinforcement. <p> Whenever one or more Spider-Friends team attackers you control stun a defender, draw a card.
My Hero (MSM-063U)
Plot Twist, 3
Choose a character you control. <p> Ongoing: Support row Spider-Friends characters you control are protected while the chosen character is ready, visible, and in your front row.
Rise from the Grave (MSM-158R)
Plot Twist, 2
To play, pay 5 endurance. <p> Recover target stunned character you control and move it to your support row. Lose endurance equal to that character's cost.
Sinister Six (MSM-159U)
Plot Twist, 2
Play only if you control a Sinister Syndicate character. <p> Ongoing: Affiliated characters you control, as well as affiliated cards in your deck, hand, and KO'd pile gain the Sinister Syndicate affiliation. (This is in addition to other affiliations.)
Spider-Man, Cosmic Spider-Man (MSM-054R)
Character, 8, Spider-Friends, 17/17, Flight, Range
Friends attackers you control can't be stunned. <p> At the start of the combat phase, Spider-Man gets +1/+1 this turn for each non-stunned character target opponent controls.
Bizarro World (DSM-087R)
Location, 2
Bizarro World is considered to be in all sets. <p> Flip only if you control a Revenge Squad character. <p> Revenge Squad character cards in your hand have shift. (See bizarroworld.com)
Advance Recon (MMK-211C)
Plot Twist, 1
Play only during your first attack this turn in which you control an attacker. <p> If a character you control would cause breakthrough this attack, instead, gain twice that much endurance.
Black Magic (MMK-164C)
Plot Twist, 3
Play only during your first attack this turn in which you control an attacker. <p> Put an Underworld character card from your KO'd pile on the bottom of your deck. If you do, target attacker gets +3/+3 this attack.
Blackheart, Son of Mephisto (MMK-138C)
6, Underworld, 14/10, Range
Discard an Underworld character card >>> Blackheart can't be stunned while in combat with a character with cost 4 or less this turn.
Daredevil, Guardian Devil (MMK-006C)
Character, 7, Marvel Knights, 15/15, Concealed
When Daredevil enters play or recovers, if you have 10 or less endurance and Daredevil is hidden, move him to your visible area. <p> Whenever you lose endurance, if you then have 10 or less endurance and Daredevil is hidden, move him to your visible area.
Head Shot (MMK-034C)
Plot Twist, 1
Play only during your first attack this turn in which you control an attacker. <p> Target Marvel Knights attacker gets +X ATK this attack, where X is that character's cost.
Mephisto, Father of Lies (MMK-146R)
Character, 8, Underworld, 15/20, Flight, Range
Recruit only if you have three or more Underworld character cards in your KO'd pile. <p> You can't lose and your opponents can't win the game. &
lt;p> At the start of your attack step, KO three characters you control. If you don't, KO Mephisto.
Moon Knight, Marc Spector (MMK-021C)
Character, 4, Marvel Knights, 7/6
Moon Knight gets +3/+1 while you have the initiative. <p> Boost 2: When Moon Knight enters play, he gets +4 ATK this turn if you have the initiative. Otherwise, he gets +6 ATK this turn.
Never Give Up! (MMK-083U)
Plot Twist, 4
Play only during your first attack this turn in which you control an attacker. <p> KO a character you control with an affiliation other than X-Statix. If you do, ready target X-Statix attacker you control. (The character you KO can have the X-Statix affiliation in addition to its other affiliations.)
Scarlet Spider <> Spider-Man, Successor (MMK-201R)
Character, 2, Spider-Friends, 2/3
Whenever a Spider-Man enters play under your control, you may move it to your hidden area.
Stilt-Man, Wilbur Day (MMK-113R)
Character, 2, Crime Lords, 3/2
nWhenever a character an opponent controls gains one or more counters or enters play with one or more counters, if that character is not named Stilt-Man, put a +1/+1 counter on Stilt-Man. <p> Boost 1: When Stilt-Man enters play, put a +1/+1 counter on him.
Werewolf by Night, Jack Russell (MMK-161C)
Character, 2, Underworld, 2/2, Concealed
At the start of the combat phase, Werewolf by Night gets +1/+1 this turn if you have the initiative. Otherwise, put the top card of your deck into your KO'd pile.
Witching Hour (MMK-179R)
Plot Twist, 7
To play, pay 2 resource points. <p> Choose any number of Underworld character cards in your KO'd pile each with cost 2 or less. During your recruit step this turn, while each of those cards is in your KO'd pile, you may recruit it, and it has "Pay 2 endurance >>> Put this card into your front row. Then, if it's unique, put each other unique character you control with this card's name into its owner's
KO'd pile."
Dr. Light, Master of Holograms (DGL-040U)
Character, 3, Emerald Enemies, 3/4, Flight, Range
Willpower 2 <p> Activate >>> Put target character card with cost 2 or less from your KO'd pile into your front row if you don't control a character with the same name as that card. Use only once per turn and only during your recruit step.
Fifth Dimension (DGL-152R)
Location, 4
Activate >>> Remove target non-stunned character you control from the game. At the start of the next draw phase, if that card has the printed Revenge Squad affiliation, put it into your front row.
Power Surge (DGL-207U)
Plot Twist, 3
Discard up to three cards. Target character gets +1 willpower this turn and an additional +1 willpower this turn for each card you discarded.
Remoni-Notra <> Star Sapphire, Obsessed Warrior Princess (DGL-057C)
Character, 5, Emerald Enemies, 9/7, Flight, Range
Willpower 4 <p> Whenever an attacker you
control stuns a defender and that attacker's willpower is greater than that defender's cost, KO that defender.
Starlings, Army (DGL-060U)
Character, 1, Emerald Enemies, 1/1, Flight
Starlings enters play exhausted. <p> Whenever Starlings becomes stunned, KO it. <p> Activate, pay 1 resource point >>> You may discard a card. If you do, search your deck for up to two cards named Starlings and put them into your front row.
Hired Hit (MAV-218R)
Plot Twist, 2
Stun a Crime Lords defender you control. If you do, remove all defenders from this attack, and target non-defending character you control becomes a defender.
Mr. Hyde, Engine of Destruction (MAV-138C)
Character, 4, Masters of Evil, 7/7
Reservist (You may recruit this card from your resource row. If you do, you may put a card from your hand face down into your resource row.) <p> Mr. Hyde gets +2/+2 while an opponent controls a character with a greater cost than that of each
character you control.
Barry Allen <> The Flash, Scarlet Speedster (DJL-003R)
Character, 6, JLA, 11/9
Whenever Barry Allen becomes powered-up while attacking a character, if Barry Allen is unequipped, you may ready him. If you do, he can't cause breakthrough this turn.
Crisis on Infinite Earths, Team-Up (DJL-174R)
Plot Twist, 2
Ongoing: Characters you control, as well as character cards in your hand, KO'd pile, and deck lose all affiliations, have the Crisis affiliation, and can't have any affiliation other than Crisis. <p> Character cards you own are not unique. <p> If a character card you recruited or substituted would come into play, instead, KO all characters you control with the same printed name and version as that card, then put that card into play.
Red Tornado, John Smith (DJL-019C)
Character, 2, JLA, 2/3, Flight, Range
If a team attacker you control would become stunned, instead, you may stun Red Tornado. <p> When Red Tornado
enters a KO'd pile from play, you may return him to his owner's hand.
Scarecrow, Fearmonger (DJL-135C)
Character, 5, Secret Society/Arkham Inmates, 10/9
Whenever Scarecrow stuns a character, put a +1/+1 counter on Scarecrow. <p> At the start of the combat phase, you may remove a counter from target character. If you do, put a +1/+1 counter on target character you control.
Secret Files (DCL-152C, DJL-111C)
Plot Twist, 2
Play only if you control an Injustice Gang character. <p> Each player in turn searches his deck for an affiliated character card, reveals it, and puts it into his hand.
T. O. Morrow, Thomas Oscar Morrow (DJL-166U)
Character, 3, 2/6
Pay 1 resource point >>> You may pay 1 resource point rather than pay the recruit cost of non-Army character cards with cost 2 this turn.
Captain Boomerang, George Harkness (DCL-113C, DJL-077R)
Character, 2, Injustice Gang/The Rogues, 3/2, Range
Return Captain Boomerang to his owner'
s hand >>> Return target character with cost 2 or less to its owner's hand. Use only during your attack step.
District X (MXM-193U)
Location, 1
At the start of the combat phase, choose a Mutant trait. Characters you control, as well as character cards in your deck, hand, and KO'd pile are Mutants and gain the chosen trait this turn.
Leech, Inhibitor (MXM-056U)
Character, 2, Morlocks, 2/3
Evasion <p> Whenever Leech becomes stunned, you may discard a card. If you do, negate target character payment effect.
Psi-Link (MXM-176R)
Plot Twist, 2
Play only if you control a Mental character. <p> To play, choose a Mutant trait. <p> Ongoing: Characters you control, as well as character cards in your deck, hand, and KO'd pile, with either the Mental or the chosen trait are Mutants and have both traits.
Silver Sabre, Freedom Force (MXM-105C)
Character, 3, Brotherhood, 5/3
Whenever Silver Sabre causes
3 or more breakthrough while attacking a character, you may recover and ready Silver Sabre, and he can't cause breakthrough this turn.
Adam Strange, Champion of Rann (DCR-217R)
Character, 2, JLA/Rann, 3/2
Reservist <p> Reveal Adam Strange >>> If Adam Strange is in your resource row, KO target character with cost 1. If you do, KO Adam Strange and you may put a card from your hand face down into your resource row. Use only once per turn, only if Adam Strange is in your resource row, and only during the recovery phase.
Bart Allen <> The Flash, Impulsive Speedster (DCR-173R)
Character, 5, Speed Force/Teen Titans, 9/9
Bart Allen does not exhaust to attack. <p> Whenever Bart Allen stuns a defender or causes breakthrough, Bart Allen can't attack this turn. <p> Bart Allen can't attack the same character or player more than once per turn.
Parademon, Apokoliptian Ally (DCR-161C)
Character, 3, Secret Six, 4/4, Flight, Range
Parademon from the game >>> Whenever a Secret Six character you control with cost 4 or greater becomes stunned this turn, you may put Parademon into your front row if you don't control a Parademon. Use only if Parademon is in your hand.
Admiral Galen Kor, Lunatic Legion (MHG-045C)
Character, 4, Kree, 6/8, Range
Reservist, Press (When you recruit this card, your next character costs 1 less to recruit this turn for each press card you recruited this turn, but no less than 1.) <p> At the start of the combat phase, Admiral Galen Kor gets +1 ATK this turn for each other character you recruited this turn.
Doom-Bot Corps, Army (MHG-131C)
Character, 3, Doom, 5/4, Flight, Range
Pay 3 endurance >>> If you don't control a Dr. Doom, Doom-Bot Corps has the name Dr. Doom and loses all other names and versions this turn. Use only once per turn.
Morg, Harbinger of Extinction (MHG-016C)
Character, 7, Heralds of Galactus, 17/15, Flight, Range
nCosmic: Whenever a character becomes stunned during the combat phase, you may reveal a Heralds of Galactus character card from your hand. If you do, return that character to its owner's hand unless its controller reveals a card from his hand with cost greater than the cost of the card you revealed.
Red Shift, Rift Walker (MHG-018R)
Character, 5, Heralds of Galactus, 10/9, Concealed, Flight, Range
Cosmic: Whenever Red Shift attacks, you may remove all attackers and defenders from the game. If you do, the owner of each of those cards puts it into his front row at the start of the recovery phase this turn.
Silver Surfer, Righteous Protector (MHG-020C)
Character, 5, Heralds of Galactus, 9/9, Flight, Range
Cosmic: Remove a cosmic counter from Silver Surfer >>> Whenever a character with cost 4 or less becomes stunned during the combat phase this turn, return it to its owner's hand.
Time Gem, Unique * Infinity Gem (MHG-185R)
Equipment, 0
Whenever equipped
character becomes stunned, you may return Time Gem to its owner's hand. <p> Whenever a player plays a non-ongoing plot twist, return Time Gem to its owner's hand. If you do, discard a card and negate that plot twist's effect.
All Hail Darkseid! (DLS-113U)
Plot Twist, 2
Target Darkseid's Elite defender you control gets +2 ATK this attack. If that character is named Darkseid, it also gets +2 DEF this attack.
Chemo, Chemical Golem (DLS-206U)
Character, 3, Villains United, 4/3
Vengeance: Whenever Chemo becomes stunned, you may recover another target stunned character with cost 3 or less, then stun that character. This power triggers only once per turn.
Unravel Reality (DLS-127U)
Plot Twist, 3
To play, discard a substitute card. <p> Ongoing: Whenever you substitute a Darkseid's Elite character into play, the controller of target face-up non-Team-Up resource loses endurance equal to its cost. You may replace that resource.
Francis Klum <&
gt; Mysterio, Mutant Magician (MTU-096C)
Character, 4, Sinister Syndicate, 8/5, Concealed, Range
Whenever another Sinister Syndicate character you control defends, you may exhaust Francis Klum. If you do, remove all defenders from this attack and Francis Klum becomes a defender.
Burn Baby Burn (DWF-153C)
Plot Twist, 3
Target Arkham Inmates attacker you control gets +3 ATK this attack. <p> Insanity: You can play this card from your KO'd pile. As you do, remove it from the game.
Apocalypse, Forever Walker * Age of Apocalypse (MAA-022R)
Character, 8, Horsemen of Apocalypse, 20/20, Flight, Range
At the start of the combat phase, if you've recruited another Apocalypse this game, each player chooses a character he controls and KO's the rest.
Apocalypse, He Who Never Dies * Age of Apocalypse (MAA-004C)
Character, 5, Horsemen of Apocalypse, 9/9, Flight, Range
Pay X resource points >>> Put X +1/+1 counters on Apocalypse. <p&
gt; KO Apocalypse >>> You may put another Apocalypse card from your hand into play. Use only if Apocalypse has 20 or more +1/+1 counters on him.
Cable, Secret Avenger (MUN-003R)
Character, 3, Avengers/X-Men, 5/4, Range
Reservist <p> Boost 2: When Cable enters play, if you control another [Avengers] or [X-Men] character, remove Cable and another target character from the game. At the start of your attack step this turn, the owner of each of those character cards returns it to play.
Hawkeye <> Ronin, Secret Avenger (MUN-013U)
Character, 2, Avengers, 3/2, Concealed, Range
Reservist <p> When Hawkeye enters play, rally for a character card. If you're successful, you may KO a character with cost 1 or less.
Kang <> Iron Lad, Non-Unique * Young Avenger (MUN-261R)
Character, 6, Kang Council, 12/12, Flight, Range
Kang can reinforce and team attack as though he had all affiliations. <p> Attackers can't be stunned while Kang is team
attacking. <p> At the start of each opponent's attack step, if Kang team attacked this turn, ready him and all characters that team attacked with him this turn.
Sentinel Squad O*N*E*, Army (MUN-106U)
Character, 5, S.H.I.E.L.D./Sentinel, 9/9, Flight, Range
Boost—Return a character you control to its owner's hand: When Sentinel Squad O*N*E* enters play, return up to three target Army character cards from your KO'd pile to your hand.
She-Hulk, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. (MUN-109C)
Character, 5, S.H.I.E.L.D./Avengers, 8/9
Reservist <p> At the start of the combat phase, you may replace a reservist resource you control. If you do, put a +1/+1 counter on She-Hulk.
Sub-Mariner, The Avenging Son (MUN-249U)
Character, 5, Atlantis/Marvel Defenders, 9/8, Flight
Boost—Exhaust X other characters you control: Sub-Mariner enters play with X +1/+1 counters.
Bastion, Prime Sentinel (MEV-229R)
Character, 5, Purifiers/Sentinel, 9/9, Flight, Range
Shift <p&
gt; Discard an Army character card >>> Target character gets -1/-1 this turn.
Black Box (MEV-078C)
Plot Twist, 2
Shuffle up to three target cards not named Black Box from a single player's KO'd pile into his deck. If you control an X-Force character, draw a card.
Breakworld Prophecy (MEV-264R)
Plot Twist, 1
To play, exhaust a character you control. <p> Target player replaces a face-up resource he controls that’s not a non-ongoing plot twist.
Mimic, Earth-12 * Infected (MEV-148R)
Character, 6, Exiles/X-Men, 13/12, Flight, Range
Shift <p> When Mimic enters play, he gains the printed powers and keywords of all opposing characters. Any reference to an affiliation in the gained powers is changed to Exiles.
Nimrod, Killing Machine (MEV-232R)
Character, 4, Purifiers/Sentinel, 8/7, Flight, Range
Shift <p> KO an Army character you control >>> When Nimrod next becomes stunned this turn, recover him at the start of the
recovery phase this turn.
Betrayal (MOR-177R)
Plot Twist, 2
Target player stuns a non-stunned character he controls if he controls two or more affiliated characters, unless all affiliated characters he controls share at least one affiliation.
nBlob, Fred Dukes (MVL-053C, MOR-077C)
Character, 4, Brotherhood, 6/9
[Brotherhood] characters in your support row can't be attacked while Blob is visible in your front row.
Boris, Personal Servant of Dr. Doom (MVL-201R, MOR-107R)
Character, 1, Doom, 1/1
[Activate], Put Boris on the bottom of your deck >>> Search your deck for a plot twist card, reveal it, and put it into your hand. Use only if you control Dr. Doom.
Foiled (MOR-191R)
Plot Twist, 1
Play only from your resource row and only during the combat phase. <p> If Foiled is in your resource row, KO target ongoing plot twist and KO Foiled.
Invisible Woman, The Invisible Girl (MOR-050U)
Character, 1, Fantastic Four, 1/1
When Invisible Woman enters play, put an invisibility counter on her. <p> Whenever Invisible Woman defends, you may remove an invisibility counter from her. If you do, remove all attackers from this attack.
Ka-Boom! (MOR-196R)
Plot Twist, 2
Play only
from your resource row and only during the combat phase. <p> If Ka-Boom! is in your resource row, KO target location and KO Ka-Boom!.
Rama-Tut, Pharaoh from the 30th Century (MOR-116R)
Character, 2, Doom, 2/2
When Rama-Tut enters play, if you recruited him and you control Dr. Doom, you may return target plot twist card from your KO'd pile to your hand.
Thing, Heavy Hitter (MVL-180R, MOR-063R)
Character, 5, Fantastic Four, 11/11
Loyalty (Recruit Thing only if you control a character that shares an affiliation with him.)
Underground Sentinel Base (MOR-155R)
Location, 5
Activate >>> You may reveal a face-down Army character card with the printed Sentinel affiliation from your resource row and move it face up to your front or support row. Use only during your recruit step.
Beast Boy, Garfield Logan (DCL-064R, DOR-035R)
Character, 3, Teen Titans, 3/3, Flight
Whenever Beast Boy attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on him. <p> Whenever
Beast Boy defends, put a +1/+1 counter on him for each attacker.
Cassie Sandsmark <> Wonder Girl, Zeus's Chosen (DOR-036C)
Character, 5, Teen Titans, 9/9, Flight
Cassie Sandsmark can't be stunned by a character with cost 6 or greater. <p> Cassie Sandsmark can't be stunned by attackers while defending against one or more characters with cost 6 or greater. (Apply breakthrough as normal.)
Clocktower (DOR-027C)
Location, 1
Exhaust a support row Gotham Knights character you control >>> Look at the top card of your deck. You may put it on the bottom of your deck. <p> Activate >>> Replace a face-down resource you control.
Mammoth, Baran Flinders (DOR-123R)
Character, 3, Fearsome Five, 8/8
To recruit, reveal a Fearsome Five character card from your hand. <p> When Mammoth enters play, KO a resource you control, and when Mammoth next enters a KO'd pile from play, put the top card of your deck face down into your
resource row. <p> Whenever Mammoth becomes stunned, KO him.
Clone Saga (MSM-146U)
Plot Twist, 2
Play only if you control a Spider-Friends character. <p> Ongoing: Affiliated characters you control, as well as affiliated cards in your deck, hand, and KO'd pile gain the Spider-Friends affiliation. (This is in addition to other affiliations.)
Daily Bugle (MSM-010U)
Location, 2
When you flip Daily Bugle, choose a character name. <p> Whenever a character an opponent controls with the chosen name becomes stunned by one or more Spider-Friends characters you control, you may turn a face-up resource you control face down.
Forced Allegiance (MSM-151U)
Plot Twist, 2
To play, choose an affiliation among characters you control. <p> Ongoing: Affiliated characters you control lose all affiliations and gain the chosen affiliation.
Mary Jane Watson, MJ (MSM-045R)
Character, 1, Spider-Friends, 1/1
Protected Spider-Friends defenders you
control have reinforcement. <p> Whenever one or more Spider-Friends team attackers you control stun a defender, draw a card.
My Hero (MSM-063U)
Plot Twist, 3
Choose a character you control. <p> Ongoing: Support row Spider-Friends characters you control are protected while the chosen character is ready, visible, and in your front row.
Rise from the Grave (MSM-158R)
Plot Twist, 2
To play, pay 5 endurance. <p> Recover target stunned character you control and move it to your support row. Lose endurance equal to that character's cost.
Sinister Six (MSM-159U)
Plot Twist, 2
Play only if you control a Sinister Syndicate character. <p> Ongoing: Affiliated characters you control, as well as affiliated cards in your deck, hand, and KO'd pile gain the Sinister Syndicate affiliation. (This is in addition to other affiliations.)
Spider-Man, Cosmic Spider-Man (MSM-054R)
Character, 8, Spider-Friends, 17/17, Flight, Range
Friends attackers you control can't be stunned. <p> At the start of the combat phase, Spider-Man gets +1/+1 this turn for each non-stunned character target opponent controls.
Bizarro World (DSM-087R)
Location, 2
Bizarro World is considered to be in all sets. <p> Flip only if you control a Revenge Squad character. <p> Revenge Squad character cards in your hand have shift. (See bizarroworld.com)
Advance Recon (MMK-211C)
Plot Twist, 1
Play only during your first attack this turn in which you control an attacker. <p> If a character you control would cause breakthrough this attack, instead, gain twice that much endurance.
Black Magic (MMK-164C)
Plot Twist, 3
Play only during your first attack this turn in which you control an attacker. <p> Put an Underworld character card from your KO'd pile on the bottom of your deck. If you do, target attacker gets +3/+3 this attack.
Blackheart, Son of Mephisto (MMK-138C)
6, Underworld, 14/10, Range
Discard an Underworld character card >>> Blackheart can't be stunned while in combat with a character with cost 4 or less this turn.
Daredevil, Guardian Devil (MMK-006C)
Character, 7, Marvel Knights, 15/15, Concealed
When Daredevil enters play or recovers, if you have 10 or less endurance and Daredevil is hidden, move him to your visible area. <p> Whenever you lose endurance, if you then have 10 or less endurance and Daredevil is hidden, move him to your visible area.
Head Shot (MMK-034C)
Plot Twist, 1
Play only during your first attack this turn in which you control an attacker. <p> Target Marvel Knights attacker gets +X ATK this attack, where X is that character's cost.
Mephisto, Father of Lies (MMK-146R)
Character, 8, Underworld, 15/20, Flight, Range
Recruit only if you have three or more Underworld character cards in your KO'd pile. <p> You can't lose and your opponents can't win the game. &
lt;p> At the start of your attack step, KO three characters you control. If you don't, KO Mephisto.
Moon Knight, Marc Spector (MMK-021C)
Character, 4, Marvel Knights, 7/6
Moon Knight gets +3/+1 while you have the initiative. <p> Boost 2: When Moon Knight enters play, he gets +4 ATK this turn if you have the initiative. Otherwise, he gets +6 ATK this turn.
Never Give Up! (MMK-083U)
Plot Twist, 4
Play only during your first attack this turn in which you control an attacker. <p> KO a character you control with an affiliation other than X-Statix. If you do, ready target X-Statix attacker you control. (The character you KO can have the X-Statix affiliation in addition to its other affiliations.)
Scarlet Spider <> Spider-Man, Successor (MMK-201R)
Character, 2, Spider-Friends, 2/3
Whenever a Spider-Man enters play under your control, you may move it to your hidden area.
Stilt-Man, Wilbur Day (MMK-113R)
Character, 2, Crime Lords, 3/2
nWhenever a character an opponent controls gains one or more counters or enters play with one or more counters, if that character is not named Stilt-Man, put a +1/+1 counter on Stilt-Man. <p> Boost 1: When Stilt-Man enters play, put a +1/+1 counter on him.
Werewolf by Night, Jack Russell (MMK-161C)
Character, 2, Underworld, 2/2, Concealed
At the start of the combat phase, Werewolf by Night gets +1/+1 this turn if you have the initiative. Otherwise, put the top card of your deck into your KO'd pile.
Witching Hour (MMK-179R)
Plot Twist, 7
To play, pay 2 resource points. <p> Choose any number of Underworld character cards in your KO'd pile each with cost 2 or less. During your recruit step this turn, while each of those cards is in your KO'd pile, you may recruit it, and it has "Pay 2 endurance >>> Put this card into your front row. Then, if it's unique, put each other unique character you control with this card's name into its owner's
KO'd pile."
Dr. Light, Master of Holograms (DGL-040U)
Character, 3, Emerald Enemies, 3/4, Flight, Range
Willpower 2 <p> Activate >>> Put target character card with cost 2 or less from your KO'd pile into your front row if you don't control a character with the same name as that card. Use only once per turn and only during your recruit step.
Fifth Dimension (DGL-152R)
Location, 4
Activate >>> Remove target non-stunned character you control from the game. At the start of the next draw phase, if that card has the printed Revenge Squad affiliation, put it into your front row.
Power Surge (DGL-207U)
Plot Twist, 3
Discard up to three cards. Target character gets +1 willpower this turn and an additional +1 willpower this turn for each card you discarded.
Remoni-Notra <> Star Sapphire, Obsessed Warrior Princess (DGL-057C)
Character, 5, Emerald Enemies, 9/7, Flight, Range
Willpower 4 <p> Whenever an attacker you
control stuns a defender and that attacker's willpower is greater than that defender's cost, KO that defender.
Starlings, Army (DGL-060U)
Character, 1, Emerald Enemies, 1/1, Flight
Starlings enters play exhausted. <p> Whenever Starlings becomes stunned, KO it. <p> Activate, pay 1 resource point >>> You may discard a card. If you do, search your deck for up to two cards named Starlings and put them into your front row.
Hired Hit (MAV-218R)
Plot Twist, 2
Stun a Crime Lords defender you control. If you do, remove all defenders from this attack, and target non-defending character you control becomes a defender.
Mr. Hyde, Engine of Destruction (MAV-138C)
Character, 4, Masters of Evil, 7/7
Reservist (You may recruit this card from your resource row. If you do, you may put a card from your hand face down into your resource row.) <p> Mr. Hyde gets +2/+2 while an opponent controls a character with a greater cost than that of each
character you control.
Barry Allen <> The Flash, Scarlet Speedster (DJL-003R)
Character, 6, JLA, 11/9
Whenever Barry Allen becomes powered-up while attacking a character, if Barry Allen is unequipped, you may ready him. If you do, he can't cause breakthrough this turn.
Crisis on Infinite Earths, Team-Up (DJL-174R)
Plot Twist, 2
Ongoing: Characters you control, as well as character cards in your hand, KO'd pile, and deck lose all affiliations, have the Crisis affiliation, and can't have any affiliation other than Crisis. <p> Character cards you own are not unique. <p> If a character card you recruited or substituted would come into play, instead, KO all characters you control with the same printed name and version as that card, then put that card into play.
Red Tornado, John Smith (DJL-019C)
Character, 2, JLA, 2/3, Flight, Range
If a team attacker you control would become stunned, instead, you may stun Red Tornado. <p> When Red Tornado
enters a KO'd pile from play, you may return him to his owner's hand.
Scarecrow, Fearmonger (DJL-135C)
Character, 5, Secret Society/Arkham Inmates, 10/9
Whenever Scarecrow stuns a character, put a +1/+1 counter on Scarecrow. <p> At the start of the combat phase, you may remove a counter from target character. If you do, put a +1/+1 counter on target character you control.
Secret Files (DCL-152C, DJL-111C)
Plot Twist, 2
Play only if you control an Injustice Gang character. <p> Each player in turn searches his deck for an affiliated character card, reveals it, and puts it into his hand.
T. O. Morrow, Thomas Oscar Morrow (DJL-166U)
Character, 3, 2/6
Pay 1 resource point >>> You may pay 1 resource point rather than pay the recruit cost of non-Army character cards with cost 2 this turn.
Captain Boomerang, George Harkness (DCL-113C, DJL-077R)
Character, 2, Injustice Gang/The Rogues, 3/2, Range
Return Captain Boomerang to his owner'
s hand >>> Return target character with cost 2 or less to its owner's hand. Use only during your attack step.
District X (MXM-193U)
Location, 1
At the start of the combat phase, choose a Mutant trait. Characters you control, as well as character cards in your deck, hand, and KO'd pile are Mutants and gain the chosen trait this turn.
Leech, Inhibitor (MXM-056U)
Character, 2, Morlocks, 2/3
Evasion <p> Whenever Leech becomes stunned, you may discard a card. If you do, negate target character payment effect.
Psi-Link (MXM-176R)
Plot Twist, 2
Play only if you control a Mental character. <p> To play, choose a Mutant trait. <p> Ongoing: Characters you control, as well as character cards in your deck, hand, and KO'd pile, with either the Mental or the chosen trait are Mutants and have both traits.
Silver Sabre, Freedom Force (MXM-105C)
Character, 3, Brotherhood, 5/3
Whenever Silver Sabre causes
3 or more breakthrough while attacking a character, you may recover and ready Silver Sabre, and he can't cause breakthrough this turn.
Adam Strange, Champion of Rann (DCR-217R)
Character, 2, JLA/Rann, 3/2
Reservist <p> Reveal Adam Strange >>> If Adam Strange is in your resource row, KO target character with cost 1. If you do, KO Adam Strange and you may put a card from your hand face down into your resource row. Use only once per turn, only if Adam Strange is in your resource row, and only during the recovery phase.
Bart Allen <> The Flash, Impulsive Speedster (DCR-173R)
Character, 5, Speed Force/Teen Titans, 9/9
Bart Allen does not exhaust to attack. <p> Whenever Bart Allen stuns a defender or causes breakthrough, Bart Allen can't attack this turn. <p> Bart Allen can't attack the same character or player more than once per turn.
Parademon, Apokoliptian Ally (DCR-161C)
Character, 3, Secret Six, 4/4, Flight, Range
Parademon from the game >>> Whenever a Secret Six character you control with cost 4 or greater becomes stunned this turn, you may put Parademon into your front row if you don't control a Parademon. Use only if Parademon is in your hand.
Admiral Galen Kor, Lunatic Legion (MHG-045C)
Character, 4, Kree, 6/8, Range
Reservist, Press (When you recruit this card, your next character costs 1 less to recruit this turn for each press card you recruited this turn, but no less than 1.) <p> At the start of the combat phase, Admiral Galen Kor gets +1 ATK this turn for each other character you recruited this turn.
Doom-Bot Corps, Army (MHG-131C)
Character, 3, Doom, 5/4, Flight, Range
Pay 3 endurance >>> If you don't control a Dr. Doom, Doom-Bot Corps has the name Dr. Doom and loses all other names and versions this turn. Use only once per turn.
Morg, Harbinger of Extinction (MHG-016C)
Character, 7, Heralds of Galactus, 17/15, Flight, Range
nCosmic: Whenever a character becomes stunned during the combat phase, you may reveal a Heralds of Galactus character card from your hand. If you do, return that character to its owner's hand unless its controller reveals a card from his hand with cost greater than the cost of the card you revealed.
Red Shift, Rift Walker (MHG-018R)
Character, 5, Heralds of Galactus, 10/9, Concealed, Flight, Range
Cosmic: Whenever Red Shift attacks, you may remove all attackers and defenders from the game. If you do, the owner of each of those cards puts it into his front row at the start of the recovery phase this turn.
Silver Surfer, Righteous Protector (MHG-020C)
Character, 5, Heralds of Galactus, 9/9, Flight, Range
Cosmic: Remove a cosmic counter from Silver Surfer >>> Whenever a character with cost 4 or less becomes stunned during the combat phase this turn, return it to its owner's hand.
Time Gem, Unique * Infinity Gem (MHG-185R)
Equipment, 0
Whenever equipped
character becomes stunned, you may return Time Gem to its owner's hand. <p> Whenever a player plays a non-ongoing plot twist, return Time Gem to its owner's hand. If you do, discard a card and negate that plot twist's effect.
All Hail Darkseid! (DLS-113U)
Plot Twist, 2
Target Darkseid's Elite defender you control gets +2 ATK this attack. If that character is named Darkseid, it also gets +2 DEF this attack.
Chemo, Chemical Golem (DLS-206U)
Character, 3, Villains United, 4/3
Vengeance: Whenever Chemo becomes stunned, you may recover another target stunned character with cost 3 or less, then stun that character. This power triggers only once per turn.
Unravel Reality (DLS-127U)
Plot Twist, 3
To play, discard a substitute card. <p> Ongoing: Whenever you substitute a Darkseid's Elite character into play, the controller of target face-up non-Team-Up resource loses endurance equal to its cost. You may replace that resource.
Francis Klum <&
gt; Mysterio, Mutant Magician (MTU-096C)
Character, 4, Sinister Syndicate, 8/5, Concealed, Range
Whenever another Sinister Syndicate character you control defends, you may exhaust Francis Klum. If you do, remove all defenders from this attack and Francis Klum becomes a defender.
Burn Baby Burn (DWF-153C)
Plot Twist, 3
Target Arkham Inmates attacker you control gets +3 ATK this attack. <p> Insanity: You can play this card from your KO'd pile. As you do, remove it from the game.
Apocalypse, Forever Walker * Age of Apocalypse (MAA-022R)
Character, 8, Horsemen of Apocalypse, 20/20, Flight, Range
At the start of the combat phase, if you've recruited another Apocalypse this game, each player chooses a character he controls and KO's the rest.
Apocalypse, He Who Never Dies * Age of Apocalypse (MAA-004C)
Character, 5, Horsemen of Apocalypse, 9/9, Flight, Range
Pay X resource points >>> Put X +1/+1 counters on Apocalypse. <p&
gt; KO Apocalypse >>> You may put another Apocalypse card from your hand into play. Use only if Apocalypse has 20 or more +1/+1 counters on him.
Cable, Secret Avenger (MUN-003R)
Character, 3, Avengers/X-Men, 5/4, Range
Reservist <p> Boost 2: When Cable enters play, if you control another [Avengers] or [X-Men] character, remove Cable and another target character from the game. At the start of your attack step this turn, the owner of each of those character cards returns it to play.
Hawkeye <> Ronin, Secret Avenger (MUN-013U)
Character, 2, Avengers, 3/2, Concealed, Range
Reservist <p> When Hawkeye enters play, rally for a character card. If you're successful, you may KO a character with cost 1 or less.
Kang <> Iron Lad, Non-Unique * Young Avenger (MUN-261R)
Character, 6, Kang Council, 12/12, Flight, Range
Kang can reinforce and team attack as though he had all affiliations. <p> Attackers can't be stunned while Kang is team
attacking. <p> At the start of each opponent's attack step, if Kang team attacked this turn, ready him and all characters that team attacked with him this turn.
Sentinel Squad O*N*E*, Army (MUN-106U)
Character, 5, S.H.I.E.L.D./Sentinel, 9/9, Flight, Range
Boost—Return a character you control to its owner's hand: When Sentinel Squad O*N*E* enters play, return up to three target Army character cards from your KO'd pile to your hand.
She-Hulk, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. (MUN-109C)
Character, 5, S.H.I.E.L.D./Avengers, 8/9
Reservist <p> At the start of the combat phase, you may replace a reservist resource you control. If you do, put a +1/+1 counter on She-Hulk.
Sub-Mariner, The Avenging Son (MUN-249U)
Character, 5, Atlantis/Marvel Defenders, 9/8, Flight
Boost—Exhaust X other characters you control: Sub-Mariner enters play with X +1/+1 counters.
Bastion, Prime Sentinel (MEV-229R)
Character, 5, Purifiers/Sentinel, 9/9, Flight, Range
Shift <p&
gt; Discard an Army character card >>> Target character gets -1/-1 this turn.
Black Box (MEV-078C)
Plot Twist, 2
Shuffle up to three target cards not named Black Box from a single player's KO'd pile into his deck. If you control an X-Force character, draw a card.
Breakworld Prophecy (MEV-264R)
Plot Twist, 1
To play, exhaust a character you control. <p> Target player replaces a face-up resource he controls that’s not a non-ongoing plot twist.
Mimic, Earth-12 * Infected (MEV-148R)
Character, 6, Exiles/X-Men, 13/12, Flight, Range
Shift <p> When Mimic enters play, he gains the printed powers and keywords of all opposing characters. Any reference to an affiliation in the gained powers is changed to Exiles.
Nimrod, Killing Machine (MEV-232R)
Character, 4, Purifiers/Sentinel, 8/7, Flight, Range
Shift <p> KO an Army character you control >>> When Nimrod next becomes stunned this turn, recover him at the start of the
recovery phase this turn.
1) Follow the forum rules as well as your own common sense.
2) Be respectful, in every sense of the word.
3) Explain your thoughts and critiques; don't just spam your opinions everywhere.
4) Have fun! This is not optional - this game is quite a bit of fun, so enjoy your time here!