[Primer] Boros Red

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[Primer] Boros Red

Postby Christen » Fri Mar 29, 2013 12:52 pm


Hello and thank you for expressing interest in one of the less used R/x aggro archetype Boros Red! This is my first primer, and hopefully not the last one. Without further ado, I present to you Boros Red.

What is Boros Red?

Some people better know this archetype as Mono-Red splashing white for Boros Charm. Mono Red lists have been known for its consistency and speed. The first few builds of Boros Red wanted Boros Charm for its wrath protection and reach. Access to white also provided these decks with better sideboarding options.

Another popular Boros list is Boros Humans. However, this list is heavier on white and trades speed
for stability. We will focus on the red-heavy version of Boros.

Where is Boros Red right now?

In the current meta before Dragon's Maze, Boros Red is not a popular option to choose for aggro decks. Gruul and Mono-Red runs Burning-Tree Emissary for speed. As the meta progressed, we realized that RW might be suited to a list that can go into the late game. We have access to the good white cards including format staple Restoration Angel. As such we are currently exploring the midgame options we have while still utilizing the power of Red.


You will not be able to proceed with the Primer unless you have read the mother primer of all R/x aggro decks. Read zemanjaski's primer on R/x aggro here first before proceeding. Everything that you want to know
strategy-wise for R/x aggro is already written there. Read it, engrave it in your heart, and then we can start. I will only discuss card choices.

The Basic List

We will start with the skeleton of the deck.

[deck]Simply Boros Red[/deck]

We still have 9 slots for other creatures/spells. Running more Boros Charms, more creatures are either personal preference or a meta choice. Now, for the sake of simplicity, we'll discuss the card choices below. I will not include 1 drops since they are already in the mother primer, nor I will discuss white 1 drops since they do not fit the deck. I will also avoid double white symbols unless they are of significance. I have also left out some of them but if you somehow believe that they are
worth looking at, please inform me and we'll talk about it.

2cmc drops
Daring Skyjek
His evasion when activating Battalion is interesting tech in the current meta today where flying creatures are not much run outside of Restoration Angel. He's a 3 power creatures that still trades with Thragtusk. However, the 1 toughness also means he is easily chumped by spirit tokens.

Fencing Ace
Is an ok choice if he wasn't a 1 power creature. He is a good choice if you can somehow buff his power like how Bant Enchant lists utilized him.

Knight of Glory
Sadly, he isn't as awesome as his archenemy Knight of Infamy. The current meta is not black-heavy, so his pseudo-evasion will rarely be activated. Exalted was not really the reason Infamy was used either.

Nearheath Pilgirm
He is a good choice for an aggro deck. In an
aggro-heavy environment, he allows you to outrace the opponent or gives you enough time to set up your defenses. He also allows you a possibility for the Boros Reckoner infinite life combo while not actively aiming for it. If you are running Thundermaw Hellkite and pair the Pilgrim with him, you get some really huge life swings.

Sunhome Guildmage
Is decent, but does not fit an aggressive build. He is more suited to a token or swarm build with a decent land count.

Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
A decent body against opposing aggro, makes life harder for midrange decks looking to ramp, and a solid choice against control decks. Although make sure that if you're running her, choose your non-creature spells carefully.

Truefire Paladin
A very decent creature as Vigilance is relevant, and he has decent manasinks. He is, however, mana-intensive on the skills. If you have to run him, you will need enough white sources to activate
his skill more than once.

War Priest of Thune
Better sideboard tech against enchantments while still leaving a threat. If somehow enchantments dominated Standard, he is the man to use.

Wojek Halberdiers
Gore-House Chainwalker's direct upgrade. People say he's mana intensive, but there isn't much problem in casting him in R/w builds IMO. There are times you won't be able to cast him when you have a dual, Slayers's Stronghold opening hand (which in most cases not a keeper). He does trade with Thragtusk and other relevant x/3 creatures. I would like to consider his first strike battalion skill as a bonus rather than something we want to depend on. The only reason I don't run this is I consider Thalia or Nearheath as better options. I will still consider him though, specially when Standard rotates.
3cmc drops
Attended Knight
Is not
too bad since you get a 1/1 body to probably boost our Hellrider, and he does have first strike. But at 3cmc, you have better options.

Boros Reckoner
The 3-drop of choice for the current meta. He doubles as a virutally unblockable attacker or a hard-to-go-around wall. He will win you games, so always get him slots in your deck.

Crusader of Odric
Not a bad drop, but fits swarm decks better. She is bad on her own obviously.

Fiend Hunter
A pseudo-Oblivion Ring but double white is hard to cast.

Frontline Medic
Said to be Pyreheart Wolf's contestor for the utility 3-drop slot. He definitely interacts nicely with our creatures provided we have two more out. He does not let damage reliably through like Pyreheart though so definitely consider that first. It does weaken Sphinx Revelation and random Bonfire of the
blowouts though.

Intrepid Hero
Can hose midrange if allowed to live, but you need to be able to defend for a turn before that threat on the other side of the board can be killed. Cannot kill the opposing Reckoner as well. Not to mention Restoration Angel. This card sounds good on paper, but cannot do enough work with the current meta.

Silverblade Paladin
The double white worthy of mentioning. If you can run more white source, then he is something to consider. Otherwise, you will find a lot of games where he is sitting in your hand for a long time.

Skynight Legionnaire
Would be good, if she isn't outclassed by better 3-drops in the current Standard pool. Probably still won't see play post-rotation since we still have Boros Reckoner.
4cmc drops
Firemane Avenger
She looks very decent but is currently outclassed by our choice 4 drop
which is Hellrider. The battalion requirement and lack of haste is the only thing preventing her from run. Definitely look at her post-rotation, as we seem to have a lack of hasty 4-drops when Innistrad goes out.

Goldknight Commander
Good with token-producing decks, and has synergy with Assemble the Legion. Does not fit in the current aggro lists though.

Knight of Obligation
Is better than what he looks. 2/4 Vigilance is not something to laugh about, and he has extort for those surplus mana lying around.

Restoration Angel
Currently the only other 4-drop you should consider in our list. If you're going for a more late-game stable build, definitely consider her. She also synergizes well with Slayers' Stronghold.

Rhox Faithmender
Not aggresive, and only mentioned due to our ability to gain life. He can wall the opposing aggro, but that's mostly it. Consider
only for sideboard.

Spark Trooper
I consider him more of a burn spell, although he can be answered by a lot of cards. Due to control lists running MD Blind Obedience, he didn't really take off. Might be good sideboard tech against opposing aggro or midrange decks, but there are better options. Do consider post-rotation.
5cmc+ spells
Aurelia, the Warleader
Too high for our build. Consider only if you're trying out the midrange build.

Mikaeus, the Lunarch
Underrated, and can cause blowouts with token decks. He does need a turn before you can utilize him though.

There are a lot of choices in this section so I'll only mention the notable ones.
1cmc spells
Blinks, that's about it. Allows you to permanently gain control of creatures with threaten effects. That's
not a good deck to build around though.

Faith's Shield
Is good for spot protection and can actually turn around a game if you are wanting an alpha strike and you are at 5 life or less. However, I was disappointed when the card read "target creature you control", so it cannot be used against your opponent (like preventing a Thrag blink). There might be better options here.

Purify the Grave
Somewhat better than Rest in Peace against reanimator builds since they cannot play around it until you cast your first one. Might also have decent use against Snapcasters but does not completely shut them down. Has value due to the flashback.
2cmc spells
Blind Obedience
Good sideboard tech against midrange as it delays blockers a turn and makes you safe from flash blockers. I have won every midrange game I've casted this and I wouldn't have if I didn't. Extort is a
bonus. Do not use against the mirror as you have a completely different sideboarding plan against them.

Bonds of Faith
If you are running a Human build, then this has some good value. Either you boost one of your dudes or detain one of their non-human dude.

Boros Charm
One of the main reasons why RW is viable. It gives you reach, protects you from wrath effects, and allows you to get rid of a trouble some creature if needed. Definitely run some in your 75. The number in the MD depends entirely on your meta though. On aggro-heavy environments, it is better suited to the sideboard.

Gather the Townsfolk
Consider this for token builds, specially for Human-centric ones.

Intangible Virtue
I feel the need to mention this since I've mentioned tokens already. A requirement if you're running token builds of course.

Moment of Heroism
Better than it looks and like Boros
Reckoner as its target. Well, it's mostly used from him so don't invest too much in this card.

I would run this card more if Restoration Angel wasn't in the format. Can be an option against the aggro mirror though specially for those running Volcanic Strength on game 2.

Rest in Peace
For Snapcaster shenanigans and reanimator-centric builds. Does not do much against Junk Rites, but does force them to play the game as midrange.
3cmc spells
A better but more expensive Pacifism. Doesn't have much use in the current meta.

Midnight Haunting
A good instant speed tokens spell. The only reason it's viable in our build is because it's an instant, generate Flying tokens, and can feed Hellrider.

Oblivion Ring
Another removal spell to consider when running white. It can answer a lot of our problems and
definitely worth some slots in our 75 if not our 60.

Rally the Peasants
Another underrated spell, even outside token decks. If you're running token decks, definitely run a number of this.

Rootborn Defenses
The original anti-wrath effect. Currently outclassed by Boros Charm and it's not really worth populating 1/1's for 3cmc.

Safe Passage
The better Fog and not a bad choice if you're going defensively. However, I will definitely consider other cards first before I run this.
4cmc+ spells
Assemble the Legion
Might be too slow even for token decks, but not a bad option for the sideboard if you really want to run it. Recently only being run by Control decks since they are looking into the late game, and we are not.
Utility Land

Our choice land has its own section. When we
are running mono-red our mana sink comes in the form of Stonewright, or Hellion Crucible. Access to white allows us to use:

Slayers' Stronghold

Why is it good? It makes our late one-drops better. It allows us to trade with bigger cards. It makes Boros Reckoner better. If you are running Pyreheart Wolf, it will screw up the opponent's combat math. The only downside is it's harder to cast Boros Reckoner during some times, and if we are using Stonewright. However, I do think that the upsides of using this card outweighs the downsides, so definitely run 1-2 depending on your land count.

Now that you have some cards to start with, always consider your current meta and how you want to build your deck. I only listed the white splashable cards that we might consider, and always look at the red cards first since we are running heavier on that color.

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Postby Christen » Fri Mar 29, 2013 12:52 pm

The Decklists

Here are current decklists gathered from our forum users. If you have a notable winning list (MTGO, SCGO, or GP+ winning decks), don't hesitate to post it here and we'll include it.
[deck=TetsuoUmezawa's Boros List - Utah Invitational 2nd]Creatures (27)
2 Thundermaw Hellkite
4 Hellrider
4 Boros Reckoner
4 Ash Zealot
3 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
2 Stonewright
4 Stromkirk Noble
4 Rakdos Cackler

Instants and Sorceries (10)
3 Boros Charm
3 Pillar of Flame
4 Searing Spear

Lands (23)
4 Sacred Foundry
4 Clifftop Retreat
1 Slayer’s Stronghold
2 Plains
12 Mountain

Sideboard (15)
2 Mizzium Mortars
2 Volcanic Strength
1 Boros Charm
1 Pillar of Flame
2 Zealous Conscripts
2 Rest in Peace
2 Flames of the Firebrand
2 Skullcrack
1 Blasphemous Act

[deck=Christen's Boros Red]Creatures
n4 Stromkirk Noble
4 Rakdos Cackler
2 Stonewright
4 Ash Zealot
3 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
4 Boros Reckoner
2 Pyreheart Wolf
4 Hellrider
2 Thundermaw Hellkite

2 Boros Charm
2 Pillar of Flame
4 Searing Spear

4 Sacred Foundry
4 Clifftop Retreat
1 Slayers' Stronghold
12 Mountain
2 Plains

3 Oblivion Ring
2 Blind Obedience
1 Volcanic Strength
2 Pillar of Flame
1 Boros Charm
2 Rest in Peace
1 Zealous Conscripts
1 Blasphemous Act
1 Moment of Heroism

[deck=Alex's Boros Flash]Creatures (28)
4 Stromkirk Noble
2 Reckless Waif
2 Stonewright
3 Ash Zealot
3 Nearheath Pilgrim
4 Boros Reckoner
4 Restoration Angel
4 Hellrider
2 Zealous Conscripts

Instant (8)
2 Aurelia's Fury
3 Boros Charm
3 Midnight Haunting

Mana (24)
4 Sacred Foundry
4 Clifftop Retreat
2 Slayers' Stronhold
1 Plains
13 Mountain

Sideboard (15)
1 Nearheath Pilgrim
2 Rhox Faithmender
2 Thundermaw Hellkite
2 Rest in
3 Volcanic Strength
1 Rally the Peasants
1 Midnight Haunting
3 Act of Treason
Last edited by Christen on Thu May 02, 2013 9:51 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby warwizard87 » Sat Apr 06, 2013 12:21 pm

I have been doing very well with this list, i feel its more barely boros then boros deck wins though http://magic-league.com/tournament/info ... view=decks

[deck]Lands 22
12 Mountain
1 Hellion Crucible
4 Sacred Foundry
4 Clifftop Retreat
1 Slayers' Stronghold
creatures 26
4 Ash Zealot
1 Stonewright
4 Stromkirk Noble
4 Hellrider
4 Rakdos Cackler
4 Boros Reckoner
3 Legion Loyalist
2 Thundermaw Hellkite
Spells 12
4 Searing Spear
3 Pillar of Flame
2 Skullcrack
3 Boros Charm
1 Pillar of Flame
1 Skullcrack
2 Flames of the Firebrand
3 Volcanic Strength
3 Mizzium Mortars
2 Blasphemous Act
2 Rest in Peace
1 Zealous Conscripts[/deck]

i have been finding mortars have actualy been good in the mirror match lately, since V. strength is gaining more and more popularity.

im a
little unsure on 3 legion loyalist, been thinking of making a 2/2 split with him and stonewright. reason i am still packing 3 of the goblin is cuz he is better then stonewright on turn 1. but i dont know need to test more, so far in testing/ tourney play 14-3

1-0 vs RDW
1-0 r-b zombies ( odd games i got him to 2 life game 1 and couldnt find a last burn spell, game 2 i kept a 1 land hand (5 card hand with 3 piller and nobel top decked another land and v, stragth the noble for the win, game 3 we trade creature for spell all game untill he lands a 2nd liliana both forced 2 for 1s, and a aristrocrat with me out oof any gas in hand or board)
1-0 GWBu reanimater (????? really hard match up none the less, game 2 i found out mizzam mortar is a no-bo with your own reckoners, had 2 in play and opponet at 3 life, good thing it just wiped the board instead LOL. )
1-0 vs mirror
2-0 flash
3-1 reanimator (gbw) just got a 1-1 vs one and we lost connection =[ close games both was really wnating game 3
2-1 g/w
angel of serenity
1-0 vs r/w/u humans o_O
1-0 vs gruul
2-0 vs primespeaker bant (epic win when during game 3 he reagained 15 life went back up to 20 and i dropped a 2nd reckoner and B.act for 26 damage, that felt so so so good.)

edit: updateing match stats
Last edited by warwizard87 on Sun Apr 07, 2013 6:27 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Postby Christen » Sat Apr 06, 2013 3:15 pm

How is Skullcrack doing for you? 22 land with two 5 drops is also something I wouldn't be comfortable about.

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Postby warwizard87 » Sat Apr 06, 2013 7:29 pm

its working fine on 22 lands so far, im not expecting to curve into hellkite, its more of the oops i win button. haven't really had a problem casting it surprisingly. skullcrack has been fine, it gets boarded out vs any aggro but vs anything with tusk or revelation its been fine.
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Postby Alex » Sat Apr 06, 2013 8:20 pm

Intrepid Hero is actually pretty big game in any list running Lightning Maulers, allowing you to straight-up just blast things like Olivia Voldaren and Ravager of the Fells out of nowhere.

He's pretty miserable without haste though.

I know you aimed to include all "viable" options, but at 2 the only two viable options at 2CMC other than Ash Zealot are Lightning Mauler and Nearheath Pilgrim. Everything else is "eh" at best. As much as I like Daring Skyjek, I hate that his flying is only battalion.

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Postby Speedbump » Sun Apr 07, 2013 1:48 am

Speedbump List:
[deck=Speedbump's Boros Deck Loses]Lands (23)
13 Mountain
4 Sacred Foundry
4 Clifftop Retreat
1 Boros Guildgate
1 Slayers' Stronghold

Creatures (26)
4 Stonewright
4 Stromkirk Noble
4 Rakdos Cackler
4 Ash Zealot
3 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
3 Boros Reckoner
4 Hellrider

Spells (11)
3 Pillar of Flame
4 Searing Spear
4 Boros Charm

Sideboard (15)
1 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
1 Boros Reckoner
1 Pillar of Flame
3 Mizzium Mortars
3 Thunderbolt
3 Skullcrack
3 Mark of Mutiny[/deck]
The list is quite good against Aggro and Control strategies. Being able to stymie any non 2x Burning-Tree Emissary hands is quite useful with 7 First-Strike creatures main. I need to test the Reanimator match-up more, although my 0-2 record was due to bricking with the deck. Stonewright+Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
is a really strong play versus Aggro and Control, and Stonewright+anything is just as good. Pressures Control the hardest, forcing a Supreme Verdict when it's more beneficial to us.
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Postby warwizard87 » Sun Apr 07, 2013 12:44 pm

i really feel like 4 stone wright is never right. i wish i could play 2.5 in most lists that seems right. so i normaly end up with 2 to 3. it just is the worst top deck in the deck from a empty board.
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Postby Alex » Sun Apr 07, 2013 3:07 pm

i really feel like 4 stone wright is never right. i wish i could play 2.5 in most lists that seems right. so i normaly end up with 2 to 3. it just is the worst top deck in the deck from a empty board.
You should never have an empty board if you're playing the deck correctly. One of the most valuable skills when playing any aggressive deck is not running out your hand into a board wipe and losing because of it.

Pace yourself, son. Sometimes slow and steady actually does win you the race. This becomes especially true when playing an insane card like Stonewright.

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Postby warwizard87 » Sun Apr 07, 2013 5:20 pm

you apparently dont know me very well, =P. yes do on occasion end up with a empty board. multipule wipes, backed with spot removal, some flash builds keep pace with 1 for 1s and getting stuck with a stonewright off the top is harmful
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Postby Alex » Sun Apr 07, 2013 5:37 pm

you apparently dont know me very well, =P. yes do on occasion end up with a empty board. multipule wipes, backed with spot removal, some flash builds keep pace with 1 for 1s and getting stuck with a stonewright off the top is harmful
I'm pretty sure I don't have to know you to know that if you're losing matchups where you're getting 1 for 1'd, you aren't playing the deck right. Facechecking board wipes is a tell-tale sign of an unskilled player. I've played against the Esper matchup way more than enough times to know that while it might feel like you never have dudes, you just aren't pacing yourself. You don't have to try and aggro them out, they do literally nothing for the first like 5 turns of the game. Azorious Charm isn't
that oppressive.

That being said, when Stonewright is good, it is far and beyond better than every other card in the deck. Playing less because it's bad in one small, usually preventable circumstance is a pretty horrendous reasoning.

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Postby warwizard87 » Sun Apr 07, 2013 5:50 pm

your absolutely wrong, max out stonewright is incorrect. there IS to much spot removal in this format for it. and no it is NOT the best card in the deck, far from it. is it good yes, at states this year i beat a esper player by casting it turn 1 and turn 2 a KOI. they lost before they had terminius mana. and it is not a narrow instance. i did not say esper, i said flash ie u/w/r flash. spear, u/w and r/u charm, piller. as well as snap caster, backed with verdict they can easy overwhelm your creature base. esper runs far less spot removal then flash does. obv you dont run 4 guys out into a verdict unless your going to win with a hellrider that turn.
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Postby Alex » Sun Apr 07, 2013 6:40 pm

your absolutely wrong, max out stonewright is incorrect. there IS to much spot removal in this format for it. and no it is NOT the best card in the deck, far from it. is it good yes, at states this year i beat a esper player by casting it turn 1 and turn 2 a KOI. they lost before they had terminius mana. and it is not a narrow instance. i did not say esper, i said flash ie u/w/r flash. spear, u/w and r/u charm, piller. as well as snap caster, backed with verdict they can easy overwhelm your creature base. esper runs far less spot removal then flash does. obv you dont run 4 guys out into a verdict unless your going to win with a hellrider that turn.
Abrupt Decay and [card]Searing
Spear[/card] is too much spot removal? Those are the only two removal spells being played en masse that Stonewright cares about. There are almost no copies of Izzet Charm in any deck right now. I'm not trying to be a snarky jerk, but I get the feeling like we aren't playing the same Standard. Maybe try playing beyond FNM?

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Postby Sasky » Mon Apr 08, 2013 12:55 am

Intrepid hero is a very good card with slayer's stronghold. Pump opponent's creature, kill. Give him haste, kill a 4+ power dude.

Also, I agree with Alex on 4x Stonewright. I don't really mind my opponent killing my stonewright, especially when I can pump my other dude in response.

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Postby lorddax » Tue Apr 23, 2013 4:14 pm

Legion's Initiative to remove the deck's weakness to sweepers?
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Postby redthirst » Tue Apr 23, 2013 4:17 pm

Boros Charm already does that well enough and has a secondary ability that kills the opponent.

I don't think Terminus and Mutilate are big enough problems that you need to play an anthem-lite effect that will save your dudes if you leave mana untapped and if your opponent can't play around the effect they know you have.
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Postby lorddax » Tue Apr 23, 2013 5:13 pm

I think thats the correct evaluation, I think Legion goes on the pile to be reevaluated again later or as a piece of a combo. I feel like theres something here with the flicker board for RW...
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Postby Christen » Mon Apr 29, 2013 3:07 am

For this build, I doubt we could use Legion's Initiative to its full potential. You also need to drop it turn 4 if you want to protect your creatures.

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Postby lorddax » Fri May 24, 2013 1:16 am

http://magicgameplan.com/blog/boros-agg ... -standard/

Seems that legion's initiative may be better than we first thought
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Postby lorddax » Fri May 24, 2013 1:26 am

Also the fact that initiative can cheat sparktropper thru the phases seems to make for some good board states.
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Postby Christen » Fri Aug 02, 2013 6:58 am

M14 gives us Imposing Sovereign. Here's to hoping Theros gives us good cards to play with.

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