[Primer] B/G Control (The Rock or Charlie Murphy)

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Postby Alex » Sun Aug 25, 2013 11:20 pm

So after playing in the 1k yesterday, I have a very strong suspicion that the deck really wants to be playing [card]Runechanter's Pike[/card]. There is literally no creature in the format that can outrace Vampire Nighthawk with a Pike on it, even if the Pike is only giving like +2/+0. The damned card is out of control.

This is what I played, I ended up going 5-0 in swiss and then lost in the semis to a pretty lucky Hexproof player who nut drew both games. :(

Creatures (16)
4 Vampire Nighthawk
4 Desecration Demon
3 Disciple of Bolas
3 Thragtusk
2 Bloodgift Demon

Spells (17)
4 Mutilate
4 Sign in Blood
4 Tribute to Hunger
3 Doom Blade
2 Abrupt Decay

Artifact (4)
2 Staff of Nin
2 Runechanter's Pike

Land (23)
4 Woodland Cemetery
4 Overgrown Tomb
4 Godless
2 Vault of the Archangel
9 Swamp

Sideboard (15)
4 Devour Flesh
3 Golgari Charm
2 Undying Evil
3 Curse of Death's Hold
2 Gloom Surgeon
1 Abrupt Decay

I decided to splash white exclusively for Vault of the Archangel, because it puts the game out of reach for Jund and GR Aggro basically every single time you activate it. I wasn't playing as many green spells as you guys were anyway, so I figured it was fairly safe to do so. I don't think I regret it, as it made some cards (specifically Bloodgift Demons and Desecration Demons) almost unbeatable unless they found removal quickly. It was a little redundant on Nighthawks, but turning all of your dudes into Nighthawks seemed like Valuetown, and I love to visit that little city. I won a few games by simply resolving a black threat, activating Vault every turn and simply racing the shit out of my opponent. I didn't realize it when I
included the card, but a lot of decks are playing Doom Blade right now so if you stick a flying creature that's black, you don't really have to cast another spell after that, you can ride that Vault SO far beyond the finish line.

Things I would change now that I have more of a handle on the deck:
Abrupt Decay was underwhelming for me, it didn't kill the things I wanted to kill nearly enough. I think I probably would have rather had Victim of Night or something instead. Obviously that card misses Olivia, but so does Abrupt Decay...so...

Disciple of Bolas is a very awkward card that eats a lot of counter magic. I didn't think he was going to be good to begin with, but I almost never resolved one against any opponents. They'd either remove the creature I was going to sac with Disciple on the stack, or they'd simply Essence Scatter him. I don't think I like him that much
because of this, and I would almost assuredly rather play a threat. I was thinking Bloodline Keeper or something, because if they don't answer that card he can simply win the game on his own.

UWR is never going to be a particularly favorable matchup. Game one is always going to be easy, but games two and three seem like extremely uphill battles. I couldn't fit enough Planeswalker hate into my sideboard because of the abundance of GR players here, so most of my cards in my board are focused on beating them, but I played one round against UWR where he resolved a Jace, Memory Adept and I almost lost because I couldn't do anything about him. I did eventually win by sneaking in a Nighthawk + Pike past Syncopate, but it was fucking close. Pithing Needle is a lot more necessary than I think I originally realized.

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Postby Alex » Sun Aug 25, 2013 11:23 pm

Oh also, I really like Undying Evil, it has a lot of super favorable interactions. These are included, but not limited to...

Undying Evil my Thragtusk as it dies.
Undying Evil my Thragtusk as I sac it to Disciple of Bolas.
Undying Evil my Vampire Nighthawk as it dies in combat.
Undying Evil my key threat during a Mutilate.
Undying Evil my key threat against a Bonfire of the Damned.
Undying Evil my Disciple of Bolas as it eats removal.

The list obviously goes on.

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Postby rcwraspy » Mon Aug 26, 2013 1:46 am

thanks for the decklist and write up!

I agree 100% on Pithing Needle. It also helps against annoying utility lands like Wolf Run and Drownyard if you need. Or Olivia, though it's generally a weak card for the Jund matchup. But against most control, it's crucial. I like 2 copies but have cut down to 1.

I understand where you're coming from regarding Abrupt Decay. For instance, it's all but a dead card against Jund. It hits Scav Ooze, and Lifebane or Underworld if they have it. But it's one of the only removal spells I keep in against control. It hits Augur so they can't roadblock or Resto it. But it also hits Detention Sphere. And I keep it in against Hexproof too. It doesn't hit their creatures, but does wonders against all of their cheap enchantments.

Thanks again for the write up!
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Postby rcwraspy » Mon Aug 26, 2013 1:55 am

also, if Hexproof gives you more trouble, consider subbing 2 of those Devour Flesh in the side for a couple Barter in Blood. Liliana does great work against that deck too, allowing you to have them sac a couple times and also hopefully stripping enchantments or additional threats from their hand.
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Postby Alex » Mon Aug 26, 2013 2:22 am

also, if Hexproof gives you more trouble, consider subbing 2 of those Devour Flesh in the side for a couple Barter in Blood. Liliana does great work against that deck too, allowing you to have them sac a couple times and also hopefully stripping enchantments or additional threats from their hand.
I have no trouble beating Hexproof ordinarily, the guy just blew his load all over my face in both of the games we played. Nothing I could have done differently, even with the Devour Flesh in hand game 2. I wouldn't have even had the chance to cast Barter.

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Postby rcwraspy » Mon Aug 26, 2013 2:35 am

gotcha. Yeah, I don't know how anybody beats that deck's nut draw.
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Postby photodyer » Mon Aug 26, 2013 9:11 am

Something a little different...

Ever since I first saw this archetype, I've been of a mind that Junk would provide the ultimate list-- a black-based control deck but abusing Resto/Thragtusk and Resto/Disciple while attritioning out other decks. However, the mana quite frankly sucks in terms of trying to both play Mutilate and stay consistent. It's just too forced. Having said that, your light splash, Alex, looks relatively reasonable considering how late you expect to want a Vault activation and the fact that you are not looking at completely dead cards without your white source.

A few weeks back, BBD (on the heels of others) posited that a BW take on the archetype might actually be a more globally effective deck within the meta. Obviously, giving up Thragtusk is the big drawback of this take on the deck, but the gains from white add a dynamic element to
the deck in the shape of Restoration Angel. Also, white provides access to answers to cards BG struggled with--planeswalkers primarily--in the form of Oblivion Ring.

Again, Tusk is the big hit in leaving green but what else do we lose?

Scavenging Ooze - I'm on the fence on this. On the one hand, it can be a great card if you run into Reanimator or are up against a creature deck that gives you lots of targets to grow him up. He's also a secondary source of lifegain against creature decks, which is convenient because that's when you want it. However, as has been pointed out over and again, the ooze is only as good as the number of green sources you have to activate his scavenging. Still, a big ooze is a big wall, and he makes great fodder for revelating with Disciple.

Removal - As Alex commented, Abrupt Decay is hit or miss; however, it is a key
card in BG because it kills Domri Rade dead and he can wreck us if not dealt with. Nighthawks (main or SB depending on the build) can get him, but you generally need to commit 2 turns to getting rid of him this way, which really isn't what you want to be doing against GR Aggro. Putrefy really is just a differently-costed and less consistent Murder; sure, it will kill the odd Staff of Nin or Lotleth Troll, but in this meta the gains over Murder are questionable. Unless you play against Alex's deck, anyway... ;-)

Vraska the Unseen - Up until recently, I'd have called this a wash; yes, she can come in and kill problem planeswalkers which is definitely meaningful for this deck (Garruk), but so can a big
damned flying demon. If Frownyard decks really do make an upswing in the next few weeks, she has more utility.

Golgari Charm - Against Aristocrats, it can be another sweeper (if you can sweep them safely); it can also kill pesky enchantments to help with Hexproof and the like.

Anti-Control Enchantments - Cards to shore up matches against control (Primeval Bounty, Deadbridge Chant); people seem very split over running these cards as well as Demonic Rising. Theoretically Bounty is a fantastic card in a long, drawn-out match, but is it going to resolve? And if it does, will it be enough? I don't have the experience with it to know, but a consideration.

All this being said, Alex just suggested through his experience that Thragtusk is really main draw to green. Yes, we get other utility, but Tusk is the main green cog in the deck's plan.

So, here'
s BBD's latest posted list of "Orzhov Guildgate", or BW Control:

3 Vampire Nighthawk
3 Geralf's Messenger
3 Desecration Demon
2 Disciple of Bolas
4 Restoration Angel
2 Obzedat, Ghost Council

4 Sign in Blood
2 Mutilate
2 Blind Obedience
1 Doom Blade
2 Tragic Slip
1 Ultimate Price
2 Victim of Night
2 Oblivion Ring
2 Liliana of the Veil

4 Godless Shrine
4 Isolated Chapel
3 Orzhov Guildgate
3 Mutavault
12 Swamp

1 Liliana of the Veil
1 Vampire Nighthawk
1 Doom Blade
3 Duress
1 Curse of Death's Hold
1 Ultimate Price
2 Underworld Connections
1 Obzedat, Ghost Council
2 Pithing Needle
1 Mutilate
1 Blind Obedience

Evolution of the Deck - Kibler mentioned the idea of BW in an article some weeks back, but never fleshed it out beyond a rough list; Valeriy Shunkov also proposed a list, and like Kibler was looking to Blood Baron of Vizkopa to help with the loss of Tusk. Both also
proposed Sin Collector in the main as another Resto target, as well as playsets of Lifebane Zombie.

Going from the same general direction, BBD found Lifebane to be less than ideal against most of the meta, while Geralf's Messenger--as anyone who has played it in a list with Resto--becomes meaningful reach and a resilient beater. He also found Blood Baron to simply not be as awesome as one would expect him to be. He's embarrassing against an opposing Thragtusk, and if they happen to be running Mortars, he accomplishes nothing. Obzedat, Ghost Council, however, plays very happily in this deck; the double :symw: can be a bite, but it is not generally an issue given the card draw this deck should generate.

What did come to light in his online testing against Hellrider/Hellkite decks was that Blind Obedience is an effective card in this deck that supports its gameplan well. Killing
the first attacks of hasted creatures provides the opportunity to utterly nullify their effectiveness, and in a deck with so much good cheap removal, it can be equated to "life gain" via damage prevention.

Another shift--again in line with Alex's earlier commentary--was a movement of Vampire Nighthawk to the main. Not only is the card well-fitted for this deck and relatively live in the current meta, but in combination with Obedience he just flat shuts down Hellkite or any other threat that can't First Strike through him or evade with protection (few relevant creatures indeed).

But of course, the main reason to go white in this archetype is Restoration Angel. Alex mentioned playing Undying Evil, which is a card I have always loved but which has bitten me in the butt more than once when I topdecked it rather than a card that could do something on its own. Resto is for all intents and purposes a 4-
mana UE that brings a fine 3/4 flying body with it for the extra cost. It does absurd, nasty things in this deck...the angel should be trading up for black wings. Let your opponent sac to tap DD then attack in, then Resto the demon; they cannot feed it more than once a turn, so now they are crashing into an angel and a huge demon rather than attacking clear. Feed Messenger to Disciple, let him come back, then Resto Disciple the next turn...4 damage across the table and you are up 7 life and have a new starting hand. Resto blinking Nighthawk in response to Thundermaw being cast--dead dragon. Or just blink Obzedat or Messenger for those last points of damage.

Oblivion Ring is a ubiquitous problem-solver...it tackles many of the problem cards that the deck struggles with and allows it to stay on-task.

PLAY - I played around with the deck quite a bit this weekend and I think this is where I'm going to stay most likely until rotation.
Windstrider and I played a number of games with him on an RB Midrange build, and I found it much more flexible than BG. I never thought much about the Extort trigger on Obedience when experimenting with it in Dega, but in a control deck that's not trying to make a specific curve it creates a substantial life swing over time while acting as a mana sink. The removal suite was powerful, though I was reminded of why I dislike Ultimate Price when I was staring at Reckoner across the table after Dan had wrecked my hand with double Duress. I personally think Murder makes more sense as it just flat deals with things like Olivia that dodge the available Terrors. I also think Sever the Bloodline makes sense in the side somewhere given that the Flashback cost is reasonable with this deck and thus it offers more CA.

My other set of test games was against my son on Kibler Dragonmaster. To say that he was frustrated against this deck would be an
understatement; even though he is familiar with the archetype from playing Gruul Aggro against the BG version, the Resto shenanigans and Blind Obedience just wrecked him. For example, he cast Hellkite to tap DD, then came at me with the dragon and Hellrider, apparently giving him the win...except that Resto blinked the demon before blocks then got in front of Hellrider as his dragon got owned by an untapped demon. The demon and angel then took off his head on my turn.

Is BW a "better" deck than BG? I can't really say at this point. But I can say that it's a blast to play and likely a decent twist to carry into an event right now. I plan to keep goofing with it, particularly tweaking the removal suite. I like Alex's idea of using Vault of the Archangel as a mana sink and finisher, but it would obviously mean kicking Mutavault out of the deck. The call would have to
be meta-dependent; against aggro, the Mutavault can save you life early on or punish other decks for a slow start, while Vault is just a monster in the late game.

EDIT: I just saw that BBD took 10th Place at SCG Baltimore with this list; one BG player finished in the Top 8. I updated the list with his final tweaks (Mutilate split 2/1 rather than 1/2, Liliana split 2/1 rather than 3/0, addition of a Mutavault for a total of 61 cards main). I had already made the Mutilate switch as fewer than 2 starting made no sense to me; Lili split is okay, but I'd as soon kick another removal spell to the side. I understand him wanting 3 Mutavault so the deck has a turn 2 option other than removal, but I'm not so much sold on going to 26 land and 61 cards. I've played with 61 often enough, but I'm not sold on this reason to shift. But being as BBD took 10th at Baltimore and I sat home and played at the table, I will shut my yap and defer to him.
Last edited by photodyer on Mon Aug 26, 2013 12:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby photodyer » Mon Aug 26, 2013 9:59 am

RE Alex's Deck - What's not to like? A rogue MBC deck posing as a BG deck that everyone should have a plan for has tilt written all over it for anyone who can't adapt. I like the idea of Pike a lot...I will have to think on that. Did you have any issues with the short mana base, Alex? Running on 23 land seems gutsy as hell in a deck that runs even more high-cost cards than the stock 25-land lists. I thought about trimming to 24 with the BW as I don't have as much of a top end, but I really like making my drops.
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Postby Alex » Mon Aug 26, 2013 1:16 pm

I like decks that play around 23-24, if I were going to make a cut for more land it would almost assuredly be Abrupt Decays though. As it stands my opening hands were right where they needed to be, but it could be argued that playing more is the right call. My mulligan decisions were always very black and white though, and were based more on spell quality than they ever were mana density, but I wasn't keeping super detailed notes, so I can't say for certain, especially considering how small my sample size is.

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Postby rcwraspy » Mon Aug 26, 2013 2:24 pm

Alex and Photo - how do you think the B/w or the B/g/w version(s) fare against Jund and UW/UWr/UB/UBw control?

I think all 3 forms have big game against fast aggro decks, and it looks like the white gives some added value against midrange or large aggro. But Jund is still top dog, and control is starting to reclaim some foothold. Would be interesting to see which version(s) bring the biggest game against those top-dogs.
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Postby Alex » Mon Aug 26, 2013 2:31 pm

I had no problem beating Jund on Saturday, a fair portion of their removal doesn't hit your demons, so they lose pretty badly to Vault of the Archangel + Flying beater.

Jund was actually one of the easiest matchups for me. GR was the deck I was worried about beating, which is funny since I barely played against it at all. 4 Tribute to Hunger and 4 Devour Flesh, as well as the Gloom Surgeons in the sideboard were a nod to that. :P

I added Curse of Death's Hold as another way to deal with stupid Assemble the Legion. It was super effective.

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Postby Platypus » Mon Aug 26, 2013 4:15 pm

Ok, I'm just going to drop my MBC brew from April in here. It performed decently in my tests against my RG deck then. I think the green splash for Thragtusk and Abrupt Decay/Putrefy is probably better than mono-black though.

24 Swamp

2 Bloodgift Demon
4 Desecration Demon
4 Vampire Nighthawk

4 Tribute to Hunger
4 Tragic Slip
4 Victim of Night
3 Mutilate

Other stuff
2 Duress
2 Appetite for Brains
3 Essence Harvest
2 Underworld Connections
2 Runechanter's Pike

1 Mutilate
2 Appetite for Brains
2 Duress
2 Sever the Bloodline
2 Staff of Nin
2 Curse of Death's Hold
4 Beckon Apparition

I would probably try to fit in 1-2 Corrupts in this one, and Liliana of the Dark Realms as well, if the deck survives the rotation (that depends totally on Theros, it loses too much good stuff currently).

Edit: Actually, I think this was the latest version I

[deck]22x Swamp
2x Ghost Quarter

2x Bloodgift Demon
4x Desecration Demon
4x Vampire Nighthawk

2x Sign in Blood
2x Appetite for Brains
3x Staff of Nin
3x Tragic Slip
4x Victim of Night
4x Tribute to Hunger
3x Mutilate
3x Essence Harvest
2x Runechanter's Pike

4x Beckoning Apparition
2x Sever the Bloodline
1x Mutilate
2x Appetite for Brains
3x Duress
1x Tragic Slip
2x Curse of Death's Hold

I'm regretting not trying it out at the FNM when I had the chance, it's getting a bit late for it now...
Last edited by Platypus on Mon Aug 26, 2013 8:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Alex » Mon Aug 26, 2013 5:32 pm

Corrupt is sweet. If I had played more lands I totally would have played it myself.

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Postby photodyer » Tue Aug 27, 2013 1:56 pm

Alex and Photo - how do you think the B/w or the B/g/w version(s) fare against Jund and UW/UWr/UB/UBw control?

I think all 3 forms have big game against fast aggro decks, and it looks like the white gives some added value against midrange or large aggro. But Jund is still top dog, and control is starting to reclaim some foothold. Would be interesting to see which version(s) bring the biggest game against those top-dogs.
All conceptually can outplay Jund because of being more streamlined and because we generally have a better removal profile for them than they do for us. That said, whoever sticks the first big thread has an advantage.

UW and UWx are going to be tough for all forms of the deck unless we can hit some early pressure. If they can
keep us from landing a threat and start chaining revs, we're toast.

UB variants are likely going to be frustrating grindfests, but I have no practical experience here.
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Postby Xanzure » Tue Aug 27, 2013 2:18 pm

Theoretically Bounty is a fantastic card in a long, drawn-out match, but is it going to resolve? And if it does, will it be enough?
After winning one of last week's premier events, I can tell you that Primeval Bounty is the real deal; you go over the top of aggro (if you get to resolve it; that said, it's usually a side out vs. them, but...) and midrange, and if you resolve it as your last spell against control after a series of counters, you're in great shape to win that game from then on. I'm so torn on what direction to take though, I feel like there's a best way to go now between G and W (still unsure exactly what); B/G splash W for Vault, B/W splash G for Tusk, something in-between or maybe slightly off... I've toyed around with
Farseek in B/G splashing R for Rakdos's Return, and also in just straight B/G for added speed/color consistency (getting Tombs for more G and a guaranteed Swamp for Mutilate), but against control and midrange you run out of threats/spells and end up falling behind in that regard. It's also awkward not preempting your T3 Nighthawk/Messenger/Lifebane with a removal spell or Sign.

I just don't know so late into this Standard season.
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Postby rcwraspy » Tue Aug 27, 2013 2:20 pm

Alex and Photo - how do you think the B/w or the B/g/w version(s) fare against Jund and UW/UWr/UB/UBw control?

I think all 3 forms have big game against fast aggro decks, and it looks like the white gives some added value against midrange or large aggro. But Jund is still top dog, and control is starting to reclaim some foothold. Would be interesting to see which version(s) bring the biggest game against those top-dogs.
All conceptually can outplay Jund because of being more streamlined and because we generally have a better removal profile for them than they do for us. That said, whoever
sticks the first big thread has an advantage.

UW and UWx are going to be tough for all forms of the deck unless we can hit some early pressure. If they can keep us from landing a threat and start chaining revs, we're toast.

UB variants are likely going to be frustrating grindfests, but I have no practical experience here.
The pre-M14 version of B/g Rock had a difficult time with the Esper lists that were on the fringes at the time. The only ways I won games 2 and 3 were chaining Geralf's Messengers and tutoring for them via Relentless at the time. Vraska did a lot of work as well, though often not quickly enough. Pithing Needle seems like huge game in that matchup - Drownyard, Jace, etc.

I think a matchup like this is where Alex's idea of Undying Evil is close to brilliant. If the U/B decks start becoming a larger part of the meta, I'll look to find space for it in my SB.
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Postby rcwraspy » Tue Aug 27, 2013 2:25 pm

[quote="[url=viewtopic.php?p=92840#p92840:13tug46m]Xanzure » Tue Aug 27, 2013 9:18 am[/url:13tug46m]":13tug46m][quote="[url=viewtopic.php?p=92426#p92426:13tug46m]photodyer » Mon Aug 26, 2013 1:11 am[/url:13tug46m]":13tug46m]Theoretically Bounty is a fantastic card in a long, drawn-out match, but is it going to resolve? And if it does, will it be enough?[/quote:13tug46m]
After winning one of last week's premier events, I can tell you that Primeval Bounty is the real deal; you go over the top of aggro (if you get to resolve it; that said, it's usually a side out vs. them, but...) and midrange, and if you resolve it as your last spell against control after a series of counters, you're in great shape to win that game from then on. I'm so torn on what direction to take though, I feel like there's a best way to go now
between G and W (still unsure exactly what); B/G splash W for Vault, B/W splash G for Tusk, something in-between or maybe slightly off... I've toyed around with Farseek in B/G splashing R for Rakdos's Return, and also in just straight B/G for added speed/color consistency (getting Tombs for more G and a guaranteed Swamp for Mutilate), but against control and midrange you run out of threats/spells and end up falling behind in that regard. It's also awkward not preempting your T3 Nighthawk/Messenger/Lifebane with a removal spell or Sign.

I just don't know so late into this Standard season.[/quote:13tug46m]
Welcome to the thread, and congrats on your Premier event win! Feel free to stick around and post more.

I agree - there are MANY options for this deck right now. But hey, first world problems, right?

The one thing I do know about it is that the "normal" B/g version is now a known quantity, so any changes will take people by surprise.
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Postby Alex » Tue Aug 27, 2013 4:56 pm

Theoretically Bounty is a fantastic card in a long, drawn-out match, but is it going to resolve? And if it does, will it be enough?
After winning one of last week's premier events, I can tell you that Primeval Bounty is the real deal; you go over the top of aggro (if you get to resolve it; that said, it's usually a side out vs. them, but...) and midrange, and if you resolve it as your last spell against control after a series of
counters, you're in great shape to win that game from then on. I'm so torn on what direction to take though, I feel like there's a best way to go now between G and W (still unsure exactly what); B/G splash W for Vault, B/W splash G for Tusk, something in-between or maybe slightly off... I've toyed around with Farseek in B/G splashing R for Rakdos's Return, and also in just straight B/G for added speed/color consistency (getting Tombs for more G and a guaranteed Swamp for Mutilate), but against control and midrange you run out of threats/spells and end up falling behind in that regard. It's also awkward not preempting your T3 Nighthawk/Messenger/Lifebane with a removal spell or Sign.

I just don't know so late into this Standard season.
Welcome to the thread, and congrats on your Premier event win! Feel free to stick around and post more.

I agree - there are MANY options for this deck right now. But hey, first world problems, right?

The one thing I do know about it is that
the "normal" B/g version is now a known quantity, so any changes will take people by surprise.
I'm pretty sure a lot of my opponents were expecting Lingering Souls and Blood Artists from my deck once they saw the white. They may have even been playing around Restoration Angels at some points.

People who netdeck have a lot of trouble against variations of "known" decks for that reason. They don't know what to put you on if you throw them a random color.

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Postby photodyer » Wed Aug 28, 2013 9:39 am

Good point, Alex; watching this meta as closely as I have throughout the season, I've seen the "twists" you are wraspy are pointing to make the difference in giving people taking wins time and again. Building off of the fundamentals of a deck but adding atypical lines of play sets you up to take advantage of key errors in judgment by your opponent, particularly if you're really solid on how to pilot such a hybrid.
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Postby Alex » Tue Sep 10, 2013 10:06 pm

Moving this to competitive, the deck has been posting consistently.

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Postby rcwraspy » Fri Sep 13, 2013 3:24 pm

yay! My Primer was moved to competitive right before its main engine (Mutilate + Thragtusk) rotates out! :p
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