Corruption Report: Need new assistant?

Here Stardust ensures that the roster of DTR will never go drunk with Internet Power

Moderators: Col. Khaddafi, iamabadman

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Corruption Report: Need new assistant?

Postby Stardust » Tue Nov 05, 2013 4:14 pm

rezombad is blind. Looks for corruption in me while ignoring the stink surrounding us. The users of this forum are fleas on the corpse of a rotten beast, and when that corpse finally grows cold, they will die with it as the flesh turns to ash. For now, they are too busy feeding on the scraps that moderators hand them to see the truth. Thought rezombad above that, but it has become clear that he's no better than your average user, a compromising liberal who above all else values the status quo. Will seek out replacement in the coming days. TubeHunter seems to understand rezombad's faults at least. Will investigate.

admin's effort to stifle my reports plain. Changed colour from flashy green to less visible sky blue. Some ridiculous excuse about user confusion. Sour milk which the sheep will certainly lap up. Despite calm username colour, I will not let this change make me complacent.
Never compromise, even in the face of sky blue usernames.

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Postby Stardust » Tue Nov 05, 2013 6:48 pm

Found rezombad's forgotten documents splayed across the floor. Final page troubling...
Stardust sees movement in the shadows.
I'll leave these documents where he can find them.
In this village there is only scum.
Blood soaked tracks end at janitor's closet. Door is now locked. In this village there is only scum. Must remove myself from this system. In this village there is only scum. rezombad is one of them. In this village there is only scum. Trust no one.

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Postby Stardust » Wed Nov 06, 2013 2:56 pm

TubeHunter's birthday today. Stalking on Facebook, twitter and with my binoculars confirmed Tube's actual birth date, not admin tricks with annoucement. Had cop look into him. Flipped town. Brought him on for trial period. Hopefully he can hunt mods as well as he can hunt tubes.

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